Ghostly Adventures from Gecko

Yes, nobody gives a crap if you ghost camp in the washes, and rightly so. There’s plenty of room over there.

Yes, nobody gives a crap if you ghost camp in the washes, and rightly so. There’s plenty of room over there.
I would have to agree with this statement.  

Besides, all the cry baby karens on fb glamis and other sites (here as well) to my knowledge never voiced a single concern about the washes and ghost camping or camping for over 14 days.  

Seriously, it is the washes for goodness sake.  I mean you washers should be honored a person even graced you with the presence of placing there rig there, let alone actually camping there. lol  

Yes, nobody gives a crap if you ghost camp in the washes, and rightly so. There’s plenty of room over there.
Except when you setup your group all by yourself (on an off weekend), & some jackwagon comes in with his 5th wheel & parks right behind you so you cant get your buggy in & out of your trailer...................  LOL.

Its OK though............. he followed us Sunday morning after a hard night of drinking & had to "stop to rest, I will see you guys back in camp, Im going down the sand Highway".  LOL.

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I would have to agree with this statement.  

Besides, all the cry baby karens on fb glamis and other sites (here as well) to my knowledge never voiced a single concern about the washes and ghost camping or camping for over 14 days.  

Seriously, it is the washes for goodness sake.  I mean you washers should be honored a person even graced you with the presence of placing there rig there, let alone actually camping there. lol  
said with the utmost love and respect :effu:   :lol:  I like 22 :dunno:  (boat's almost done so it'll be river time soon!)

If you had an issue with where we parked then just say something rather than come on the forums and talk crap about people.
Pretty sure he was just kidding. If he was serious I think he would've called you out by name, which he did not.


Nope. Never met the guy before that weekend. If there was a problem anyone of the guys he was camped with could've easily walked over and asked us to move. Nobody said said anything. Hung out with their group for a bit. Drank a chit load Saturday night and then went on a run on Sunday morning with them. Thought everyone was totally cool with everyone.

Don't really appreciate the chit talk for no reason like I'm some kind of bhole after the fact. Like I said. If there was problems with anyone it should've been brought up at the time rather than afterwards on the forums.
Why cant you just not park behind someones loading door. What is he your dad? Do you need to be told every common sense factor of life. Figure it out yourself and stop throwing a bitchfit

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Fact is, Moho/Enclosed group likes to load the night before you go home, or if the weather is bad................Toy hauler crowd sometimes doesn't realize this.  Or is some cases it is just rookies that don't get it.  FYI, I have had someone do this to me in the past, kind of sucks, and I didn't ask them to move after the fact either.

wow, I did not mean to start a chit-sho.  I was just poking fun & making light of the whole parking in the desert thing.  This is a forum and its the inter-webs, if its not in the tech area 99% of what I say is just for a laugh. 

I did not mean to call anyone out or cause a bunch of drama.  in fact, there was a reason I did not post up any pictures or say anyones name.  that is because it was not that big a deal.  I had to circle around both camps, but I managed to get get loaded up, so no harm no foul. 

Brian, there was only ONE person in the 7.753 Billion folks in the world that knew who I was talking about, and that was you.  But, I have to admit that of all of the room, in all of the washes, parking where you did caught me off guard.  sheet right across the little road, behind your buddies rig, there was a HUGE spot... 

I dont care to get into an inter-web keyboard warrior fight, but if your down with it I have a few minutes and pictures I can share. 


Nearly 200,000 acres in the Imperial Sand Dune Recreation AREA,, WHY would anyone feel the need to pull in next to an existing camp and park even remotely close to anyone elses rig?? I mean seriously,, I am not poking or being a smart@$$, i asking a serious question. WHAT goes on in someone's mind when they pull in to a camp area and have to snuggle up next to another rig that is already there in an established camp???? I mean are you just 'not' thinking?? or is it like the I-robots that huddle in a corner all together in the dark so they feel secure, Or are you just so mentally jacked that you want to be close enough to hear what goes on in someone else's bedroom after the camp lights go out??? 

I was camped on Gecko this weekend.  Judging by the amount of people on pad 3 all the way to Roadrunner Summer is a ways off.  Off weekend and still had Jenga style parking.  It was like pulling into an off-road retirement community.  🤣🤣

Pad 4 had a sand dune in the middle of it thanks to the crazy winds during the week.  Made us feel like we were camping in the dunes.  🤣🤣🤣

I guess there was a quasi Funco meet and greet this weekend.  

My kid ditched me to ride in my friend’s new Funco.   Damn trader!  Lol



Like I said. If there was problems with anyone it should've been brought up at the time rather than afterwards on the forums.
This sounds so gay. Is this what life has become? I bet if the glamis group from the 90s could look at the glamis group of the 20s, they’d laugh.

Oh sorry for hurting your feelings on “the forums”. ..


I would have to agree with this statement.  

Besides, all the cry baby karens on fb glamis and other sites (here as well) to my knowledge never voiced a single concern about the washes and ghost camping or camping for over 14 days.  

Seriously, it is the washes for goodness sake.  I mean you washers should be honored a person even graced you with the presence of placing there rig there, let alone actually camping there. lol  
If you're Ghost Camping in the washes, it's because of the opposite problem as Ghost Camping Gecko side: no money for fuel.

I was camped on Gecko this weekend.  Judging by the amount of people on pad 3 all the way to Roadrunner Summer is a ways off.  Off weekend and still had Jenga style parking.  It was like pulling into an off-road retirement community.  🤣🤣

Pad 4 had a sand dune in the middle of it thanks to the crazy winds during the week.  Made us feel like we were camping in the dunes.  🤣🤣🤣

I guess there was a quasi Funco meet and greet this weekend.  

My kid ditched me to ride in my friend’s new Funco.   Damn trader!  Lol

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That dune on pad 4 is a pretty good one. I would say foot and a half deep.


By mid day Thursday last week, Gecko was pretty full.  Crazy for an off weekend in March. We looked at Pad 3,4 and 5.......ended up at Pad 2.

Dunes and busy areas like Olds were idea where everyone was at.  Dunes were amazing though.
