Ghostly Adventures from Gecko

26 pages to debate if we can or can't follow the rules set by BLM. We of all people should be the role models for others to follow. We should set the example and maybe, just maybe others would soon follow our lead. After all, dunning is one big follow the other guy. 
I wish it worked that way.

Your theory that people will follow the lead of law abiding duners is interesting, but the fact that the BLM had to clear off RR and tow a couple of trailers is proof that it doesn't work that way.

The world has plenty of laws and if people followed the laws, there would be no criminal acts and we wouldn't need cops to enforce the laws.

The bottom line is - in reality, there will always be people who think they are above the law, or the law doesn't apply to them and will do whatever they want to get what they want. Even if they admit it after getting caught and prosecuted, it doesn't ever excuse their criminal behavior. 

I wish everyone was law abiding and thought about how their actions affected others, but that's just not how they're wired. That's why the BLM is there and that's why they need to enforce the laws, because it's not a perfect world.

I wish it worked that way.

Your theory that people will follow the lead of law abiding duners is interesting, but the fact that the BLM had to clear off RR and tow a couple of trailers is proof that it doesn't work that way.

The world has plenty of laws and if people followed the laws, there would be no criminal acts and we wouldn't need cops to enforce the laws.

The bottom line is - in reality, there will always be people who think they are above the law, or the law doesn't apply to them and will do whatever they want to get what they want. Even if they admit it after getting caught and prosecuted, it doesn't ever excuse their criminal behavior. 

I wish everyone was law abiding and thought about how their actions affected others, but that's just not how they're wired. That's why the BLM is there and that's why they need to enforce the laws, because it's not a perfect world.
Come on Steve, while I agree rule breakers eff it up for the rest of us I think you're a little far out with this. I hardly call parking offenses criminal behaviour :lol:  let it go bro, it makes for much less stress

Got my rig out of the tow yard Tuesday afternoon. Paid $1033 dollars. Pulled onto Gecko rd and it was like a Ghost town(pun intended) Seriously though I've never seen it so empty. Road Runner maybe had 10 rigs or less.

There looked to be a lot of empty rigs on Gecko and plenty of orange cones out. It appears the Rangers don't really care about enforcing the rule and only do something about it when called on. The tow operator told me our neighbor called the Rangers and complained, hence why we were singled out. 

Got my rig out of the tow yard Tuesday afternoon. Paid $1033 dollars. Pulled onto Gecko rd and it was like a Ghost town(pun intended) Seriously though I've never seen it so empty. Road Runner maybe had 10 rigs or less.

There looked to be a lot of empty rigs on Gecko and plenty of orange cones out. It appears the Rangers don't really care about enforcing the rule and only do something about it when called on. The tow operator told me our neighbor called the Rangers and complained, hence why we were singled out. 
damn I bet it was the lady or guy whom took the video. #Karencalled

Ouch, that's a bit of pocket change.

Side-Note:  Nobody cares about Ghost camping in the washes :lol:    ...unless it's a Motorhome like this one


Come on Steve, while I agree rule breakers eff it up for the rest of us I think you're a little far out with this. I hardly call parking offenses criminal behaviour :lol:  let it go bro, it makes for much less stress
Seriously? You think it's just about parking?

No, it's about storing a rig out there all season or part of a season. This screws other duners out of a chance to park there. As Duneflyer posted, now there are spots available on Gecko for the first time in many years.

Got my rig out of the tow yard Tuesday afternoon. Paid $1033 dollars. Pulled onto Gecko rd and it was like a Ghost town(pun intended) Seriously though I've never seen it so empty. Road Runner maybe had 10 rigs or less.

There looked to be a lot of empty rigs on Gecko and plenty of orange cones out. It appears the Rangers don't really care about enforcing the rule and only do something about it when called on. The tow operator told me our neighbor called the Rangers and complained, hence why we were singled out. 
I take it the $1,033 was just for the storage and tow.  How much is the ticket going to be?

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Seriously? You think it's just about parking?

No, it's about storing a rig out there all season or part of a season. This screws other duners out of a chance to park there. As Duneflyer posted, now there are spots available on Gecko for the first time in many years.
I didn't say it wasn't a complete dik move, I just said it's not CRIMINAL behavior

I was at walmart and turned a little wide.  Hit some dirt with the front tires in the bus.  Had a flash back to the time I camped on Gecko.

I know this topic is played out, and the season is winding down, however a few casual observations.

Last season I did 99 days out of 180 in the dunes.  No not in a row, but you get the picture.

This season I will hit close to 80 out of 180 days, God willing and if the kungflu vacs' dont take me out first. 

Say what you want about "Tom" and his quest for a war on ghost camping and the 14 day rule, well except for the chosen few he allows to camp around him like he did when he was on Gecko, a.k.a. f-n HYPOCRITE!!!  Yea, he has a few buddies that are way above the law and they camp indefinitely at the RRE nestled in his bosom. 

All that aside, he single handedly conquered the entitled elitist's of the RRE that have ruled for almost two solid decades and cleared most of the pads and certainly Gecko road and campground.  He isn't chasing people off on the 14th day either, he actually is fairly mellow on that and doesn't get in your business until close to the 3rd week or longer, for the most part anyways.

Do people still pull fast ones and ghost camp, YOU BET YOUR ASS THEY DO, but 99.99% of it now is the PPP money pusher & trailer crowd.  These folks know Tom and the BLM won't/can't tow a pusher/trailer that is being left to hold space.  I'm sure Tom knows this and just goes for the low hanging fruit, i.e. trailers that ghost camp. Plus he does his drive byes hands out info brochures and knocks on the doors of the usual suspects to advise them it is time to move on, etc, etc. Although this group of pusher/box trailer folks typically do it leading up to a holiday weekend and are so painfully obviously doing it, they mostly do it on the pads, and have insurance, have money to pay a fine (not that they get ticketed) and could care less if they get red tagged, (have you seen what it costs for fuel? storage? not that they can't afford those costs but they are entitled and don't think they should, so they don't)  They the pusher/box trailer kidds just aren't doing it to much at RRE, for now anyways.  The second Tom leaves his post as camp host the RRE will be back, that you can take to the bank.  

It is eerily weird driving through RR and not see the same moho's parked for 6 straight months with nobody in them. Must have been nice for some people to actually camp there this season for the first time in decades. 

The point of this post is to merely give you a birds eye view of what took place when one individual attempted to help the BLM with a few rules.  A few rigs get towed, social media and the karens go nutts, and BAM there was way more parking.  Seriously more.  

Now all you washers don't get to excited, just keep your dirty collective asses over on that side please.  I stated more parking, mostly on Sun-Wed, not enough for you kids to displace.   And if any of you think you can pull up Friday night on a holiday and park your 5 or more rigs, well Biden has some free crack pipes for ya.  

Disclaimer: yes I had to move several times all season, and yes I never park in the same spot for more than 14 days without moving any appreciable amount of space, and yes I'm always with my rig. No, I don't miss the lazy do nothing camp hosts of yesteryear.  Do I like Tom, not so much, the ratt bastard always bets me to the leftover wood! 


Stonehenge, funny you should mention the “PPP money pusher and trailer crowd”.  I was beginning to think I was the only one that knew the truth about the PPP program.  Those who know, know. One of the most ill conceived, destructive  programs in history.  A gigantic one trillion dollar reverse Robin Hood scheme, which is fueling the inflation going on now.  And so few even realize how we have been completely fleeced.  All of the looting that took place in the spring/summer of 2020 wasn’t seen on Fox News or CNN.
