Is there any Human/Civil Rights Atty's on the board?

In order to have a valid opinion and hold an informed discussion about any topic, one must be well informed with the truth, the facts. A flat earther has an opinion, but it's invalid because it's a scientific fact that the earth is an oblate spheroid, not flat.

This entire thread is filled with a lot of misinformation, or more accurately, disinformation. I blame the media, which is now nothing more than a source of propaganda, and the social media platforms such as FB, etc which are exploiting everyone's fears, likes, dislikes, political agendas, etc just for profit. The more they keep you engaged, the more money they make and the posts they use to do that are not fact checked. They're not trying to educate you, they're trying to profit off of your clicks and the amount of time you spend on there.

I'm not even sure that the position Project Veritas espouses is about truth, possibly there's a political agenda behind their videos. That's not to say that the hidden camera discussions they posted are not true - I'm sure those Pfizer employees did say what they said, but is it the whole story? Is there an equally valid side they left out?

I would recommend everyone vet their sources and make sure it's not just another fake source putting out fake info. The truth IS out there, you just have to be able to tell sh1t from shinola.

Here's a source for beginners.

what is comical... go to google and search "vaccine linked to My.." and it no longer gives you the google search recommendation.....  c'mon now lol
This is the primary reason I stopped using Google and now only use DuckDuckGo.

Fvck Google right up their stretched out anuses.  Cowards- many of their executives abandoned the US during the pandemic and lived on private islands.

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Here's a source for beginners.

what is comical... go to google and search "vaccine linked to My.." and it no longer gives you the google search recommendation.....  c'mon now lol
Google brings up that link as the first one on the top of the page.




Search Modes







About 7,510,000 results (0.71 seconds) 


Search Results

Featured snippet from the web

Cases of myocarditis reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) have occurred: After mRNA COVID-19 vaccination (Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna), especially in male adolescents and young adults, More often after the second dose. Usually within several days after vaccination.Sep 8, 2021


Myocarditis and Pericarditis After mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination › 2019-ncov › vaccines › safety › m...




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This is one of my favorite commercials.. just thinking how it relates to how we get our information/facts.. LOL

There is nothing true anymore, this thread proves that you can't stand on one side without the other side ridiculing.  Such a sad state this board is becoming.  Similar to Facebook.  People of this board used to not treat each other like this............

He asked for a source, I spent ten seconds and posted it and you lame.  Virtually every source is skewed now.
Social Media is now the source for most.  Memes are now factual news and Twitter post are on the spot news reports.  LOL!

I remember a time when the Newspaper was the trusted source. 

One thing is for sure the pandemic has brought out the conspiracy and mistrust.  Social media is just the fuel that helps feed it. 

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Sucks you're put in this position and I feel for all you guys that are in risk of loosing your careers.  As others have stated a fake card isn't a good idea for work, but it's a great idea for concerts, airlines, other types of Karen's.  If it was really about our safety they would test people for Covid and antibodies.  But they aren't, at least not on a large scale. 

I've tested twice for my job, last one just about 36 hours ago.  I'm supposed to test twice a week because I have refused the vax and filed a religious exemption but so far I've only tested once a week.  I'm supposed to get an email stating my results within 48-72 hours but so far it's been test at 6am and results 23 hours later at 4:30 am.  Both tests have been negative, big surprise.  The ridiculous part is I'm sure I don't have Covid, and have the paperwork to prove it, yet the sheep I work with that got the jab do not have to test so they could have Covid and not know.  Makes no sense.

Saw a report on local ABC 7 news that 5 LA County Employees have filed a lawsuit against the County for the mandatory vax.  There are 110,000 of us LA County employees.  Wish they would have contacted me.  I'd throw my name on the lawsuit too.    
Right?  Test for anitbodies is never mentioned, ever!  And if you've had it and recovered, without the poke, you are surely better off than those that haven't had it but had the vax.

Natural immunity seems to be avoided by those who are implementing the mandates and those who support the mandates. Fauci was asked about natural immunity on a recent news program and his answer was "I'm not sure, I will have to look into it". 

Logic tells me that if you are naturally immune, it is certainly a strong medical reason to not take the jab? It is easy to determine if you have the antibodies, hell, just give blood and the Red Cross will let you know if you have antibodies.
No one makes $$$ off of Natural Immunity!

If this becomes fact, I think the courts would throw out a lot of mandates. Notice it's still not peer reviewed. People are holding it up calling it false. The main contention is it doesn't/can't account for people that died and what their natural immunity would be.

Conclusions This study demonstrated that natural immunity confers longer lasting and stronger protection against infection, symptomatic disease and hospitalization caused by the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2, compared to the BNT162b2 two-dose vaccine-induced immunity. Individuals who were both previously infected with SARS-CoV-2 and given a single dose of the vaccine gained additional protection against the Delta variant.

In order to have a valid opinion and hold an informed discussion about any topic, one must be well informed with the truth, the facts. A flat earther has an opinion, but it's invalid because it's a scientific fact that the earth is an oblate spheroid, not flat.

This entire thread is filled with a lot of misinformation, or more accurately, disinformation. I blame the media, which is now nothing more than a source of propaganda, and the social media platforms such as FB, etc which are exploiting everyone's fears, likes, dislikes, political agendas, etc just for profit. The more they keep you engaged, the more money they make and the posts they use to do that are not fact checked. They're not trying to educate you, they're trying to profit off of your clicks and the amount of time you spend on there.

I'm not even sure that the position Project Veritas espouses is about truth, possibly there's a political agenda behind their videos. That's not to say that the hidden camera discussions they posted are not true - I'm sure those Pfizer employees did say what they said, but is it the whole story? Is there an equally valid side they left out?

I would recommend everyone vet their sources and make sure it's not just another fake source putting out fake info. The truth IS out there, you just have to be able to tell sh1t from shinola.
Sir, your post holds no facts or links to facts, you hold no position of recognized expertise, therefore I find you post to be misinformation. 

I think you sharpe enough to see what I did there. :toofunny:

If we where free to make a choice we would be having this conversation. If the vaccine protected the protected the protected wouldn't care what the unprotected do. Just my opinion!

 Read between the lines dummy. My point, which clearly went straight over your head, is that both sides think that the other are idiots for not agreeing with their point of view. It wasn't meant to be taken literally.  
