Is there any Human/Civil Rights Atty's on the board?

Um, no.  Vaccine hesitancy / resistance has been around as long as there have been vaccines.  Lots of history about it if you care to look it up and read about it.  Here's an article from the AMA Journal of Ethics from 2012.

Any of this sound familiar:

one more:

So basically vaccine history simply repeating itself . . .
But his isn't a vaccine... Yeah Yeah I looked at the definition and am honestly not sure it meets that criteria either since this is not actually a diminished strain of the actual virus, but is instead a DNA altering substance. They can call it what hey want. but it does not qualify. It does nothing to kill the virus, cure the virus, keep the virus from spreading etc. Simply put, it doesn't trigger the proper immuno-response to do any of the things that a proper vaccine is required to do. When and only when the media stop crushing alternative opinions to their own will we ever know the truth... but since they're as if not more corrupt than the government I doubt an of us will ever know the truth.

I'll add this only to say I'm not an anti-vaxxer, I've had too many to list, my wife and kids have also had all the normal ones. I'm anti this vax because of the consequences I've witnessed 1st hand.

Point 1) If they start herding, it's too late and we're effed. So I don't think he's being hysterical at all... I shouldn't have to choose between a needle and a feeding my family, working a job that I've spent over half my life at. 

Point 2) if your 2A friends are willing to cave that easily, they are pussies and shouldn't own guns in the 1st place IMHO
What do you feel would be a good sign that they are heading toward herding people onto trains?

I agree, those guys really disappointed me with their unwillingness to stand up for their 2A rights. I'm glad they were honest, but I hope they were the minority. We need people to start standing up for the Constitution. This issue is just the tip of the iceberg. I posted a thread about how the FBI recently raided safe deposit boxes and stole $86M from innocent people's life savings, but I got little response here on the board. It may seem unrelated, but add that to recent laws giving land reparations to black families, programs giving black families $40k to $70k towards a down payment to buy a house up to $1.25M to build "generational wealth" (WTF happened to buying a starter home?? What, every black family deserves a McMansion at taxpayer's expense??), the loss of everyone's digital privacy, etc. and when you put it all together, our rights are being eroded on a hundred different sides, at multiple levels. The problem is, few people are seeing the whole picture, and just like throughout history, nobody seems to care unless it directly affects them.

The gov't has already gotten WAAY too big, is giving away WAAY too much foreign aid and trampling on all of our rights simultaneously.

Isn't there a "BLOCK" action we can take here to not see certain members post anymore?

  You still whining because I said I don't know you? Maybe you're too sensitive to be viewing topics that could trigger you? Covid and vaccines are a sensitive topic. I have yet to personally attack you even though you have done so to me multiple times. Get over yourself you little crybaby.


What do you feel would be a good sign that they are heading toward herding people onto trains?

I agree, those guys really disappointed me with their unwillingness to stand up for their 2A rights. I'm glad they were honest, but I hope they were the minority. We need people to start standing up for the Constitution. This issue is just the tip of the iceberg. I posted a thread about how the FBI recently raided safe deposit boxes and stole $86M from innocent people's life savings, but I got little response here on the board. It may seem unrelated, but add that to recent laws giving land reparations to black families, programs giving black families $40k to $70k towards a down payment to buy a house up to $1.25M to build "generational wealth" (WTF happened to buying a starter home?? What, every black family deserves a McMansion at taxpayer's expense??), the loss of everyone's digital privacy, etc. and when you put it all together, our rights are being eroded on a hundred different sides, at multiple levels. The problem is, few people are seeing the whole picture, and just like throughout history, nobody seems to care unless it directly affects them.

The gov't has already gotten WAAY too big, is giving away WAAY too much foreign aid and trampling on all of our rights simultaneously.
They already have compliance and approval from the left to do what they want to them, they've already started the herding IMP, just short of actually opening the box car doors. I saw your post about the raid and am wondering when it moves to our homes, unlawful search and seizure is absolutely real and has gone unchecked for a long time under liberal rule... it's only going to get worse unless Americans start to grow a pair again, stand up and say enough is enough. I told my wife, when the time comes to hop in the car and haul ass to one of our parents places and hide out in the basement or safe room, but be ready to be able to do it on your own because I'm probably not going to be around afterwards if that day comes. The government and all it's cronies have taken way too much for way too long and it's time that chit is put to an end. 

