Is there any Human/Civil Rights Atty's on the board?

People got shittier about Robbie Gordon's sxs.
Since you brought it up...

What kind of people get shitty over a SxS?

Does that make their opinions more valid?

Did Robby do something to them personally? 

Does that say something about the SxS, or the haters?

Since you brought it up...

What kind of people get shitty over a SxS?

Does that make their opinions more valid?

Did Robby do something to them personally? 

Does that say something about the SxS, or the haters?
Edit..  not going to get this thread twisted anymore than it needs to.

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Covid has really Effed up this world on so many levels I just find it hard to believe. It has made life tough for so many people and I think it’s only going to get worse.

Sucks to witness the divide happening live right here on GD. I miss my SCU, the compound and the good ole days!

This new world can go Eff itself and the China train it rode in on.

If Covid had a 15 to 30% death rate and up to 75% becoming lame, I think a lot more people would be getting it. 

Less than 1% chance we're talking here. Do you know how many things have a 1% chance of death? 

This is one post out of hundreds and hundreds here why does that make GD a shitty place? I think there's a lot more trust between people here and opinions are taken a little more seriously. It's helpful to some like myself.

People got shittier about Robbie Gordon's sxs.
It's all on glamis dunes that's my point

C'mon, don't you think you're being a little hysterical? They're giving people a choice. Get vaxxed, or provide a medical or religious reason why you don't want to. Or sue, find another job - they have plenty of choices.

IF people start getting herded onto trains headed to concentration camps, then perhaps your analogy might be accurate. If it ever comes to that, people like myself will take an active role in protecting your rights. That's as specific as I'll get in public.

I've spoken to several of my fellow 2A gun owners and the majority of them told me - if forced to turn in their guns, they would hand them over. I'm more than a little disappointed in them. The reality is the only thing keeping a tyranny at bay is our collective firepower. If people don't start taking the fight for the 2A seriously and be willing to do whatever it takes, then none of us are really safe from the gov.
You are aware they didn’t start by hurding people into cattle cars, first it was requiring  papers to travel, then it was a star/mask to indicate the undesirables, next came making radios, (the social media of the day) illegal for the undesirables, then they started deleting content and censoring content that didn’t agree with state propaganda, but in 1930’s they burnt books to that end, then they made it illegal for the undesirables to have certain jobs or shop most places, then they started limiting where they could live… this all took about 8 years of progression before the boxcars and showers.    

You are aware they didn’t start by hurding people into cattle cars, first it was requiring  papers to travel, then it was a star/mask to indicate the undesirables, next came making radios, (the social media of the day) illegal for the undesirables, then they started deleting content and censoring content that didn’t agree with state propaganda, but in 1930’s they burnt books to that end, then they made it illegal for the undesirables to have certain jobs or shop most places, then they started limiting where they could live… this all took about 8 years of progression before the boxcars and showers.    
So what is your plan?

Looks like those of you that got the juice sold out to soon.


Because this is still about protecting people from a viruse that has a less then 1% chance of killing you. 


Get your criminal record erased!

Get released from prison!

Get out of jail free card!

Get your free license to murder an unvaccinated person!

Just come down and get vaccinated and all this could be yours!

... As I mentioned my family (even my 15 year old) all got the jab, except my 24 year old son. I support personal choice, freedom and everyone can evaluate your own risk. 

.. But let's get to the 'FDA Approved' portion of this debate. Back in the early 90's stressed going through college I was presdcribed Zantac (prescription at the time). Stress, I had ulcers and awful acid reflux. .. Zantac would become 'over the counter' and I have taken thousands.. I'd guess at least 2500 of those pills.. took the high dose 150mg twice a day for YEARS.. decades even. 

Well fast forward April of 2020 (nearly 30 years since I started using it), the FDA has pulled it off the market. Ranitidine is the pharmicutical name.

The bottom line is this drug reduces acid production which worked incredible for acid belly, acid reflux. However, one side effect is it made your body hold on to too much bile. Bile which we produce to get rid of toxins (and poop out) is carcinogenic. Therefore, habitual users like myself develop all sorts of 'gut' cancers. 

