Ghostly Adventures from Gecko

I think cameras on RVs will become more and more common. I see a lot of positive potential for them. Besides theft, think about how many lost dogs might show up on video and give the owner hope. 

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And you can find out which buddy pissed on your wheel while helping himself to a ICB out of your ice chest... 

I don't really do the ghost camping thing. I do lock the toys up every night. I have had a gas can or two disappear and beers from an ice chest but that's it. Like I said before and like others said, being so remote, so close to Mexico and so easily towed away, I am surprised more stuff doesn't disappear. I bet if that started happening, the ghost campers would start thinking twice. In my opinion, a $75 to $100 ticket is nothing to guarantee a good spot all season, however, if $75,000 to $100,000 worth of your toys disappear, that's a game changer. And on that note, what keeps someone from hooking one of these trailers up and towing it down the road or to the area near the ranger station by the shitter and leaving it and taking the spot? I bet the ranger's would tow it if it was left there .....
Theft to some, but an insurance opportunity to most.  The few rigs I have learned about being "stolen" from a pad had very questionable circumstances involved and all had incredibly high insurance coverage. Just saying. 

And trailers that have been dumped/dropped off, etc., have been moved. Seen it many times. Nothing malicious, just moved for convience purposes I think.  

We choose to just drag our trailers to set up camp makes nice quiet nights less traffic maybe one ranger visit a season and no worrying about finding a spot.
The first group I camped with always chose Pad 1.5, right down in the soft sand. We could always pull up any day, and drive right in. On Holiday weekends when they do the permit check just past the ranger station, I would put on the Staun deflators, drop the truck tires to 12 and 4-low crawl right in the driftys...

Actually reading this i  think i may start a new business since i have lots of free time. 100 bucks per day/night i will pull my trailer set up camp next to yours keep your trailer or moho looking like someone is there move your sand toy around re arrange chairs maybe light  a fire at night to look like you are there.Day time i can leave a radio playing re locate your car to make it look like fresh tracks too,turn lights on in moho or trailer turn tv up loud  if needed.

Of course a discount for multiple rigs.can move trucks around as a bonus

People have already been rig sitting for a long time. There's probably room for a few more.

People have already been rig sitting for a long time. There's probably room for a few more.
RR estates has people on the payroll, meet several, had lengthy discussions with a few.

Paid to watch the ghost camp, but legally it "is attended"

Unfortunately there is no way around the 14 day rule, thankfully the leo's seldom play that card. And I have never seen it played with the geriatric old dusty sand fleas at the RR estates. Those old folks would chit straight Gerutal if the leos ever attempted to properly deal with that issue. Hell there are regulars that have there rigs in the same spot from Oct-March, they own that piece of asphalt for 6 months. 

But the last thing any leo would ever want to deal with is the RR estate old folks. They are WAY above the law. 

RR estates has people on the payroll, meet several, had lengthy discussions with a few.

Paid to watch the ghost camp, but legally it "is attended"

Unfortunately there is no way around the 14 day rule, thankfully the leo's seldom play that card. And I have never seen it played with the geriatric old dusty sand fleas at the RR estates. Those old folks would chit straight Gerutal if the leos ever attempted to properly deal with that issue. Hell there are regulars that have there rigs in the same spot from Oct-March, they own that piece of asphalt for 6 months. 

But the last thing any leo would ever want to deal with is the RR estate old folks. They are WAY above the law. 
Blatant lies. No one is paid to do that at Roadrunner. 

i guess this could be a way of solving California's homeless problem lol

I said what I said. No. One. Gets. Paid. To. Stay. At. Roadrunner. I get paid to go there but that's different.
I believe you, "no one gets paid to STAY at Roadrunner." 

How is my application going for membership? 

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I've always enjoyed traveling to Gecko from the washes. Thru the Dunes. Sight seeing the rich and famous. Waving to the Ghost Campers. Feeling larger than life itself. Then back to the washes. Or as some cities say.....The other side of the tracks. Peace

I've always enjoyed traveling to Gecko from the washes. Thru the Dunes. Sight seeing the rich and famous. Waving to the Ghost Campers. Feeling larger than life itself. Then back to the washes. Or as some cities say.....The other side of the tracks. Peace
We like the other side of the tracks!! It’s where all the OG Duners camp👍

I did gecko for like 4 years...I was brain washed from all the talk about how sucky the washes are to camp in.then I decided to turn to the dark side and do it as its way closer and easer to pull my stuff directly across the street from storage.and WOW....just hooked on the washes.true dust can get bad and it will get nuts on busy weekends but we just man up and take it but I feel its 10 times more have all the little dunes thay want and just make there own trucks and ride it all day and night.we like to party and be close to the dunes, olds for at night, venders,and close to ted kepf for deep desert runs when god knows when we will return.gecko reminds me of the party poopers and you go there to just sit and camp. then 5 pm comes and its alive for the drags then back to camp to sit by a fire and then lights out by 10.thats just me and the way I seen it

I did gecko for like 4 years...I was brain washed from all the talk about how sucky the washes are to camp in.then I decided to turn to the dark side and do it as its way closer and easer to pull my stuff directly across the street from storage.and WOW....just hooked on the washes.true dust can get bad and it will get nuts on busy weekends but we just man up and take it but I feel its 10 times more have all the little dunes thay want and just make there own trucks and ride it all day and night.we like to party and be close to the dunes, olds for at night, venders,and close to ted kepf for deep desert runs when god knows when we will return.gecko reminds me of the party poopers and you go there to just sit and camp. then 5 pm comes and its alive for the drags then back to camp to sit by a fire and then lights out by 10.thats just me and the way I seen it
All Lies!!! :lol:
