Ghostly Adventures from Gecko

RR is like Boardwalk and Park Place. Pad 3/5 is like Marvin Gardens and Pennsylvania. Pad one would be like New York and Ilinois Ave. The lowly washes would be Baltic to Connecticut depending which wash. :blink: Of course you drive along B&O railroad going down wash road. Get caught drinking and duning?  Go to jail and don't pass go or collect $200. Land on free parking and you get to camp in one spot for 60 days. 
I think you're a little confused.  Go down to RR, you'll mostly see THs, gassers, and a few pushers.  I saw vids of Pad 3/5 this weekend that had a Newell, which is a $3M coach.  


Good..... They do it pretty much everywhere else on BLM lands....why not Glamis? 
Yep. Hopefully they will also enforce the no fireworks rule, dogs on a leash, glass in the dunes, green sticker registration, no generator after 10pm. Cause all the rules in Glamis are important right?

What'd I miss? Were the elite of Entitlement Estates asked to leave? Did they have to leave the ISDRA? Or just get off Roadrunner? Are they slumming it down on pad 3 for a bit? Or, dare I say it, did they have to go to the washes for a week or two? Oh the horror...
You weren't there with firefighter Steve or Air Boom Ron? I would have loved to meet you. Steve and Ron came over to say hello. Why didn't you?

So what’s the nitty of the gritty? What happened to make the roadrunner folks clear out?
A bunch of Karen's complained on FB and other social media. BLM came through a week ago and said we all had to leave by Monday Nov 29th because we've been camped at Roadrunner too long. We asked when we could come back and they didn't have an answer.  

Just to have an understanding of the 'rules' we called the BLM El Centro office today. I asked if I'm in ISDRA and reach the 14 day limit and leave and my son comes back the very next day in my RV what will happen? They told me it will be considered a 'new' trip to ISDRA.

So there's that. 

You can tell I'm not a baller from the shear point that I don't understand why people get pissed about having to follow rules that are set for everyone, not just us peasants. I stopped going so much after getting screwed and pinned back together, but honestly after seeing all this BS I'm glad. Everyone used to go to have fun, now it's turned into a "my dik is bigger than yours" contest on every level. Eff all that. You guys can duke it out for that "prized space" 

If leo's see you throw a bottle they will stop and give a ticket. If they see you throw trash they will stop and give a ticket. I support them giving tickets for ALL the violation they see, Ghost parking on Gecko and camping for the entire season is finally on their radar screen. My biggest issue is what took so long? I feel there would be no issue if they had enforced this from day one.

We are supposed to be civilized to the point where we don't need to be watched 24/7 and can follow the rules so everyone can enjoy the dunes.

You can tell I'm not a baller from the shear point that I don't understand why people get pissed about having to follow rules that are set for everyone, not just us peasants. I stopped going so much after getting screwed and pinned back together, but honestly after seeing all this BS I'm glad. Everyone used to go to have fun, now it's turned into a "my dik is bigger than yours" contest on every level. Eff all that. You guys can duke it out for that "prized space" 
Thats why i camp where i do dont deal with fighting to find a spot quiet at night no mariachi bands or dust pit dont open my door and have to squeeze out  becasue neighbor is parked close,dont get blocked in by someone trying to park extra car,dont have ranger coming by every day,etc.Just sucks ive only made 2 trips to normal camp spot in the last 2 years though.

Thats why i camp where i do dont deal with fighting to find a spot quiet at night no mariachi bands or dust pit dont open my door and have to squeeze out  becasue neighbor is parked close,dont get blocked in by someone trying to park extra car,dont have ranger coming by every day,etc.Just sucks ive only made 2 trips to normal camp spot in the last 2 years though.
Details on this fabulous spot. I hate the dust on the flats, kills my sinus'. 

Details on this fabulous spot. I hate the dust on the flats, kills my sinus'. 
We usually go down to 23 or 24 now... quiet and not packed or dusty. I don't mind the drive down either, the drive back on Sunday does suck though :lol:  

You weren't there with firefighter Steve or Air Boom Ron? I would have loved to meet you. Steve and Ron came over to say hello. Why didn't you?
I don't know who Fire Fighter Steve and Air Boom Ron are. We've met though. I'm the guy that came down to your camp about a year ago looking for info on the Funco that your buddy Bill was selling. You'd just given him a fuel filter. Hell, I've even referred a few friends to you for some work. Based on your posts here and on Insta you seem like a straight up guy willing to help out peeps when you can. But you just get hung up on this one issue.

I mentioned it earlier, but perhaps it bears repeating. Yore strategy of trying to tell people to just shut up and mind their own business is flawed. 

Personally, I don't give a flying eff about where and for how long you and the citizens of Entitlement Estates camp. I haven't complained to the Rangers, I don't go on Facebook and start complaints, and I don't start threads here about it. The only time I comment about it is when you come on here and try to tell other people to shut the hell up and mind their own business. Who the hell made you the "Fact Checker" for posts about ghost camping?

If we can't ALL leave our rigs out on Gecko for the season, then why should you and the good citizens of Entitlement Estates be able to do it?

You wont get there unless 4wd and can drag a trailer across long streches of sand with a slight uphill climb.
I used to camp @ Wash 40. There was a ramp from Ted Kemp rd over the tracks right to the spot. I like visiting the peeps at the end of Gecko, I like leaving after a visit better, too much going on. Carry on…

I miss camping at Gecko.. access to the big dunes.. . great sunsets, but my group is like Romper Room and we post around a kiddie track Wash 10-13. Nice having a small 5th and a 4WD truck. No fighting for a pad when you can camp in the sand.

If I move back to a V8 sand car, no way I'll be camping in the washes.. those little dunes get old quick when we sometimes camped there.

OK, I need to focus... leaving for Kauai tomorrow a.m.

See y'all in the sand 12/28 ish.. you can 'duke' it out then 

