Ghostly Adventures from Gecko

Congratulations to all the whiny complaining Karen’s in this thread who are happy about the 14 day rule being enforced at Roadrunner and some of the Pads on Gecko Rd.  You won!  Roadrunner Campground is not the same place I’ve know for the past 5 seasons.  Now there are fireworks EVERY night, trash blowing around, dog sh!t not getting picked up, loud music until 1 or 2 AM.  Roadrunner is pretty much a Wash now.  

The camp host Tom (Thom?) is useless.  The only thing he does is report on who’s been there for over 14 days.  The loud music and fireworks were literally right across from his camp and he did nothing.  But what can he do?  His effing job!  According to the BLM website a camp host has zero authority to enforce any rules, they can only pass out information, observe and report.  Tom did pass out pamphlets to us in early November with all the rules. But he never reported on who was playing loud music and shooting off fireworks.  I know because I asked him.  A friend called me in early December and asked what was going on with the camp host at Roadrunner.  I said you're camped at Pad 3, why are you asking about Tom?  My friend said Tom was at Pad 3 and Pad 5 knocking on peoples doors to tell them they had to leave because of the 14 day rule.  My buddy watched him walk to his RV and knock.  He answered and asked Tom what he wanted.  Tom said I'm checking passes and need to see yours.  My friend asked who he was and Tom said I'm the camp host for Roadrunner.  Then why are you at Pad 3 and 5?  Hey dumb sh!t my pass is on my RV window so why are you knocking on my door?  Get the fawk out of here.

And to top that al off Tom was GONE from December 18th to 28th.  He left his 5er there with 100’ of cones in front and 100’ of cones behind it.  I guess the rules don’t apply when you’re the Camp Host.

So now that all of you are happy about the 14 day rule being enforced for a campground that you are not even using lets get more enforcement.  I’d like to see the BLM walking into camps to check OHV registration, measuring RV’s and trailers for over length, glass bottles, fireworks, loud music and generators after the 10 PM quiet time, dogs unleashed, trash on the ground.  Enforce them all.


Camp Host 5er and cones, gone for two weeks.

Congratulations to all the whiny complaining Karen’s in this thread who are happy about the 14 day rule being enforced at Roadrunner and some of the Pads on Gecko Rd.  You won!  Roadrunner Campground is not the same place I’ve know for the past 5 seasons.  Now there are fireworks EVERY night, trash blowing around, dog sh!t not getting picked up, loud music until 1 or 2 AM.  Roadrunner is pretty much a Wash now.  

The camp host Tom (Thom?) is useless.  The only thing he does is report on who’s been there for over 14 days.  The loud music and fireworks were literally right across from his camp and he did nothing.  But what can he do?  His effing job!  According to the BLM website a camp host has zero authority to enforce any rules, they can only pass out information, observe and report.  Tom did pass out pamphlets to us in early November with all the rules. But he never reported on who was playing loud music and shooting off fireworks.  I know because I asked him.  A friend called me in early December and asked what was going on with the camp host at Roadrunner.  I said you're camped at Pad 3, why are you asking about Tom?  My friend said Tom was at Pad 3 and Pad 5 knocking on peoples doors to tell them they had to leave because of the 14 day rule.  My buddy watched him walk to his RV and knock.  He answered and asked Tom what he wanted.  Tom said I'm checking passes and need to see yours.  My friend asked who he was and Tom said I'm the camp host for Roadrunner.  Then why are you at Pad 3 and 5?  Hey dumb sh!t my pass is on my RV window so why are you knocking on my door?  Get the fawk out of here.

And to top that al off Tom was GONE from December 18th to 28th.  He left his 5er there with 100’ of cones in front and 100’ of cones behind it.  I guess the rules don’t apply when you’re the Camp Host.

So now that all of you are happy about the 14 day rule being enforced for a campground that you are not even using lets get more enforcement.  I’d like to see the BLM walking into camps to check OHV registration, measuring RV’s and trailers for over length, glass bottles, fireworks, loud music and generators after the 10 PM quiet time, dogs unleashed, trash on the ground.  Enforce them all.

