Ghostly Adventures from Gecko

My friend was the one lighting them off with the kids outside of camp near the small dunes we were next to.  They literally sat down at the campfire still smelling of fireworks.  I was walking back to my motorhome to get a drink and saw him pull up.  When I was exiting my motorhome  the ranger was out of his truck and walking into camp.  I casually walked back to the campfire with him.  We were talking and he basically said "I won't have to comeback out here for a firework call at 3am because that would make him really upset."    He was very cool about it.
Damn Perry Mason, you were really drunk, you left out most of the encounter.  Funny thing is, I think the group next to us with the off leash dogs called the ranger on us.

Damn Perry Mason, you were really drunk, you left out most of the encounter.  Funny thing is, I think the group next to us with the off leash dogs called the ranger on us.
LOL!  It was all a blur.   I am sure that is the camp that called.   

That's sending a pretty strong message - fun to read some of the comments there.  Apparently some feel it's ok to tow unless your landing gear is down or slides are out - then the towing company is just being destructive.  LOL
The comments are pretty entertaining. 

I will say this, it is sad that it has come down to people's private property getting towed.  I don't wish this on anyone, but they rolled the dice and basically gave the finger to the BLM and the rules, and that is the problem.  All BLM is doing is enforcing the rules, which most want the BLM to do so.

The irony here.  It's strong.

I'm just glad the chinese lantern trend seems to have mostly died out for people not named Coyne...
hate them Ph.u.ckers. (the lanterns, I dont know Coyne)

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That's sending a pretty strong message - fun to read some of the comments there.  Apparently some feel it's ok to tow unless your landing gear is down or slides are out - then the towing company is just being destructive.  LOL
Apparently some also feel its ok to be a thief as long as you don't get convicted.  

People that got towed were red tagged Sunday then towed on Thursday. What my buddy that is on Pad 5 said. He went and watched the whole thing. 

The rangers aren't messing around. That is crazy to watch.

Three rigs were just towed from Pad 4 today, all 5th wheel trailers.  One even had their slideout still out.  If I could figure out to share a video from Insta from a friend I would share
I'm calling B.S. I know I know there are pictures to prove it. My opinion is it looks a little fishy. To me it looks like they staged it. They just posted this picture on there Facebook.... bedroom slide in and not then living room one? 
"Hey these trailers need to get towed but let's park our cars really close to them first and take a picture for our Facebook. "? Just doesn't add up to me but 🤷🏻‍♂️ 42B15C1E-04DB-481F-9D76-A23C75BA38C6.png

I'm calling B.S. I know I know there are pictures to prove it. My opinion is it looks a little fishy. To me it looks like they staged it. They just posted this picture on there Facebook.... bedroom slide in and not then living room one? 
"Hey these trailers need to get towed but let's park our cars really close to them first and take a picture for our Facebook. "? Just doesn't add up to me but 🤷🏻‍♂️ View attachment 22640
Maybe the owner didn’t want to bother with the jimmy jacking needed to close the slide out with the toy inside?

Maybe the owner didn’t want to bother with the jimmy jacking needed to close the slide out with the toy inside?
Ya could be. Just looks fishy to me from the lifted Gray Ford ( not your standard impound tow vehicle) to the way they parked and took a picture. Could be totally wrong but just an observation. 

A lot of speculation / gossip going around like wildfire. Let me put it all to rest. The white trailer is mine.  The other is a buddy's. We knew exactly what we were doing and decided to gamble that the Rangers weren't going to be around after the new year. We are coming back on Weds for MLK weekend and tried to leave our chit out there. Expensive lesson but I'm an adult and willing to take ownership for my choices. Been funny reading all the comments. 

A lot of speculation / gossip going around like wildfire. Let me put it all to rest. The white trailer is mine.  The other is a buddy's. We knew exactly what we were doing and decided to gamble that the Rangers weren't going to be around after the new year. We are coming back on Weds for MLK weekend and tried to leave our chit out there. Expensive lesson but I'm an adult and willing to take ownership for my choices. Been funny reading all the comments. 
Finally some first hand info round here 

Live and learn 

A lot of speculation / gossip going around like wildfire. Let me put it all to rest. The white trailer is mine.  The other is a buddy's. We knew exactly what we were doing and decided to gamble that the Rangers weren't going to be around after the new year. We are coming back on Weds for MLK weekend and tried to leave our chit out there. Expensive lesson but I'm an adult and willing to take ownership for my choices. Been funny reading all the comments. 
Man move. +1