I will NOT be shocked if end up with pancreatic, stomach, intestine, colon, etc. cancer at some point. Heck, might have it now and don't know it.

Bottom line, the FDA approval means diddly to me. You could argue that this cancer side effect wouldn't have presented itself for sometime, but I'll bet there was 'evidence' a hell of a lot earlier than 30 after it was created years ago... OK. .sorry 40 years ago 'Ranitidine was discovered in England in 1976, and came into commercial use in 1981'

Food for thought for those who are weary about the jab. As someone else stated, I've put more crap in my body, did more wild things, etc. for me to be worried about this jab. But that's just it, personal risk assessment. The only one (it seems) that can kill ABC.. is ABC.. 

Sorry for the long post.. I hate reading long posts.. without pictures... 

Look up Phenylpropanolamine (PPA for short).
About killed me in 1999 when in 6 months I went from having normal BP to being in the hospital one night with my BP at 215/180 and blood clots the size of my hand coming out my nose.
A week of tests finding there was nothing "wrong" with me and the doctors had no idea why.
I figured it out a couple years later when they pulled it off the market and it hit the news.
Young women were sometimes dying after ONE dose - I had taken it in an OTC allergy pill for 6 months.
FDA approval means pretty much nothing to me.

I can't tell the difference between glamisdunes and Facebook anymore so much misinformation on both it's a shame. glamisdunes used to be a good place for information and help so I guess all the a-holes can just carry on and destroy Glamisdunes just like Facebook.
I guess it's a good thing this isn't your thread then... don't like it, don't read it. There's always room for debate and discussions. BTW, Your polio comment was one of the most MIS-INFORMED comments in this thread. Pot meet kettle...

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I can't tell the difference between glamisdunes and Facebook anymore so much misinformation on both it's a shame. glamisdunes used to be a good place for information and help so I guess all the a-holes can just carry on and destroy Glamisdunes just like Facebook.
You can't tell the difference? FB is blue, and GD is kinda tan/beige. Educate yourself!

Look up Phenylpropanolamine (PPA for short).
About killed me in 1999 when in 6 months I went from having normal BP to being in the hospital one night with my BP at 215/180 and blood clots the size of my hand coming out my nose.
A week of tests finding there was nothing "wrong" with me and the doctors had no idea why.
I figured it out a couple years later when they pulled it off the market and it hit the news.
Young women were sometimes dying after ONE dose - I had taken it in an OTC allergy pill for 6 months.
FDA approval means pretty much nothing to me.
the biggest problem with the FDA next to/after the corruption is that they rely on data from other sources. They don't typically do any of their own testing... if multiple reports are fudged and all show the same results then it's used. Seen the movie "The Fugitive"? Yup, just like that but IRL.

That’s got to be an effing joke. Where’s the Punk’d cameras?
Colorado had a Lottery to entice people to get the Jab.  5 one million dollar prizes, plus 25 $50,000 scholarships to teens.  My cousin in Littleton (Denver) was telling me about it when I was visiting her a couple months ago.  I was kinda shocked.  The couple that live behind the were winners.

Colorado had a Lottery to entice people to get the Jab.  5 one million dollar prizes, plus 25 $50,000 scholarships to teens.  My cousin in Littleton (Denver) was telling me about it when I was visiting her a couple months ago.  I was kinda shocked.  The couple that live behind the were winners.
New Mexico did the same thing. Something like four $1m drawings and a final $5m drawing. They also had periods where they would give $100 to everyone that got a jab during the period and the Indian reservations were given out $30 free gasoline. I entered the drawings for the big $ even though I’m not vaxxed. Figured maybe I could  sue for discrimination if I won and they tried to take it away from me since the website to sign up didn’t verify the vax. 

Colorado had a Lottery to entice people to get the Jab.  5 one million dollar prizes, plus 25 $50,000 scholarships to teens.  My cousin in Littleton (Denver) was telling me about it when I was visiting her a couple months ago.  I was kinda shocked.  The couple that live behind the were winners.
CA did it. Those that where  "randomly selected" got to spin a wheel to see what they won a million was one possibility.