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Camp Host 5er and cones, gone for two weeks.
So how does one become a "camp host"?  next time i'm looking for a spot i will be sure to move his cones and use up the nice real estate. 

Everyone here is allowed to express their opinions on GD....we get pages and pages on almost any topic

Well except the folks whom have been banned, which unlike other social media platforms.....requires you to go to extreme measures of McPenis-ness  :lol:  - they get the door slammed on them. Seems like they go elsewhere after they read stuff here :erraa:

Congratulations to all the whiny complaining Karen’s in this thread who are happy about the 14 day rule being enforced at Roadrunner and some of the Pads on Gecko Rd.  You won!  Roadrunner Campground is not the same place I’ve know for the past 5 seasons.  Now there are fireworks EVERY night, trash blowing around, dog sh!t not getting picked up, loud music until 1 or 2 AM.  Roadrunner is pretty much a Wash now.  

The camp host Tom (Thom?) is useless.  The only thing he does is report on who’s been there for over 14 days.  The loud music and fireworks were literally right across from his camp and he did nothing.  But what can he do?  His effing job!  According to the BLM website a camp host has zero authority to enforce any rules, they can only pass out information, observe and report.  Tom did pass out pamphlets to us in early November with all the rules. But he never reported on who was playing loud music and shooting off fireworks.  I know because I asked him.  A friend called me in early December and asked what was going on with the camp host at Roadrunner.  I said you're camped at Pad 3, why are you asking about Tom?  My friend said Tom was at Pad 3 and Pad 5 knocking on peoples doors to tell them they had to leave because of the 14 day rule.  My buddy watched him walk to his RV and knock.  He answered and asked Tom what he wanted.  Tom said I'm checking passes and need to see yours.  My friend asked who he was and Tom said I'm the camp host for Roadrunner.  Then why are you at Pad 3 and 5?  Hey dumb sh!t my pass is on my RV window so why are you knocking on my door?  Get the fawk out of here.

And to top that al off Tom was GONE from December 18th to 28th.  He left his 5er there with 100’ of cones in front and 100’ of cones behind it.  I guess the rules don’t apply when you’re the Camp Host.

So now that all of you are happy about the 14 day rule being enforced for a campground that you are not even using lets get more enforcement.  I’d like to see the BLM walking into camps to check OHV registration, measuring RV’s and trailers for over length, glass bottles, fireworks, loud music and generators after the 10 PM quiet time, dogs unleashed, trash on the ground.  Enforce them all.

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Camp Host 5er and cones, gone for two weeks.
Effing bummer.  The camp host situation always seems Effed... but IMHO all this comes back around to one thing: BLM.  They need to do their Effing jobs.  They need to make sure the camp host is following all the same rules as the rest of us, OTHER than the 14 day rule.  They need to start ticketing fireworks aggressively with big fines.  They need to start ticketing/kicking out groups that litter.  Etc. etc.  Unfortunately, with the degradation of society most people need policed.  Also, in some ways, "we" shot ourselves in the foot.  As soon as "RRE" became a thing and it was all over the internet, people wanted to be there.  Some are great people, a lot aren't.  

If BLM doesn't step up and do their job, people will start "policing" themselves, and that's when things are going to get very ugly... 


Congratulations to all the whiny complaining Karen’s in this thread who are happy about the 14 day rule being enforced at Roadrunner and some of the Pads on Gecko Rd.  You won!  Roadrunner Campground is not the same place I’ve know for the past 5 seasons.  Now there are fireworks EVERY night, trash blowing around, dog sh!t not getting picked up, loud music until 1 or 2 AM.  Roadrunner is pretty much a Wash now.  

