Is there any Human/Civil Rights Atty's on the board?

I've mentioned this before, but 2 of my 4 kids, boy 24 and daughter 22, totally flipped from socialist liberals (as they were taught to be in school) to hard core Republicans sometime about 3/4 years ago.

They're both highly intelligent and kinda 'figured it out' on their own. Very happy for me. My wife is a bleeding heart liberal. Not sure where my 15 year old will land. We don't discuss politics in my household.

My daughters have been polar opposites. Oldest was a Bernie supporter, youngest is conservative. We really don't discuss politics much, but they know where I stand and respect my position.

But recently my oldest told me she is very confused with current events. My only advice was to quit social media platforms such as FB, Twitter, IG. Then give it some time and see if her confusion lessens. I don't think it will eliminate all her confusion, but may lead to a somewhat clearer picture. At least I hope so.

Edit to add that I'm a firm believer in leading by example. Kids will watch what their parents do and will learn more from that than any other influence out there.

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You bet, my son caught the entrepreneurial bug watching Dad run his own successful business from home for 17 years. Doubt he barley remembers when I had to do the corporate suit n' tie deal (guess he was 7 when I bailed).

I don't think he'll be 'satisfied' until he's bringing down $500k-$1M + / year. I never will measure a person by the size of their wallet, but having/making good money gives you an amount of freedom that money does buy.

Lead by example.. 100%!


PS. Just got done watching my Ben Shapiro show and I wasn't aware the government mandate for over 100 employees is actually a Biden bluff (in the private sector)... Daily Wire was prepping for a lawsuit against the government for a private corporation mandate. Unfortunately, it appears most large corporations are doing it,.. maybe they just don't want to have to pay 'sick leave.' .. or they're woke.

I sure hope my 3 kids who got the shot, (my son won't get it, he's 24) don't end up with like congestive heart failure or something in 5-10 years. 

.. forgive me, but I can let my imagination run away sometimes.


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PS. Just got done watching my Ben Shapiro show and I wasn't aware the government mandate for over 100 employees is actually a Biden bluff (in the private sector)... Daily Wire was prepping for a lawsuit against the government for a private corporation mandate. Unfortunately, it appears most large corporations are doing it,.. maybe they just don't want to have to pay 'sick leave.' .. or they're woke.

I sure hope my 3 kids who got the shot, (my son won't get it, he's 24) don't end up with like congestive heart failure or something in 5-10 years. 

.. forgive me, but I can let my imagination run away sometimes.

This is 100% correct and not enough people realize this. He mandated it for federal employees and REQUESTED businesses in the private sector follow suit and they themselves require their employees to do it too. Then since that was rolling slow he doubled down by stating (twice now) that OSHA will be setting guidelines that WILL impose these requirements in the private sector. Only problem is to this point it is only a bluff too, and a calculated bluff. He wants all the private businesses to "make this decision on their own" without having to mandate it. Because once the Govt does apply the mandate to private businesses then people, and more importantly State Attorney Generals, can actually file lawsuits against it, which currently without the mandate they can't. We can't sue to stop something that these business are doing by their own free will. (This is the part that Sand and Surf keeps looking over, business are doing this under their "own free will" while being threatened by our Govt. That doesn't sound to free will to me, if it was the businesses would have mandated it as soon as the Vax got FDA approval (at the latest).

All of this is being done VERY calculated and people are not paying close enough attention. Just like the Twitter linked above, United Airlines is ow 99% vaccinated, leading people to believe that 99% of their ORIGINAL employees are now vaccinated, and that is exactly what the headline readers believe. Not the actual truth, that a large percentage of that originally non-vaccinated 40%, no longer work for UA, thus removing them for the percent tally being reported.

I am of the stance, you want to get the shock, great. If you don't want to get the shot great. Either way lets respect each other regardless and go get a beer. But forcing everyone to get the shot is a big problem.

This is 100% correct and not enough people realize this. He mandated it for federal employees and REQUESTED businesses in the private sector follow suit and they themselves require their employees to do it too. Then since that was rolling slow he doubled down by stating (twice now) that OSHA will be setting guidelines that WILL impose these requirements in the private sector. Only problem is to this point it is only a bluff too, and a calculated bluff. He wants all the private businesses to "make this decision on their own" without having to mandate it. Because once the Govt does apply the mandate to private businesses then people, and more importantly State Attorney Generals, can actually file lawsuits against it, which currently without the mandate they can't. We can't sue to stop something that these business are doing by their own free will. (This is the part that Sand and Surf keeps looking over, business are doing this under their "own free will" while being threatened by our Govt. That doesn't sound to free will to me, if it was the businesses would have mandated it as soon as the Vax got FDA approval (at the latest).

All of this is being done VERY calculated and people are not paying close enough attention. Just like the Twitter linked above, United Airlines is ow 99% vaccinated, leading people to believe that 99% of their ORIGINAL employees are now vaccinated, and that is exactly what the headline readers believe. Not the actual truth, that a large percentage of that originally non-vaccinated 40%, no longer work for UA, thus removing them for the percent tally being reported.

I am of the stance, you want to get the shock, great. If you don't want to get the shot great. Either way lets respect each other regardless and go get a beer. But forcing everyone to get the shot is a big problem.
I have read this same thing on several sources. All Government is crooked and manipulative, but the Biden admin has taken it to a whole new level.

All of this is being done VERY calculated and people are not paying close enough attention. Just like the Twitter linked above, United Airlines is ow 99% vaccinated, leading people to believe that 99% of their ORIGINAL employees are now vaccinated, and that is exactly what the headline readers believe. Not the actual truth, that a large percentage of that originally non-vaccinated 40%, no longer work for UA, thus removing them for the percent tally being reported.
 ? ? ? ?

  • United Airlines told its 67,000 U.S. employees in August that they must be vaccinated against Covid-19 by this fall.
  • More than 96% complied with the mandate, and 2,000 sought exemptions.
  • The number of employees facing termination dropped from 593 to 320 after the deadline passed.

Think about it, if 40% of their employees actually quit

1: it would have been a big story, and

2: they wouldn't be able to conduct business.  Carry on . .

 ? ? ? ?

  • United Airlines told its 67,000 U.S. employees in August that they must be vaccinated against Covid-19 by this fall.
  • More than 96% complied with the mandate, and 2,000 sought exemptions.
  • The number of employees facing termination dropped from 593 to 320 after the deadline passed.

Think about it, if 40% of their employees actually quit

1: it would have been a big story, and

2: they wouldn't be able to conduct business.  Carry on . .
That would have been better for all of us, United has been living off the back of taxpayers for the past 20 years anyway. I'd love to see them go belly up

It pretty much reminds me of the "scraps" from the movie Demolition Man. Everyone is coded, and those who don't want to be lives undergrounds and fights to survive. So much for "land of the free, home of the brave" 
In that movie they didn't have toilet paper so.......

 ? ? ? ?

  • United Airlines told its 67,000 U.S. employees in August that they must be vaccinated against Covid-19 by this fall.
  • More than 96% complied with the mandate, and 2,000 sought exemptions.
  • The number of employees facing termination dropped from 593 to 320 after the deadline passed.

Think about it, if 40% of their employees actually quit

1: it would have been a big story, and

2: they wouldn't be able to conduct business.  Carry on . .
The more disturbing part for me was that he reveled in the fact that peoples livelihoods were threatened to coerce them to do something they did not want to do. No matter your political stance, that was disgusting.

The more disturbing part for me was that he reveled in the fact that peoples livelihoods were threatened to coerce them to do something they did not want to do. No matter your political stance, that was disgusting.
I'm assuming "he" is Biden and if so, maybe yore timeline is off?  United enacted this in August and the current administration didn't announce their Vaxx policy until the 2nd week of September.

As far as it goes though, methinks the administration enacted their "mandate" in order to give cover to large(ish) corporations to do what the corporations had already intended to do, which is have a vaxx mandate as a condition of employment  (This is simply the world we live in with powerful HR Depts). 

(This is simply the world we live in with powerful HR Depts). 
My wife retired after 40 years of commitment to her profession and her community. She could have continued working except for this Major "Non Human" Female B*T*H! I've always wanted to tell this woman off. NO PERSON should be like that. I don't care what kind of power you THINK you have. Peace

I'm assuming "he" is Biden and if so, maybe yore timeline is off?  United enacted this in August and the current administration didn't announce their Vaxx policy until the 2nd week of September.

As far as it goes though, methinks the administration enacted their "mandate" in order to give cover to large(ish) corporations to do what the corporations had already intended to do, which is have a vaxx mandate as a condition of employment  (This is simply the world we live in with powerful HR Depts). 
Correct, I was speaking of Biden and the press conference where he praised United for getting to 99%. Biden just appeared to me to revel in the success United had by threatening their workers livelihoods. Maybe it's just me?

I totally agree with your other point as far as giving cover, in fact I said that to my wife when Biden announced his executive branch mandate. Biden went from not believing in mandates to encouraging mandates fairly quickly, I'm sure with a little prodding from big business. 

I'm interested in setting up a consultation about the vax being forced on us at work. My wife's been with her co 18 years and I've been with mine 27. It's a tough decision to toss it all away but it appears that's what coming if we can't get this crap resolved
my gf and I are on the same boat.  we have till Dec 8th to be fully vaccinated. 13 plus years in the aerospace industry.  we worked our asses off to get where we are and now it has come to this.  We will file religious exemptions but will hold out until they terminate us if we are rejected.  We saw this coming and have been seeking employment out of state.  we started a couple side hustles as well but in the end we're disgusted that we are being backed into a corner and are being coerced. If the gov can get away with this, does everyone think it will stop there?? What's next?? there's so much lies, misinformation and the story and data keeps changing week to week.  we just want the truth and freedom of choice. Americans will never agree on everything but freedom is essential.  This is our hill and we're willing to see it till the end.  🇺🇲

