Ghostly Adventures from Gecko

You wont get there unless 4wd and can drag a trailer across long streches of sand with a slight uphill climb.
You have a great spot my dude, I know exactly where it is.   Our group is all 4x4 rigs that get off the road and camp in the sand also, its so much better.   

...Hopefully they will also enforce the no fireworks rule...
Okay, here comes the unpopular opinion and controversy, but I think that's what this thread is for, right? 

Personally, I do wish they'd enforce the Fireworks rule at least somewhat.  Just like other things in G, it's escalated and escalated 'til it's just gotten ridiculous.  It's every damn night.  It doesn't matter if it's a Wednesday on an off-week in Oct it sounds like a warzone all damn night. 

I'd say about 50% of people that go to G have dogs, and about 90% of dogs hate fireworks.  It makes it miserable for those people, and/or they just let their dogs suffer.  

Honestly, it's one of the things that has soured Melissa and I on spending the amount of time we used to in G.  Now, on New Years, I get it.  We just make sure we're not there for NY, or at least Melissa and the dogs aren't.  But it's every single night.  It gets to be where we know we can't walk the dogs or take them out to piss 'n chit after the sun begins to dip.  

Also, people don't even take 'em out of camp anymore.  I've done plenty of fireworks at G and Pismo, but we rode down to the canal or rode a dune in back when I was doing that.  These days people light 'em off right in camp and don't give a chit about burning people's chit.  

Okay, that's my unpopular opinion/rant over, and I recognize I'm a massive hypocrite cuz I got drunk last season and told my buddy to shoot fireballs with his McLaren (though, I did walk around RR the next day and apologize, lol).  Let the drama ensue... 


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Okay, here comes the unpopular opinion and controversy, but I think that's what this thread is for, right? 

Personally, I do wish they'd enforce the Fireworks rule at least somewhat.  Just like other things in G, it's escalated and escalated 'til it's just gotten ridiculous.  It's every damn night.  It doesn't matter if it's a Wednesday on an off-week in Oct it sounds like a warzone all damn night. 

I'd say about 50% of people that go to G have dogs, and about 90% of dogs hate fireworks.  It makes it miserable for those people, and/or they just let their dogs suffer.  

Honestly, it's one of the things that has soured Melissa and I on spending the amount of time we used to in G.  Now, on New Years, I get it.  We just make sure we're not there for NY, or at least Melissa and the dogs aren't.  But it's every single night.  It gets to be where we know we can't walk the dogs or take them out to piss 'n chit after the sun begins to dip.  

Also, people don't even take 'em out of camp anymore.  I've done plenty of fireworks at G and Pismo, but we rode down the canal or ride a dune in back when I was doing that.  These days people light 'em off right in camp and don't give a chit about burning people's chit.  

Okay, that's my unpopular opinion/rant over, and I recognize I'm a massive hypocrite cuz I got drunk last season and told my buddy to shoot fireballs with his McLaren (though, I did walk around RR the next day and apologize, lol).  Let the drama ensue... 

Not unpopular at all I would say! Hell I can't stand it at home after about 11:00 on 4th of July but don't say anything. But when chit is still getting fired off at 3 and 4 am...EFF YOU!!!!!

So what did we gain here? Is there a new click, mafia, group of buddies, family enjoying it?

kinda reminds me of growing up camping at the silver strand my parents would make friends with the people on beach front just to see when they were leaving. Soon as they were backing out pops would park his baja bug in it and would move camp than the motorhome. Lotta social politics in it. Now it’s all reservations no more lawlessness. 

Okay, here comes the unpopular opinion and controversy, but I think that's what this thread is for, right? 

Personally, I do wish they'd enforce the Fireworks rule at least somewhat.  Just like other things in G, it's escalated and escalated 'til it's just gotten ridiculous.  It's every damn night.  It doesn't matter if it's a Wednesday on an off-week in Oct it sounds like a warzone all damn night. 

I'd say about 50% of people that go to G have dogs, and about 90% of dogs hate fireworks.  It makes it miserable for those people, and/or they just let their dogs suffer.  

Honestly, it's one of the things that has soured Melissa and I on spending the amount of time we used to in G.  Now, on New Years, I get it.  We just make sure we're not there for NY, or at least Melissa and the dogs aren't.  But it's every single night.  It gets to be where we know we can't walk the dogs or take them out to piss 'n chit after the sun begins to dip.  

Also, people don't even take 'em out of camp anymore.  I've done plenty of fireworks at G and Pismo, but we rode down the canal or ride a dune in back when I was doing that.  These days people light 'em off right in camp and don't give a chit about burning people's chit.  

Okay, that's my unpopular opinion/rant over, and I recognize I'm a massive hypocrite cuz I got drunk last season and told my buddy to shoot fireballs with his McLaren (though, I did walk around RR the next day and apologize, lol).  Let the drama ensue... 

So you've expressed an unpopular (your words) opinion here and yet no one has come back and told you to shut the hell up. Or tried to say that no one shoots fireworks off at Glamis. Weird...

Okay, here comes the unpopular opinion and controversy, but I think that's what this thread is for, right? 

Personally, I do wish they'd enforce the Fireworks rule at least somewhat.  Just like other things in G, it's escalated and escalated 'til it's just gotten ridiculous.  It's every damn night.  It doesn't matter if it's a Wednesday on an off-week in Oct it sounds like a warzone all damn night. 

I'd say about 50% of people that go to G have dogs, and about 90% of dogs hate fireworks.  It makes it miserable for those people, and/or they just let their dogs suffer.  

