Ghostly Adventures from Gecko

Well there was that one time.  I mean Chuck and the kids did not smell like fireworks at all. LOL!.   It was some of my finest work and the ranger was super cool.  LMAO!!
Well to be fair, Chuck smelled like the booze that he was chugging from a bottle, so there is that.

A few of my friends were not so lucky.  The BLM rolled up on them after one mortar shot. The guy who lit it didn't see the BLM roll up as he walked back into the trailer where they were dividing up the $1,500.00 worth of kaboomers they had just got delivered from Nevada but the BLM did see where he went, and well the door wasn't shut. 

He got a ticket and all of the fun stuff got taken away, He also had to pay for all the lost kaboomers. 

As far as the RRE becoming the ghetto well your own arrogance is to blame.  You guy's acted like it was your own private club and there wasn't anything anybody could do to get you out of your spot after you set the jacks down. 

Nobody I know wants more LEO presence out there or even cares how long the RRE people sit in there spot each year but there are people who would like to camp there and if you are a permanent fixture your not allowing them equal opportunity.
As far as the RRE becoming the ghetto well your own arrogance is to blame.  You guy's acted like it was your own private club and there wasn't anything anybody could do to get you out of your spot after you set the jacks down.

Nailed it!!!!  

I don't get why people on this board are cheering their fellow duners getting ticketed and 'towed'. I'm never happy to see my fellow duners getting lit up by BLM, in camp or in the dunes. 

So now that all of you are happy about the 14 day rule being enforced for a campground that you are not even using lets get more enforcement.  I’d like to see the BLM walking into camps to check OHV registration, measuring RV’s and trailers for over length, glass bottles, fireworks, loud music and generators after the 10 PM quiet time, dogs unleashed, trash on the ground.  Enforce them all.
He's got you there, man

To the Compound Campers, it sucks it happened the way it did...but County Rules are still the rules. Blame management/owners for setting up something that was bound to fail. Deeper pockets were needed.
This is not right nor was it warranted, it was private property not public land. It's not the county that runs G last time I checked, they're just hired "thugs". But I agree about the deep pockets, I mean look at Biffle nd what effing Polaris has done, $ dictates ALL these days.

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A few of my friends were not so lucky.  The BLM rolled up on them after one mortar shot. The guy who lit it didn't see the BLM roll up as he walked back into the trailer where they were dividing up the $1,500.00 worth of kaboomers they had just got delivered from Nevada but the BLM did see where he went, and well the door wasn't shut. 

He got a ticket and all of the fun stuff got taken away, He also had to pay for all the lost kaboomers. 
My friend was the one lighting them off with the kids outside of camp near the small dunes we were next to.  They literally sat down at the campfire still smelling of fireworks.  I was walking back to my motorhome to get a drink and saw him pull up.  When I was exiting my motorhome  the ranger was out of his truck and walking into camp.  I casually walked back to the campfire with him.  We were talking and he basically said "I won't have to comeback out here for a firework call at 3am because that would make him really upset."    He was very cool about it.

Well done sir. I'm no match for your cut n paste skills Andrew.
Thank you! Even if it is sarcasm.

I don't want to get in a pissing contest with you Jeff. By all accounts you're a good dude who contributes a lot to the off road/Glamis community. You actually helped me out by trying to hook me up with a buyer for my old motorhome I was selling so I've got no beef with you. BUT, you've got to see the irony in your comments right? Just a little? 

I was a beneficiary of the great Roadrunner Extraction of 2021. I was able to get a spot on the weekend of the 17th and it was great. I see why you love the area. It was quiet, peaceful even. Not a firework, not an obnoxious sound system, no one doing hot laps. Commented to my wife on Saturday night about how nice it was. I would love to camp there again and I only see that happening if the rule(s) continue to be enforced. 

I also saw that same weekend, you were still able to get a spot. By following the rules, I, and many others like me, were able to camp there for the first time in many years AND a regular like yourself still managed to land a spot. Isn't that a win for everyone? 

As I stated in other threads that didn't go over well....I'm all for the rules. I'm all for bringing back zero tolerance enforcement. Fireworks, littering, burning pallets, 72 hour unattended rule, 14 day rule...All of it. But, we can't complain when a rule is enforced against us but we want other rules enforced on others.

Take care...


Three rigs were just towed from Pad 4 today, all 5th wheel trailers.  One even had their slideout still out.  If I could figure out to share a video from Insta from a friend I would share

Three rigs were just towed from Pad 4 today, all 5th wheel trailers.  One even had their slideout still out.  If I could figure out to share a video from Insta from a friend I would share
If it's posted on your insta, the 3 dot in the upper right.  There are share options.  Pick "copy link".  Then paste. of my Rotties and his toys..and my new baby if you scroll right..!...

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Three rigs were just towed from Pad 4 today, all 5th wheel trailers.  One even had their slideout still out.  If I could figure out to share a video from Insta from a friend I would share
Were they red tagged after 72 hours and then towed the next day?