my gf and I are on the same boat.  we have till Dec 8th to be fully vaccinated. 13 plus years in the aerospace industry.  we worked our asses off to get where we are and now it has come to this.  We will file religious exemptions but will hold out until they terminate us if we are rejected.  We saw this coming and have been seeking employment out of state.  we started a couple side hustles as well but in the end we're disgusted that we are being backed into a corner and are being coerced. If the gov can get away with this, does everyone think it will stop there?? What's next?? there's so much lies, misinformation and the story and data keeps changing week to week.  we just want the truth and freedom of choice. Americans will never agree on everything but freedom is essential.  This is our hill and we're willing to see it till the end.  🇺🇲
I realize the want of freedom. I too want the same thing. But quitting my job isn’t going to change the outcome of what my employer is going to do. What it will change is my retirement I’ve worked hard for, my families financial stability, and my families future. Now if all of you that are “ standing up for your rights” actually did something to try and change the outcome than that’s a valiant effort. Just quitting your job and future in hopes that it will change something seems crazy to me. Put a petition together, storm the White House, band together and force people to hear you, this is actually trying to make a change. Coming on here and complaining isn’t doing shiz. I’m sorry if this seems harsh, believe me I feel the same way everyone unvaccinated feels, but I’m not willing to go through the hassles of trying to organize such an event. Call me a sell out, call me sheep, but in the end, I’m being real and honest with myself. Everyone else on here complaining but doing nothing about it or thinking quitting their future is gonna change something, is just lying to themselves and frankly talking out of their azz. The OP seems to be trying to find a way to make a change and I applaud him. The rest that are just planning to make a personal stand and go down guns blazin to me are crazy. I too hate that I feel my hand was forced to get the vaccine. Honestly, I had choices so I wasn’t forced. As do all of you. You may not like the choices your givin, but you do have choices. Make the choice and stick by it. What ever your choice was, don’t complain about it. In the end, YOU made the choice.

I realize the want of freedom. I too want the same thing. But quitting my job isn’t going to change the outcome of what my employer is going to do. What it will change is my retirement I’ve worked hard for, my families financial stability, and my families future. Now if all of you that are “ standing up for your rights” actually did something to try and change the outcome than that’s a valiant effort. Just quitting your job and future in hopes that it will change something seems crazy to me. Put a petition together, storm the White House, band together and force people to hear you, this is actually trying to make a change. Coming on here and complaining isn’t doing shiz. I’m sorry if this seems harsh, believe me I feel the same way everyone unvaccinated feels, but I’m not willing to go through the hassles of trying to organize such an event. Call me a sell out, call me sheep, but in the end, I’m being real and honest with myself. Everyone else on here complaining but doing nothing about it or thinking quitting their future is gonna change something, is just lying to themselves and frankly talking out of their azz. The OP seems to be trying to find a way to make a change and I applaud him. The rest that are just planning to make a personal stand and go down guns blazin to me are crazy. I too hate that I feel my hand was forced to get the vaccine. Honestly, I had choices so I wasn’t forced. As do all of you. You may not like the choices your givin, but you do have choices. Make the choice and stick by it. What ever your choice was, don’t complain about it. In the end, YOU made the choice.
I respect your decision as I do everyone else's...its a choice and that's the point. I'm currently organizing with like minded people at my work.  I have a good sized group of 20 people and its growing.  our location is already falling.  they can't keep up with the current demand and the candidates applying haven't been meeting the cut. can they replace everyone overnight? there is high turnover there and I really believe that if we stand together we can make an impact. if not then I'm willing to accept termination and move on...I won't quit.  there is strength in numbers.  I respect that you're willing to do whatever it takes to make sure you support your family. everyone has their own non-negotiables. I am making a stand and acting... not just complaining. im willing to accept the consequences of my decisions. 

I respect your decision as I do everyone else's...its a choice and that's the point. I'm currently organizing with like minded people at my work.  I have a good sized group of 20 people and its growing.  our location is already falling.  they can't keep up with the current demand and the candidates applying haven't been meeting the cut. can they replace everyone overnight? there is high turnover there and I really believe that if we stand together we can make an impact. if not then I'm willing to accept termination and move on...I won't quit.  there is strength in numbers.  I respect that you're willing to do whatever it takes to make sure you support your family. everyone has their own non-negotiables. I am making a stand and acting... not just complaining. im willing to accept the consequences of my decisions. 
This my friend is the way to go about it. I do truly hope that we can all overcome this. None of this crap is fair. Even though some of us may have different views on the subject we are still part of the same community. We are the GD community!

I can't tell the difference between glamisdunes and Facebook anymore so much misinformation on both it's a shame. glamisdunes used to be a good place for information and help so I guess all the a-holes can just carry on and destroy Glamisdunes just like Facebook.

Did you get a polio shot did you have a choice
If Covid had a 15 to 30% death rate and up to 75% becoming lame, I think a lot more people would be getting it. 

Less than 1% chance we're talking here. Do you know how many things have a 1% chance of death? 

This is one post out of hundreds and hundreds here why does that make GD a shitty place? I think there's a lot more trust between people here and opinions are taken a little more seriously. It's helpful to some like myself.

People got shittier about Robbie Gordon's sxs.

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