The camp host Tom (Thom?) is useless.  The only thing he does is report on who’s been there for over 14 days.  The loud music and fireworks were literally right across from his camp and he did nothing.  But what can he do?  His effing job!  According to the BLM website a camp host has zero authority to enforce any rules, they can only pass out information, observe and report.  Tom did pass out pamphlets to us in early November with all the rules. But he never reported on who was playing loud music and shooting off fireworks.  I know because I asked him.  A friend called me in early December and asked what was going on with the camp host at Roadrunner.  I said you're camped at Pad 3, why are you asking about Tom?  My friend said Tom was at Pad 3 and Pad 5 knocking on peoples doors to tell them they had to leave because of the 14 day rule.  My buddy watched him walk to his RV and knock.  He answered and asked Tom what he wanted.  Tom said I'm checking passes and need to see yours.  My friend asked who he was and Tom said I'm the camp host for Roadrunner.  Then why are you at Pad 3 and 5?  Hey dumb sh!t my pass is on my RV window so why are you knocking on my door?  Get the fawk out of here.

And to top that al off Tom was GONE from December 18th to 28th.  He left his 5er there with 100’ of cones in front and 100’ of cones behind it.  I guess the rules don’t apply when you’re the Camp Host.

So now that all of you are happy about the 14 day rule being enforced for a campground that you are not even using lets get more enforcement.  I’d like to see the BLM walking into camps to check OHV registration, measuring RV’s and trailers for over length, glass bottles, fireworks, loud music and generators after the 10 PM quiet time, dogs unleashed, trash on the ground.  Enforce them all.

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Camp Host 5er and cones, gone for two weeks.
Way back when I first started going to Glamis when we parked on Gecko there were way more fireworks and partying going on into the wee hours than when we parked in the washes.  When the BLM started the crackdown on Comp hill they also seemed to make Gecko more tame. 

If BLM doesn't step up and do their job, people will start "policing" themselves, and that's when things are going to get very ugly... 

It's already started. A group of people were on the Plaza and we were on the dune side at the end of Roadrunner not far from them. It was 9 or 10 PM and that group was lighting off mortars. I'd had enough and got out of bed and walked to their camp. I watched them light off another just to be sure it was them. I walked over and said That's enough. I didn't yell, didn't make any threats, just told them that was enough. The guy looked at me and said Sorry, we'll stop. I turned around and walked back to my RV. Simple, this time.

I was camped from the 25th-31st, every night was super quiet, not a single firework was heard, until the night of the 30th.  That night it seemed the crowd turned over to a loud music/firework crowd.  It was like a switch went off.  Car alarms were being sent off due to the mortars, dogs were freaking out, and I wasn't sleeping peacefully anymore.  

LRS knows where I camp, it is usually very quiet, this was the loudest I can remember in 15 years.  The fact that RR is dealing with the same issues we all have been dealing with, shows me that only a few people can police themselves anymore.  It is sad that RR can't be like it was in terms of trash, noise, and so forth.  

I got a fireworks ticket in Buttercup years ago, not sure why the Rangers aren't still writing those tickets.  I would much rather see those tickets than a no whip on a MC.  Time to pressure the BLM to start policing Fireworks and trash.

Congratulations to all the whiny complaining Karen’s in this thread who are happy about the 14 day rule being enforced at Roadrunner and some of the Pads on Gecko Rd.  You won!  Roadrunner Campground is not the same place I’ve know for the past 5 seasons.  Now there are fireworks EVERY night, trash blowing around, dog sh!t not getting picked up, loud music until 1 or 2 AM.  Roadrunner is pretty much a Wash now.  

