Ghostly Adventures from Gecko

Hondajimz reporting from the front line!

Wonder if this will turn into something like they do in apartment complexes.  They partner up with tow companies who come strolling though every couple of hours looking for cars parked without passes and tow them away.  If they are red tagged they hookem and bookem?

LEO involvement in towing isn't always from illegal activity. I was merely pointing out the price difference for the same tow. 
When would a cop be on-site for a tow for anything but a legal issue?

I'm sure if you requested a tow due to a breakdown, it would be $150.  The $750 is a fine, from your ticket regarding illegal activity, isn't it?

Doesn't every tow from illegal activity require LEO involvement?  
No. Private property rules (apartment complexes) do not need LEO. Just have to have it posted. You can be illegally parked and get towed. 

Now Gecko road needs LEO to be towed

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A lot of speculation / gossip going around like wildfire. Let me put it all to rest. The white trailer is mine.  The other is a buddy's. We knew exactly what we were doing and decided to gamble that the Rangers weren't going to be around after the new year. We are coming back on Weds for MLK weekend and tried to leave our chit out there. Expensive lesson but I'm an adult and willing to take ownership for my choices. Been funny reading all the comments. 
Something was said that one of the slideouts was out, did they tow it that way? I have a tablet and hard to tell in the picture. Thanks for bringing some truth to the conspiracies.

Jim you should see some of the tow bills now for collision tows.....750 is not unusual.... 150-200 per day's insane. 

I will say this, it is sad that it has come down to people's private property getting towed.  I don't wish this on anyone, but they rolled the dice and basically gave the finger to the BLM and the rules, and that is the problem.  All BLM is doing is enforcing the rules, which most want the BLM to do so.
Seems like the BLM is only enforcing one rule. 

When would a cop be on-site for a tow for anything but a legal issue?

I'm sure if you requested a tow due to a breakdown, it would be $150.  The $750 is a fine, from your ticket regarding illegal activity, isn't it?
Collisions ....

Something was said that one of the slideouts was out, did they tow it that way? I have a tablet and hard to tell in the picture. Thanks for bringing some truth to the conspiracies.
Yes, my buddies rig was towed with the slide out. 

Both of us had our cars inside. I didn't strap mine and I doubt my buddy did either. Hoping there's no damage from that.

Yes, my buddies rig was towed with the slide out. 

Both of us had our cars inside. I didn't strap mine and I doubt my buddy did either. Hoping there's no damage from that.
Yikes. Not strapped down I think it’s going to be bad. Back and forth every stop and every take off

In gear doesn't mean diddly.. just rock the car back n' forth and it will come right out... I know.. ghosted my car down a dune.. could have been bad. 

Wish I could spare 14+ days in G so I could pick a side.. but not yet.. but you folks leave n' come back.. I did 10 days straight a few times.

Hoping to go Friday .. that is if my kid doesn't bring home the VID.. ugh. Hopefully your stuff isn't jacked. 

I guess 'squeeky wheel gets the grease' would apply as these ghost camp threads have been running for years. I have no dog... I'm camped in 'the ghetto' .. (washes)


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Seems like the BLM is only enforcing one rule. 
They are enforcing other rules.  Gecko is just easy pickings for some rule infractions versus other areas.  

I don’t think I saw one ranger in the wash I was camped in for the week.  Saw plenty of them when we driving down wash road when we left.  

Only some rules/laws need to be followed?
HAHA. You can't park your rig on Roadrunner for the ENTIRE season, like you've done for the last 5 YEARS, and that somehow affects me and my behavior?? I don't think so. The difference here is that if I get a ticket for riding a 3 wheeler with no helmet and an open container I'm going to deal with it on my own and not go on the interwebs and try to blame everyone else. 

Like someone already mentioned, you guys burned yourselves on this one. Whenever it got brought up on this board you always came on and told people to basically shut up and be quiet. What makes you so special? Why do you and your group think that Roadrunner is your own private campground? 
