Helmets in buggies, new law??

Ok, Who's going to come up with the plug and play to make our existing OHV's 100% Zero Emission? That's what needs to happen.

Says nothing about being electric...just zero emission. Add on Catalytic Converter???

Maybe the new and improved Gadgetman Groove...??? 

hydrogen power? fill with water and expel condensation?


It is the direction everything will be headed towards - no arguments there.

As Good a time as always to support the Orgs, Groups and Clubs that fight for our access and rights. The war will never be over, we need to just keep winning the right battles is all we can do.
For San Diegans, highly recommend you join us:


Or at least subscribe and attend the fundraisers.  All money goes towards the fight to keep our lands open.

Nope, because the gov subsidizes the electric cars. And the cars are more expensive. (More money for mfg’s) The car mfg’s don’t care they will just comply while we strip mine the world for lithium 🙄

let’s destroy the planet so we can save it! Some real genius’s we have running this chit show 😂 
Yep, and automanufacturers don't have to spend years designing engines and management systems to comply with emissions requirements.  Just hook it up and make sure it (probably) won't burn down.

Speaking of our website:


End of Gas Off-Road Vehicles
A few people have recently asked me about Governor Newsom’s Executive Order N-79-20, because in the order it states that “It shall be further a goal of the State to transition to 100 percent zero-emission off-road vehicles and equipment by 2035 where feasible.” This sounds bad to us, but we can relax. In State government, “off road vehicles” means heavy equipment and farm equipment, not recreational equipment. The State calls us “off highway vehicles” (OHVs). This is to differentiate us from heavy equipment. This executive order was also made in September of 2020, so it is not new. An executive order is more of a suggestion than a law, so don’t worry too much about this.
Appears we're good.  For now.

I wonder if the MFG's will push back on the state regarding the zero emissions goal. I would think there is a ton of business for them throughout California and outlawing any and all combustion engines would put a serious dent in their sales.
A lot of the zero emissions executive order uses "if feasible".   I have a feeling a lot of stuff will not be feasible by 2035.   By then a new lobby group will come in swaying the politicians in another direction.   

Speaking of our website:


Appears we're good.  For now.
Did you see the amendment to this letter? Where he appologizes and says he was wrong and YES ALL off road vehicles will have to be zero emission? 

@Boardmanville had it posted on his instagram

either way the language is there, there is a reason they changed the cc and speed law and its not because of the pro r it states to streamline definitions and citations. They are telling you what they are planning and still most of you are ostrich heads in the sand



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Did you see the amendment to this letter? Where he appologizes and says he was wrong and YES ALL off road vehicles will have to be zero emission? 

@Boardmanville had it posted on his instagram

either way the language is there, there is a reason they changed the cc and speed law and its not because of the pro r it states to streamline definitions and citations. They are telling you what they are planning and still most of you are ostrich heads in the sand

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I guess we'll see.  I'll be out of CA by then, and if Glamis is closed to explosion-powered vehicles, guess that means I don't have to stay in the SW.

Not a Tony Hawk fan (do to his personal decisions), but

He was caught holding his infant, with no helmet mind you, while riding his skateboard. A lot of people got on him for that and impressively he came back with "I can skate better than you can walk, why aren't you wearing a helmet???"

When I get on the Harley- no helmet

When I get on a crotch rocket- helmet every time

When I get on dirt bike- helmet every time

when I get in sandcar- no helmet

If I was able to drive my sandcar like it would never break then it would be- helmet every time

For me, it's a state of mind while operating such vehicles. 

Its all relative. 

my 2$
I dont mind the helmet rule in California (maybe because i always wear one).  I had a spill about 20 years ago on my KTM 500 Dual sport, washed out on a hard pack dirt road with light sand, was doing like 25mph (lots of turns)  when i went down i think i hit my head first  it happened so fast.  Anyways that rang my bell so hard that if i didnt have one on, Outfront motorsports and i would not be here today  only 25miles per hour!  you wont catch me without a helmet outside of my own property.

i can say for sure if any of you went down on your bike on pavement with no helmet at 25mph or more i dont think there would be a chance to survive.  i feel better splitting lanes at 100mph on my bike with a helmet then going 25mph with out a helmet. Wow--i have issues......... 

Here is the thing with Sacramento and their infinite wisdumb.

They can circle a date on a calendar but it's not going to happen 100% guarantee

They will pound on the table and tell industry to do this or that but they know when it gets close and the industry hasn't caught up they will move the goalposts back again.  By 2030 they will realize that there hasn't been enough Lithium mined  or solar power hasn't improved enough or they may just flat out realize they don't have enough electricity and the neighboring states are only willing to sell them it for water rights that they can't give up and they will scratch out the date and move it to 2040 or 2050. 