You are so wrong on this part, LOTD,

There are very few vaxxed people I know who are worried about me, it is all about them and the "world".

I do have ONE sister (out of 8 siblings and my parents) and some friends who are vaxxed and concerned about me but even read the comments on many articles and you'll see for most people there is no "concern" for the unvaxxed.
I so AGREE Julie!!! 

What do you feel would be a good sign that they are heading toward herding people onto trains?

I agree, those guys really disappointed me with their unwillingness to stand up for their 2A rights. I'm glad they were honest, but I hope they were the minority. We need people to start standing up for the Constitution. This issue is just the tip of the iceberg. I posted a thread about how the FBI recently raided safe deposit boxes and stole $86M from innocent people's life savings, but I got little response here on the board. It may seem unrelated, but add that to recent laws giving land reparations to black families, programs giving black families $40k to $70k towards a down payment to buy a house up to $1.25M to build "generational wealth" (WTF happened to buying a starter home?? What, every black family deserves a McMansion at taxpayer's expense??), the loss of everyone's digital privacy, etc. and when you put it all together, our rights are being eroded on a hundred different sides, at multiple levels. The problem is, few people are seeing the whole picture, and just like throughout history, nobody seems to care unless it directly affects them.

The gov't has already gotten WAAY too big, is giving away WAAY too much foreign aid and trampling on all of our rights simultaneously.
No need to herd the people into trains. They will just starve to death in their own homes  when you can't go anywhere without  the proper marks or passport.

No need to herd the people into trains. They will just starve to death in their own homes  when you can't go anywhere without  the proper marks or passport.
I think we are more resourceful than that, in general. There were all of those people who sat on the roof of the stadium in Louisiana after Katrina instead of evacuating and Puerto Rico seems incapable of feeding itself or rebuilding it's own power grid and chose to blame Trump for their own inability to do anything.

I would like to think that those people who depend on the gov't to rescue them are not the norm.

Let's keep it civil if you have issue with a member take it to pms.

Orange was looking for a referral not a debate  on the merits of if you should or should not get the vaccine. 

Edit to add: 

La County Sheriff's dept were going to loose so many officers they pulled their mandate.

No need to herd the people into trains. They will just starve to death in their own homes  when you can't go anywhere without  the proper marks or passport.
It pretty much reminds me of the "scraps" from the movie Demolition Man. Everyone is coded, and those who don't want to be lives undergrounds and fights to survive. So much for "land of the free, home of the brave" 

C'mon, don't you think you're being a little hysterical? They're giving people a choice. Get vaxxed, or provide a medical or religious reason why you don't want to. Or sue, find another job - they have plenty of choices.

IF people start getting herded onto trains headed to concentration camps, then perhaps your analogy might be accurate. If it ever comes to that, people like myself will take an active role in protecting your rights. That's as specific as I'll get in public.

I've spoken to several of my fellow 2A gun owners and the majority of them told me - if forced to turn in their guns, they would hand them over. I'm more than a little disappointed in them. The reality is the only thing keeping a tyranny at bay is our collective firepower. If people don't start taking the fight for the 2A seriously and be willing to do whatever it takes, then none of us are really safe from the gov.
It's not being hysterical.... it is thinking ahead and learning from history. Do you believe "Nazi Germany" Just sprung up over night?  It was a long series of conditioning and people "following orders" that got it to the grand finale we all learned about in history class.

Look how far we've come in the last 1.5 years.  Proof of vaccination to keep your jobs? to go to a concert or bar? Can't go to a hospital visit with a loved one unless you're vaxxed?  To say non vaxxed people are not being singled out / segregated by govt and society would just not be true.  If you go back in time to march 1st 2020.... and went and spent a few months on a deserted island, and then came back home to the US.... you would not recognize the place, and would think you are being punked.  I never thought I'd see the day where cops would kick my family off the beach on 4th of July (2020).... but hey, they were just following orders.

also.... most gun owners would cave.  Most people do not want any discomfort in their lives and would not want to fight / stand up for any sort of principles.  The revolution wasn't started by the masses... it was started by a small group of patriots who have had enough..... fast forward some years, and look where we are now. 

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  You still whining because I said I don't know you? Maybe you're too sensitive to be viewing topics that could trigger you? Covid and vaccines are a sensitive topic. I have yet to personally attack you even though you have done so to me multiple times. Get over yourself you little crybaby.