The camp host Tom (Thom?) is useless.  The only thing he does is report on who’s been there for over 14 days.  The loud music and fireworks were literally right across from his camp and he did nothing.  But what can he do?  His effing job!  According to the BLM website a camp host has zero authority to enforce any rules, they can only pass out information, observe and report.  Tom did pass out pamphlets to us in early November with all the rules. But he never reported on who was playing loud music and shooting off fireworks.  I know because I asked him.  A friend called me in early December and asked what was going on with the camp host at Roadrunner.  I said you're camped at Pad 3, why are you asking about Tom?  My friend said Tom was at Pad 3 and Pad 5 knocking on peoples doors to tell them they had to leave because of the 14 day rule.  My buddy watched him walk to his RV and knock.  He answered and asked Tom what he wanted.  Tom said I'm checking passes and need to see yours.  My friend asked who he was and Tom said I'm the camp host for Roadrunner.  Then why are you at Pad 3 and 5?  Hey dumb sh!t my pass is on my RV window so why are you knocking on my door?  Get the fawk out of here.

And to top that al off Tom was GONE from December 18th to 28th.  He left his 5er there with 100’ of cones in front and 100’ of cones behind it.  I guess the rules don’t apply when you’re the Camp Host.

So now that all of you are happy about the 14 day rule being enforced for a campground that you are not even using lets get more enforcement.  I’d like to see the BLM walking into camps to check OHV registration, measuring RV’s and trailers for over length, glass bottles, fireworks, loud music and generators after the 10 PM quiet time, dogs unleashed, trash on the ground.  Enforce them all.

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Camp Host 5er and cones, gone for two weeks.
At least the camp host was nice enough to leave free firewood 👍 Our last trip was the weekend before Christmas, only camp in wash 15 till sat night / sun morning when the NYE camps got set up. Did not hear a mortar the 4 nights we were there. 

I was camped from the 25th-31st, every night was super quiet, not a single firework was heard, until the night of the 30th.  That night it seemed the crowd turned over to a loud music/firework crowd.  It was like a switch went off.  Car alarms were being sent off due to the mortars, dogs were freaking out, and I wasn't sleeping peacefully anymore.  

LRS knows where I camp, it is usually very quiet, this was the loudest I can remember in 15 years.  The fact that RR is dealing with the same issues we all have been dealing with, shows me that only a few people can police themselves anymore.  It is sad that RR can't be like it was in terms of trash, noise, and so forth.  

I got a fireworks ticket in Buttercup years ago, not sure why the Rangers aren't still writing those tickets.  I would much rather see those tickets than a no whip on a MC.  Time to pressure the BLM to start policing Fireworks and trash.
I've def experienced that "switch" around the 30th at RR many times.  It got to be that my wife and the dogs would leave and get a hotel for a couple nights in Yuma around NYs.  Then, we just stopped coming for Christmas->NY all together.  I "get it" for NYE itself, and we're willing to work around that (i.e. not be there, or the wife/dogs go to Yuma as mentioned) but it gets really Effing old when you can't camp anytime ever without non-stop Beirut.  Back in Dec '18 I went outside during the NYE fireworks bullshit cuz I could hear stuff landing on my roof and had to climb up there and make sure I wasn't getting lit on fire... I saw 2 BLM parked just watching, not writing anybody up.  

It's sad, and it pisses me off... but people cannot/will not police themselves.  Society as a general has crumbled and being a shitbag has been normalized.  I think a LOT of us need to start a letter-writing campaign and get the ASA involved asking for enforcement of the basic rules, especially one as crucial to safety as the fireworks ban. 

And to be clear, I've done fireworks in G, I'm no saint.  However, when I've done 'em I've ridden down to the canal, or a ridge into the dunes to light 'em.  


At least the camp host was nice enough to leave free firewood 👍 Our last trip was the weekend before Christmas, only camp in wash 15 till sat night / sun morning when the NYE camps got set up. Did not hear a mortar the 4 nights we were there. 
The group camped on the Plaza left a lot of firewood after New Years and the Camp Host went and took it all to his camp.

social media is ruining alot of things. once "RRE" was a thing and being posted about on ig, the keyboard warrior people that werent part of it or jealous/pissed/hate their own life etc..  started making noise about it. same thing happened back when robbie started the compound, someone bitched to the county about us leaving our trailers in our spots in the compound next thing we all  had to get storage across the street or tow from home.