When we started riding in the 80's we wore helmets, I don't remember if it was law or not.

It simply was my Dad's #1 rule, No Helmet No Ride.

I'm glad they are amending the ROHV law to accommodate engines bigger then 1,000cc. That's the market these days and SXS/UTV/ROHV guys that can go the speeds these new machines can....need all the protection they can get.

When we started riding in the 80's we wore helmets, I don't remember if it was law or not.

It simply was my Dad's #1 rule, No Helmet No Ride.

I'm glad they are amending the ROHV law to accommodate engines bigger than 1,000cc. That's the market these days and SXS/UTV/ROHV guys that can go the speeds these new machines can....need all the protection they can get.
People say it’s their choice to wear one, but that doesn’t mean they or their family won’t sue Polaris until the fires go out if they injure their unprotected noggin in a wreck. Just ask Honda in 1988.

I dont mind the helmet rule in California (maybe because i always wear one).  I had a spill about 20 years ago on my KTM 500 Dual sport, washed out on a hard pack dirt road with light sand, was doing like 25mph (lots of turns)  when i went down i think i hit my head first  it happened so fast.  Anyways that rang my bell so hard that if i didnt have one on, Outfront motorsports and i would not be here today  only 25miles per hour!  you wont catch me without a helmet outside of my own property.

i can say for sure if any of you went down on your bike on pavement with no helmet at 25mph or more i dont think there would be a chance to survive.  i feel better splitting lanes at 100mph on my bike with a helmet then going 25mph with out a helmet. Wow--i have issues......... 
I wear one riding my stand up ski at times. Why cause I know I may push it on a bouy course or in the surf. Couple years ago I was in surf and smacked my face into the handle pole. Had helmet on so no biggie. 

I’ll wear one in buggy here or there. And on dirt bike. Yup all it takes is that perfect get off and it’s head first with force. 

I am a choice on helmet use vs forced though. I don’t care what others do 

For a sand car i dont agree with a helmet for any of them, most owners do not have a race background so they do not know how to wear them,  they drove a dirt bike and think it is the same,  

If you wear a helmet, but do not wear a neck brace, then you will most likely cause more damage or break your neck,  For the type of speeds and roll over that can happen, a hauns helmet device should be worn, 

When i lead, I feel i do not see well out of a full face helmet, I wear sunglasses, I have used a helmet following and it is nice to keep the sand %100 off your head, but does feel clunky.   

It seems that safey is not really pushed hard in our sport,  a lot of seats really would not hold you well some of these vehicles,  and i see so many people that do not know how to buckle up the seat belts, they focus so much on the harness side, that you see the buckle up on there belly button,  

A SXS was built to have a helmet on,  sand cars have more room from the head to the bars when they are built for a owner, I dont think a SXS was ever built no to wear a helmet.

Basal skull fracture certainly is possible in an auto wreck.

But people have been crashing cars with helmets for decades before the HANS was invented, and basal skull fractures were rare.  I still think your odds are far better with a helmet than without. I don’t think many us will slam into a concrete wall at over 100mph in this sport, but we definitely can barrel roll without a window net and smack our noggins into the sand, or the B pillar, or the steering wheel, or whatever. Belts, even properly adjusted, stretch a lot. 

Good rule of thumb in camp.....Don't leave camp without a helmet on. I've broke that rule quite a few times too. Peace

For a sand car i dont agree with a helmet for any of them, most owners do not have a race background so they do not know how to wear them,  they drove a dirt bike and think it is the same,  

If you wear a helmet, but do not wear a neck brace, then you will most likely cause more damage or break your neck,  For the type of speeds and roll over that can happen, a hauns helmet device should be worn, 

When i lead, I feel i do not see well out of a full face helmet, I wear sunglasses, I have used a helmet following and it is nice to keep the sand %100 off your head, but does feel clunky.   

It seems that safey is not really pushed hard in our sport,  a lot of seats really would not hold you well some of these vehicles,  and i see so many people that do not know how to buckle up the seat belts, they focus so much on the harness side, that you see the buckle up on there belly button,  

A SXS was built to have a helmet on,  sand cars have more room from the head to the bars when they are built for a owner, I dont think a SXS was ever built no to wear a helmet.
You only get one brain in life, protect it. 
I don’t agree with your excuses, but it’s your life, your brain, do what you want. 
Once I got used to wearing it, I would never not wear one. 