View attachment 15723
Well, that is one way to have a civil debate. I would have done it differently, but oh well... 

It's not being hysterical.... it is thinking ahead and learning from history. Do you believe "Nazi Germany" Just sprung up over night?  It was a long series of conditioning and people "following orders" that got it to the grand finally we all learned about in history class.

Look how far we've come in the last 1.5 years.  Proof of vaccination to keep your jobs? to go to a concert or bar? Can't go to a hospital visit with a loved one unless you're vaxxed?  To say non vaxxed people are not being singled out / segregated by govt and society would just not be true.  If you go back in time to march 1st 2020.... and went and spent a few months on a deserted island, and then came back home to the US.... you would not recognize the place, and would think you are being punked.  I never thought I'd see the day where cops would kick my family off the beach on 4th of July (2020).... but hey, they were just following orders.

also.... most gun owners would cave.  Most people do not want any discomfort in their lives and would not want to fight / stand up for any sort of principles.  The revolution wasn't started by the masses... it was started by a small group of patriots who have had enough..... fast forward some years, and look where we are now. 
I gotta say, I agree with 99% of what you said. The unvaxxed are being singled out, things have already gone too far in response to this covid virus, people are way too complacent these days, like you said, they don't want any discomfort.

I just don't see the actual trains, YET. But I do agree, the gov't is showing all of the precursors of that level of fascism. The big difference is we are still armed and now we have the web to keep us informed much faster than the Germans were back then.

Back around 1990 or so, I was getting alarmed at videos I was seeing of bases (mostly air bases) that were converted to concentration camps instead of being closed due to BRAC. The barbed wire was turned inward at the top of the fences, railroad spurs ended at turnstiles that led to the huge hangars filled with bunk beds in rows and the mag stripe on the back of a D/L could unlock the turnstiles. I'm not saying that this precise event was planned 30 yrs ago, but the groundwork was laid in case they wanted to use it in the future.

I would like to think that those people who depend on the gov't to rescue them are not the norm.
There was a time I would have agreed with you on this, but after seeing what I have the past 12 years I fear all is lost. Nobody wants to fend for themselves, they have all be indoctrinated into being self entitled little bholes that depend on all the free chit they can get for their happiness and willingness to survive. Hence, the socialist movement that sweeping across this land.

There was a time I would have agreed with you on this, but after seeing what I have the past 12 years I fear all is lost. Nobody wants to fend for themselves, they have all be indoctrinated into being self entitled little bholes that depend on all the free chit they can get for their happiness and willingness to survive. Hence, the socialist movement that sweeping across this land.
I often feel the same way, but we live in CA. I have friends in WY, MT, AL, TN, etc who own ranches, grow their own food, carry rifles on their land as they tend to their farms and ranches and teach their kids to be self reliant and distrustful of strangers - the gov't especially. They work hard and take no handouts.

So I keep telling myself that what I see on TV and here in this liberal sh1thole is not true nationwide. I pray to God that's the case, or it's gonna take strong action to fix it. I know for certain that all of my fellow sub sailors took the same oath you and I did, and the last time I talked to them (2019 reunion) all of us remember it and we all feel we are still bound by it. 

I often feel the same way, but we live in CA. I have friends in WY, MT, AL, TN, etc who own ranches, grow their own food, carry rifles on their land as they tend to their farms and ranches and teach their kids to be self reliant and distrustful of strangers - the gov't especially. They work hard and take no handouts.

So I keep telling myself that what I see on TV and here in this liberal sh1thole is not true nationwide. I pray to God that's the case, or it's gonna take strong action to fix it. I know for certain that all of my fellow sub sailors took the same oath you and I did, and the last time I talked to them (2019 reunion) all of us remember it and we all feel we are still bound by it. 
We have been looking for a place to go and do what your friends have done, I just haven't been able to pull the trigger yet. 

I've mentioned this before, but 2 of my 4 kids, boy 24 and daughter 22, totally flipped from socialist liberals (as they were taught to be in school) to hard core Republicans sometime about 3/4 years ago.

They're both highly intelligent and kinda 'figured it out' on their own. Very happy for me. My wife is a bleeding heart liberal. Not sure where my 15 year old will land.

We don't discuss politics in my household.


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