Honestly, it's one of the things that has soured Melissa and I on spending the amount of time we used to in G.  Now, on New Years, I get it.  We just make sure we're not there for NY, or at least Melissa and the dogs aren't.  But it's every single night.  It gets to be where we know we can't walk the dogs or take them out to piss 'n chit after the sun begins to dip.  

Also, people don't even take 'em out of camp anymore.  I've done plenty of fireworks at G and Pismo, but we rode down the canal or ride a dune in back when I was doing that.  These days people light 'em off right in camp and don't give a chit about burning people's chit.  

Okay, that's my unpopular opinion/rant over, and I recognize I'm a massive hypocrite cuz I got drunk last season and told my buddy to shoot fireballs with his McLaren (though, I did walk around RR the next day and apologize, lol).  Let the drama ensue... 

I was out for Vet's, as usual. I expected some fireworks... what I got was the camp behind where I was at dropping M84 flash bangs. I can tell you as someone who's dealt with it 1st hand, FUK THAT! Never again will I go anywhere near 6. It was riGODDAMNEDdiculous

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Seems like most people don't mind folks who have extended stays in G, 2 or 3, maybe even 4 weeks is do-able.  Of course as long as you are with your stuff.   Naturally.

However, if a person parks their moho and enclosed trailer in the same spot for over 6 months brag about it on public forums, and many of those days their stuff is on the spot there isn't a sole in sight.  Then they snub their nose to all, and give the mighty f-u to anyone who even remotely challenges this behavior.  And when they finally do get called out and have to move, attempt to store it locally for a short period, just long enough until you can move it back. 

Huh, seems fine to me, what's all the fuss about?  

Funny thing is the camp host "Tom" had plenty of documentation, logs, photos, personal notes,  that many rigs all over Gecko area were there WAY longer than 14 days, (more like 6 to 8 weeks much of that time unattended but appeared legit, he ain't stupid) before he decided to push the issue.  And I am no fan of this camp host by any stretch.  It just shows you how flagrant some people are with their entitlement attitude.  

But I digress, all is well, peace and love for everyone.

I remember seeing a camp host sign at Entitlement Estates a few years ago, right there when you enter. Is this the Tom that is being referred to? Is he really a camp host? Or are we just being sarcastic? 

You have a great spot my dude, I know exactly where it is.   Our group is all 4x4 rigs that get off the road and camp in the sand also, its so much better.   
It’s usually us and two other groups we all kind of have our own spot. We just been there once last season and once thus season. Be back New Years though. Been up there since 2009. 

I remember seeing a camp host sign at Entitlement Estates a few years ago, right there when you enter. Is this the Tom that is being referred to? Is he really a camp host? Or are we just being sarcastic? 
Nope, sarcasm saved for other posts.  He is the camp host, and last year he was neutered because of the kung-flu and the leo's not caring about people parking there stuff for 6 months at a time.  

But this year, things are different because of all the karens crying on fb.  They gave him a blank check, and he is way badge wanta-be-copper.  And trust me, he knows all the "play'aers" on RR.  

He still has his notes from last year I bet.  

The fact he let them stay 6 to 8 weeks before he pulled their card is rather impressive actually, cause he leans towards the "letter of the law" not the spirit of the law.  He leaned on one after Vets and had the leo's make him move after some cat & mouse games.  But for the most part he knows when Sunday night rolls around and 99% of the rigs are empty until Thursday night, he gets it.  

I'm no fan of his, but sheesh, some peeps just got greedy, and lazy and...  well honestly, stupid.  6 months, dam gina!

I will say this, 

fb is the devil, and the glamis fb pages are the devils spawn!

The leo's are all up in this forum, but on fb they eat that crap up by the spoonful. And with the new head ranger, who knows, maybe he, she, it, whatever, loves the karens on fb

Pretty simple system if everybody follows it. The rule is 14 days in a 28 day period. Can be a straight 14 days or broken up.


Camping on public lands away from developed recreation facilities is referred to as dispersed camping. Most of the remainder of public lands are open to dispersed camping, as long as it does not conflict with other authorized uses or in areas posted "closed to camping," or in some way adversely affects wildlife species or natural resources.

Dispersed camping is allowed on public land for a period not to exceed 14 days within a 28 consecutive day period. The 28 day period begins when a camper initially occupies a specific location on public lands. The 14 day limit may be reached either through a number of separate visits or through 14 days of continuous overnight occupation during the 28 day period. After the 14th day of occupation, the camper must move outside of a 25 mile radius of the previous location until the 29th day since the initial occupation.

So, no leaving only to return the next day?  Gotta take two weeks off....


At many locations the BLM provides developed facilities for camping. Campgrounds may include a variety of facilities, such as restrooms, potable water, electrical hookups, picnic areas, garbage cans, tent pads and group shelters. However, many campgrounds do not have all of these amenities and may only have a picnic table and fire ring. Make sure to check the campground’s website or call the appropriate field office when planning your trip.

Permits, Fees and Limitations:

  • Most BLM campgrounds require a fee to use a campground. These fees help maintain the facilities. Selecting a campsite is usually on a first come first serve basis. However, some campgrounds take reservations which can be made at Please obey all posted rules specific to the campground and keep the following in mind.
  • Fee sites vary in price. Please check the campground’s website or call the local field office for details.
  • Camping stay limits vary by location but are generally about two weeks within a month period.
  • Pay camp fee within 30 minutes of occupying a site.
  • A campsite is rented ONLY once it has been paid in full with the pay-stub properly completed and displayed on site and the site is occupied by campers.
  • Do not leave personal property unattended for more than 72 hours.
  • Due to adverse weather, many campgrounds are only seasonally available. Make sure to check if the campground is open before planning your trip.

Glamis is considered developed, not dispersed. 

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