At least the camp host was nice enough to leave free firewood 👍 Our last trip was the weekend before Christmas, only camp in wash 15 till sat night / sun morning when the NYE camps got set up. Did not hear a mortar the 4 nights we were there. 
We were like the 3rd or 4th camp in Wash 15.  Got there Christmas day.   Only one night of fireworks which was the 30th.   Left on the 31st.  

We were like the 3rd or 4th camp in Wash 15.  Got there Christmas day.   Only one night of fireworks which was the 30th.   Left on the 31st.  
You mean you were not visited by the BLM for lighting them like two years ago.  That was hilarious how you were totally smashed, yet channeled your inner Lawyer and got us off with a warning.  Good times, LOL.  That was the coolest LEO I have ever encountered in G.

I don't get why people on this board are cheering their fellow duners getting ticketed and 'towed'. I'm never happy to see my fellow duners getting lit up by BLM, in camp or in the dunes. 

So now that all of you are happy about the 14 day rule being enforced for a campground that you are not even using lets get more enforcement.  I’d like to see the BLM walking into camps to check OHV registration, measuring RV’s and trailers for over length, glass bottles, fireworks, loud music and generators after the 10 PM quiet time, dogs unleashed, trash on the ground.  Enforce them all.

social media is ruining alot of things. once "RRE" was a thing and being posted about on ig, the keyboard warrior people that werent part of it or jealous/pissed/hate their own life etc..  started making noise about it. same thing happened back when robbie started the compound, someone bitched to the county about us leaving our trailers in our spots in the compound next thing we all  had to get storage across the street or tow from home.
ya, that was pretty much complete B ullshit... 

Sorry but lets get real.

"Entitled" people can be found in all the different areas of Glamis. 

They believe they deserve preferences and resources that others don't, and they are less concerned about what is socially acceptable or beneficial for others.

As a staff member here on GD, I'm supposed to play by the same rules as hand has been slapped by Slappy for being a tool a time or two to members. I try and can admit my faults, own yore actions.

To the Compound Campers, it sucks it happened the way it did...but County Rules are still the rules. Blame management/owners for setting up something that was bound to fail. Deeper pockets were needed.

Same at RRE and the Pads on Gecko, quit crying. Over time it will hopefully get better for the majority, as it should have been.  @L.R.S. Good on you for walking over, being civil and asking those guys to stop with the mortars...and they did - that's awesome, more folks need to handle things that exact way.

As @tjZ06 pointed out, the BLM is the most accountable for not enforcing their rules that have been the same for how many years? There are always folks that either try to skirt certain rules or just don't's their job to handle those scenarios. Why are we paying them otherwise?


You mean you were not visited by the BLM for lighting them like two years ago.  That was hilarious how you were totally smashed, yet channeled your inner Lawyer and got us off with a warning.  Good times, LOL.  That was the coolest LEO I have ever encountered in G.
Well there was that one time.  I mean Chuck and the kids did not smell like fireworks at all. LOL!.   It was some of my finest work and the ranger was super cool.  LMAO!!

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Well there was that one time.  I mean Chuck and the kids did not smell like fireworks at all. LOL!.   It was some of my finest work and the ranger was super cool.  LMAO!!
A few of my friends were not so lucky.  The BLM rolled up on them after one mortar shot. The guy who lit it didn't see the BLM roll up as he walked back into the trailer where they were dividing up the $1,500.00 worth of kaboomers they had just got delivered from Nevada but the BLM did see where he went, and well the door wasn't shut. 

He got a ticket and all of the fun stuff got taken away, He also had to pay for all the lost kaboomers. 

As far as the RRE becoming the ghetto well your own arrogance is to blame.  You guy's acted like it was your own private club and there wasn't anything anybody could do to get you out of your spot after you set the jacks down. 

Nobody I know wants more LEO presence out there or even cares how long the RRE people sit in there spot each year but there are people who would like to camp there and if you are a permanent fixture your not allowing them equal opportunity.
