Ghostly Adventures from Gecko

I've always enjoyed traveling to Gecko from the washes. Thru the Dunes. Sight seeing the rich and famous. Waving to the Ghost Campers. Feeling larger than life itself. Then back to the washes. Or as some cities say.....The other side of the tracks. Peace

I did gecko for like 4 years...I was brain washed from all the talk about how sucky the washes are to camp in.then I decided to turn to the dark side and do it as its way closer and easer to pull my stuff directly across the street from storage.and WOW....just hooked on the washes.true dust can get bad and it will get nuts on busy weekends but we just man up and take it but I feel its 10 times more have all the little dunes thay want and just make there own trucks and ride it all day and night.we like to party and be close to the dunes, olds for at night, venders,and close to ted kepf for deep desert runs when god knows when we will return.gecko reminds me of the party poopers and you go there to just sit and camp. then 5 pm comes and its alive for the drags then back to camp to sit by a fire and then lights out by 10.thats just me and the way I seen it

I have said it before and I will say it again.

Wash's = Camping

Gecko = Parking/ Tailgating

In the washes you will park next to somebody who at least knows somebody in your group, you will have neighbors you might get to know them you might not. They might even be with your group just need a little more room for their friends.

Over on Gecko, your friends will tell you where they are you might be able to park next to them you might not, your all going to hang out a little before and after a ride but your parking by yourself more then likely. You might meet people you like parked next to you and you might meet a a-hole who doesn't want any new friends. You never know. 

In the washes, I can find a spot that is pretty much level and as long as I stay away from bushes and kiddie tracks I won't be getting stuck, for the most part.  Over on Gecko I might get a spot that will take me hours to get enough people to move a car or flat bed trailer enough so I can get into s spot that it will take me longer to get level and unstuck at the end of the weekend then I will spend with my friends all weekend. 

I have never parked in the washes, I started in glamis flats by vendors 14 years ago. It was fun but crazy and dusty on holiday weekends. I even remember in the flats we had correctional officers pull guns on us 1 time. good times.. The washes seems like a long haul out of there, but to each their own. I am sure it is a hell of a party. I have camped by the canal (brawley side) and that was awesome. But with the moho now. I will not take that chance. Gecko this past 2 seasons have been great for the moho. RRE is a cool spot with really nice people. Pad 4 was cool and pad 5 was really cool and would love to go their every time. I always wanted to get into keyhole loop. Maybe get lucky 1 time this season. I also would not mind pad 1 with some of my friends but that always get so busy plus close to ranger station and drags. It is a hard spot to get. Maybe grant will let me park by him in cement flats. I just want a decent place to chill with my peeps go ride and enjoy!

I have said it before and I will say it again.

Wash's = Camping

Gecko = Parking/ Tailgating

In the washes you will park next to somebody who at least knows somebody in your group, you will have neighbors you might get to know them you might not. They might even be with your group just need a little more room for their friends.

Over on Gecko, your friends will tell you where they are you might be able to park next to them you might not, your all going to hang out a little before and after a ride but your parking by yourself more then likely. You might meet people you like parked next to you and you might meet a a-hole who doesn't want any new friends. You never know. 

In the washes, I can find a spot that is pretty much level and as long as I stay away from bushes and kiddie tracks I won't be getting stuck, for the most part.  Over on Gecko I might get a spot that will take me hours to get enough people to move a car or flat bed trailer enough so I can get into s spot that it will take me longer to get level and unstuck at the end of the weekend then I will spend with my friends all weekend. 
Some very good observations and points you make in this post.  A lot of truths about camping around the Gecko area.  

I'm a lover not a fighter, so 99% I assimilate with my neighbors.  But there have been a few interesting times needless to say.  Even pre-Gecko 1983-2001  I was a wash 3.5 guy, but don't tell anyone, they might pull my Gecko card, but the washes has its neighbor drama also.  

Funny thing is we never talk about WASH GHOST CAMPERS, they do exist, I know right, hard to believe.  I think the reason we never talk about it, because nobody gives a $hit, its the washes.  

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OMG, could you imagine if the leo's tagged some rigs that were ghost camping in the washes.


I know the leo's don't even know where the washes are, let alone drive back there and actually perform pro-active policing in this de-fund climate, but still funny to imagine. 

Kinda like the leo's tackling the elephant in the room, RR estates.  

I’ve always camped in the washes, I enjoy it down there. One year the BLM showed up to check all of our passes. The officer came over to Poule while he was working on his 70, and Poule asked him to hold the rear end of the 70 up so he could work on it, and the guy was there for 20 minutes helping Poule work on his 70. Poule talked to him the entire time, and I was rolling…Once he was done they quickly got back in their car and they bailed and we never saw them again.

and might I add, the officer could not get a word in edgewise, Poule kept saying, just one more minute. 😂

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I know the leo's don't even know where the washes are,
I've literally only seen 1 LEO in the last 8-10? years.  Even then, they hauled ass by us.

Haven't had my pass checked, registration looked at, no tickets, no hassles.  We ride 70s with no helmets and beers in our hand.

But, I choose....wisely.

I've literally only seen 1 LEO in the last 8-10? years.  Even then, they hauled ass by us.

Haven't had my pass checked, registration looked at, no tickets, no hassles.  We ride 70s with no helmets and beers in our hand.

But, I choose....wisely.
Where you camp most the rangers couldn't figure out how to get to. While it wouldn't work for my big ass motorhome I do see the appeal and your secret is safe with me. :cheers:
