Ghostly Adventures from Gecko


Trump has all the proof. He’s gonna release it when he releases all the q-anon info. After that adam Schiff will release the peepee tape he swears he has

Also remember to adhere to COVID-19 precautions, which include practicing social distancing, using hand sanitizer and wearing a face covering, while visiting ISDRA and all BLM locations.

Good thing BLM reminded me, I would've forgot! Whew!

Seriously... I think somebody might have Roadrunner confused with Pad 3/5.  I've spent a lot of time at RR, and I've never met or seen a single person that's been paid to be there.  

They are paid not to be seen by anybody but the help.

RR estates are still safe, leo's aren't allowed in that gated community. 

They haven't done $hit down there since they wrote papa Gibson a deuce in his golf cart when he was taking out the trash. (rr still had dumpsters down there) 

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RR estates are still safe, leo's aren,'t allowed in that gated community. 

They haven't done $hit down there since they wrote papa Gibson a duece in his golf cart when he wash taking out the trash. (rr still had dumpsters down tbere) 
Can't say as I blame them. If I could keep my stuff out there all season in a great spot, not have pay storage, and just roll up to my dune palace in my truck, I probably would too. 

We always camp on Gecko.  We never have any issue getting a spot but we air down and pull off into the sand.  Makes it nice for the kiddos to ride away from any traffic.  I've camped in the washes too.  I will say i didn't like the dust, but if it meant duning versus not duning I wouldn't care haha.

Well that blows, pardon the pun.

I guess the tools at HQ didn't get the memo, RR ESTATES ARE ABOVE THE LAW!!!  Dammit!  

A couple of tickets will be given out, for the peeps that leave their stuff there, they don't care.  Nothing is getting towed, way too much liability with slideouts and things not put away inside.  It is sad that these people think they are better than others and think they own Gecko.  I know people that left their stuff at Roadrunner for 4 months straight last year.  I would like to have the chance to camp there someday, but I guess May would be the month.......☹️

A couple of tickets will be given out, for the peeps that leave their stuff there, they don't care.  Nothing is getting towed, way too much liability with slideouts and things not put away inside.  It is sad that these people think they are better than others and think they own Gecko.  I know people that left their stuff at Roadrunner for 4 months straight last year.  I would like to have the chance to camp there someday, but I guess May would be the month.......☹️
The only thing stopping you from camping at Roadrunner is you.

RR estates are still safe, leo's aren't allowed in that gated community. 

They haven't done $hit down there since they wrote papa Gibson a deuce in his golf cart when he was taking out the trash. (rr still had dumpsters down there) 
I  didn't know they had dumpsters.

Maybe full hookups next like wash 10. 

I know people that left their stuff at Roadrunner for 4 months straight last year. 
What is really amazing is how they post on here like they aren't doing it and their rig is sitting out there at this very moment. They should adopt the first 2 rules of Fight Club.

I  didn't know they had dumpsters.

Maybe full hookups next like wash 10. 
Obviously you didn't read my post or haven't been going to Glamis for very long. 

RR used to have dumpsters, as did Gecko campground. 

A couple of tickets will be given out, for the peeps that leave their stuff there, they don't care.  Nothing is getting towed, way too much liability with slideouts and things not put away inside.  It is sad that these people think they are better than others and think they own Gecko.  I know people that left their stuff at Roadrunner for 4 months straight last year.  I would like to have the chance to camp there someday, but I guess May would be the month.......☹️
4 months, um try like 6

The only thing stopping you from camping at Roadrunner is you.
Except I would have to ditch my group, I do know plenty of peeps in the Estates and they would try to accommodate for one rig.
