Ghostly Adventures from Gecko

I've camped at Roadrunner a few times.  During summer.  Meh, too much pavement. 

Except I would have to ditch my group, I do know plenty of peeps in the Estates and they would try to accommodate for one rig.
And that's my point- even if you could you won't. Let's say the BLM kicks put people for the 14 day rule, OK, now what? Someone will pull into that open spot. But it won't be you. You want to camp with your group and there won't be enough room for all of you. So why complain? If the BLM kicks out 10 campers on Gecko Rd or Roadrunner those spaces will be filled quickly, but not by you and your group. So why complain? 

Just go enjoy the dunes and get in where you fit in, with your group. I have friendssnd clients camped at all the pads, washes and Cement Flats and my kids and I visit them regularly. 

What is really amazing is how they post on here like they aren't doing it and their rig is sitting out there at this very moment. They should adopt the first 2 rules of Fight Club.
How did it work out last time you complained about a camper at Pad 3 and the BLM showed up?

And that's my point- even if you could you won't. Let's say the BLM kicks put people for the 14 day rule, OK, now what? Someone will pull into that open spot. But it won't be you. You want to camp with your group and there won't be enough room for all of you. So why complain? If the BLM kicks out 10 campers on Gecko Rd or Roadrunner those spaces will be filled quickly, but not by you and your group. So why complain? 

Just go enjoy the dunes and get in where you fit in, with your group. I have friendssnd clients camped at all the pads, washes and Cement Flats and my kids and I visit them regularly. 
I wasn't complaining, just stating facts. Another fact, I wouldn't leave my stuff sitting out there as well.  

And that's my point- even if you could you won't. Let's say the BLM kicks put people for the 14 day rule, OK, now what? Someone will pull into that open spot. But it won't be you. You want to camp with your group and there won't be enough room for all of you. So why complain? If the BLM kicks out 10 campers on Gecko Rd or Roadrunner those spaces will be filled quickly, but not by you and your group. So why complain? 

Just go enjoy the dunes and get in where you fit in, with your group. I have friendssnd clients camped at all the pads, washes and Cement Flats and my kids and I visit them regularly. 
No the point is we live in a somewhat civilized world where we have rules we all try to live by.  We don't always agree with the rules but we still try our best to live with in the rules.  Then along comes a group who says screw your rules we are not going to play by them and if you fine us we don't care we have Eff you money and will continue to break those rules. 

So after 14 days take your crap home for the time required let somebody else have access to that spot and boohoo if you come back and you don't get that spot or can't find a spot the week before Christmas for you to camp in for another 14 days.  Those are the rules and they apply to all of us equally.

I am a Glamis w h o r e, I dam near live there.

I only poke fun at the the old folks down south at leisure world, opps, I mean RR estates. 

Truth be told, I'm actually kinda jealous how they are able to pull off the impossible every season.  Maybe some day I will attempt to camp down there again, I have done Keyhole occasionally, and that place is kinda cool for a small to medium group.  But for now I just drive through the estates and dream of being an old baller some day. 

"smile and wave boys, smile and wave" 

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Keyhole is like my goal for this year. 1 time at keyhole with the 10+ rigs would be bad ass! would have to bring the jump house for that!

:explode:  let's light this candle!

And that's my point- even if you could you won't. Let's say the BLM kicks put people for the 14 day rule, OK, now what? Someone will pull into that open spot. But it won't be you. You want to camp with your group and there won't be enough room for all of you. So why complain? If the BLM kicks out 10 campers on Gecko Rd or Roadrunner those spaces will be filled quickly, but not by you and your group. So why complain? 
Amazing how you rationalize illegally leaving your stuff out there all season. Because a person, according to you, wouldn't get the spot your motorhome and boxtrailer occupy all season, if you did have to move it, that person shouldn't "complain".

The fact that a person abides by the law, the fact that most here pay a $100-$200 a month to store their rig or pay even more to haul it home. The fact that you don't do any of that gives everyone the right to complain!

Did you really think blocking me on Instagram would shut me up? I guess you have never read any of my posts.  :toofunny:

Back when I first started going to Glamis we would roll in on a holiday weekend and find spots for 4-6 rigs along Gecko.  Back then Gecko was not the quiet at night place it is now. 

Gecko is nice on off-weekends.  Holiday weekends I have no desire to camp over there packed in like sardines. 

The perceived "good spots" on Gecko are like what camping at Rincon (on the beach near Ventura) was like in the summer.   Sure it is first come first serve, but a certain group of people figure out a way to rotate in an out so no one has a shot at those spots.  Rincon fixed that problem by going to a reservation system. 

No the point is we live in a somewhat civilized world where we have rules we all try to live by.  We don't always agree with the rules but we still try our best to live with in the rules.  Then along comes a group who says screw your rules we are not going to play by them and if you fine us we don't care we have Eff you money and will continue to break those rules. 

So after 14 days take your crap home for the time required let somebody else have access to that spot and boohoo if you come back and you don't get that spot or can't find a spot the week before Christmas for you to camp in for another 14 days.  Those are the rules and they apply to all of us equally.
Smokey, this is not NAM, there are rules....


Smokey, this is not NAM, there are rules....

View attachment 17387

That would Suck / I think of glamis as one of the last freedom places in the USA / I wish the OP of this tread would delete it.

It sucks that people abuse the system BUT the last thing we need is more Government!

My 2cents

Learn to live in the NEW WORLD ORDER. There's no freedom anymore here in the USA. You're free to be effed at every turn if you're a hard working tax payer. 

MY 2 cents 


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I am a Glamis w h o r e, I dam near live there.

I only poke fun at the the old folks down south at leisure world, opps, I mean RR estates. 

Truth be told, I'm actually kinda jealous how they are able to pull off the impossible every season.  Maybe some day I will attempt to camp down there again, I have done Keyhole occasionally, and that place is kinda cool for a small to medium group.  But for now I just drive through the estates and dream of being an old baller some day. 

"smile and wave boys, smile and wave" 


I actually heard this was the one of the busiest it has ever been out there. Even up to wash 7 was packed. but they could just be telling me this because I am at work instead of being in the sand box.
