Ghostly Adventures from Gecko

Trip report-

I failed to get my car back together in time for our Halloween trip so that sucked.  But a day sitting in camp is better than a day in my shop so my son and I headed out Wednesday. My son now works for me full time and has been killing it lately and saving every penny.  He was offered a great deal on a 2016 Yamaha YXZ 1000R with a Weller turbo package.  Stock is 140hp and this makes 200hp.  He picked it up last Monday in Las Vegas and we took it out for the first time last week.  I had one more chance to get my car running and needed to pick up my daughter (high school sophomore this year) so I ran back home Friday.  The MEFI 4a computer in my car is dead and there's no reviving it.  But it was already on our flatbed and we were in Upland so we just took it to Glamis.  We stopped at the ARCO in Salton Sea-  side story- The ARCO in Salton Sea no longer has gasoline, diesel and race gas at the pumps out on the truck/RV islands.  Maybe they'll get them back in service soon but the pumps are literally not there right now.  The few pumps that had race gas were pad locked.  Weird.

My daughter is 15 1/2 and has her driving permit, so I got her a Chevy Volt from my buddy @URCLEVER.  She's driven my Duramax truck plenty of times and for whatever reason she decided that she wanted to tow the trailer.  Huh?  It's 7pm and dark out.  Why now?  She said she needs to learn to tow a trailer and why not now with our own car loaded up?  Better than learning with a client's car.  Made sense so we traded seats and hit the road.  She got up to 60 mph and settled in for a 60ish mile drive to Gecko Rd.  Once there I thought we'd trade seats and I'd drive us to camp at Roadrunner.  Nope, she said she was fine and wanted to keep driving.  Then we got to Roadrunner camp and once again, I thought we'd trade seats.  Nope. She wanted to tow the trailer to our camp and park it.  I quietly text my son to come out and greet us. He damn near shat himself when he saw her driving and towing the flatbed.  I told him good because I had been shatting myself the last 60 miles.  She did great and I only had to help her once when I thought she as getting too close to a parked car.

My son told me his YZX had a bad battery and had to be jump started a few times when they were duning that day.  The next morning I found it had dual 6volt batteries so I swapped them out for a good 12volt and the problem was solved. 

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The YXZ was not running well at all.  RPM's were limited and it didn't seem to be making boost.  I checked what I could but there wasn't anything obviously wrong.  Last season one of my drivers left his bone stock 2020 Yamaha YXZ with us all season and my son put a lot of hours on it.  He's a capable duner and having duned the same machine, only with no turbo, he could tell his YXZ wasn't at 100%.  I got a call to work on a friends car but he was in Wash 23 so my kids went duning and I went for a long drive.  

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I got back to camp that afternoon and was told to be ready for a 3pm ride to Sunset Ridge, aka The Ledge.  I had several cars I could have jumped in but decided to grab a helmet and ride with my son.

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I noticed right away that the YXZ was struggling bad.  It would rev to 11k RPM and then he'd grab 2nd gear and it would drop to 6k RPM and never climb from there.  We had to turn out on a lot of dunes and make several attempts to catch up to out group of 10 cars and a few SxS's.  At one point we were climbing a bowl and not good to make it so he turned out and we ended up in a small canyon and stuck.  I was pissed.  Not pissed at him, but at the fact that he bought this Yamaha and was told it was turn key and ready to go, yet here we were stuck in a bad location.  It sucked big time.  Our friends climbed down to help us get turned around and pointed the right way to get out.  My buddy Chris, who also races SxS's, hopped in to drive the Yamaha out.  He made it to the top of the bowl and said there was definitely something wrong with this machine.  I asked him to drive it the rest of the way to The Ledge to see if he could help diagnose it.  I jumped in @Fisher855 Racer sand truck and we headed out.  We made it to The Ledge and parked near the rest or our group.  I was still catching my breath from the long climb out of the bowl where my son and I were stuck.  Beer time.

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The Ledge was filling up fast and all of a sudden a 2 seat RXR hucked a jump and rolled three times maybe 100 yards away from us o the next ridge over.  He got out and threw his arms up to say he was ok so we cheered and let the jokes fly.  We hung out till the sun was pretty much set and headed out.  But that turned into a sh!t show with so many SxS's parked at the bottom of The Ledge where we needed to exit.  We had to ask several people to move so we could leave.

I was back in the Yamaha YXZ with my son and for whatever reason it seemed to be running much better. I've talked to several people and made a call to Weller Racing in Chandler, AZ today and they said they will tune it for us if we can get it to them quickly.  

I got a call to pick up a new Tatum that needed to go back to Redline for a health check and the same client had a CanAm we had picked up in Blythe and delivered to Glamis and he wanted us to transport that to Yucaipa.

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Full trailers make me happy.

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I just bought this Triton Elite 20' aluminum deck-over flatbed and this was really the first time taking it on a long transport.  I was skeptical of how the small torsion axles would do with a car as heavy as mine (3529lbs) but my son said it towed great.

My son is headed back to Glamis on Wednesday and my daughter and I will head back out Friday after school.

Also... Bernie got some new equipment for this season.  Jot that number down.

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Spectacular Trip Report. It's awesome when your kids become young adults and you see everything come full circle, Its awesome that they are soo much a part of what you do while in Glamis....

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Bro, do you even dune?  Do you even own desert toys? 

Well not sure how it is down at leisure world, but the leo's are out in force 8am sharp proactively enforcing the "abandonment clause" and the "unattended clause" 

Which depends on how you feel about the subject could be a good thing or a bad thing. 

The whiney bitch's still won't get a spot when they roll in, but at least they will sleep better thinking they will. 

If your a washer don't worry, the leo's don't give a rats ass about that place. Why? Come on, it's the washes. 

One troubling thing I did notice, with all the PPP money and the "finance everything crowd" the game seems a little more eclectic. That's being PC.

Anyways, what's up with all the f-n liter?!?!?!

Never seen one weekend leave so much garage, the hill, dunes, ledge, washes, pads.  WTF

One troubling thing I did notice, with all the PPP money and the "finance everything crowd" the game seems a little more eclectic. That's being PC.

Anyways, what's up with all the f-n liter?!?!?!

Never seen one weekend leave so much garage, the hill, dunes, ledge, washes, pads.  WTF
EXACTLY, there is a new breed of Dirtbags that have made it into our past time.  Sad but reality.  It isn't just Glamis, it is everywhere.

One troubling thing I did notice, with all the PPP money and the "finance everything crowd" the game seems a little more eclectic. That's being PC.

Anyways, what's up with all the f-n liter?!?!?!

Never seen one weekend leave so much garage, the hill, dunes, ledge, washes, pads.  WTF

EXACTLY, there is a new breed of Dirtbags that have made it into our past time.  Sad but reality.  It isn't just Glamis, it is everywhere.
Trash reports from Dumont this weekend are insane as well. Those Social Media pages are piling up with Racial crap too right now.

No Ghost-camps there though :lol:   Dumont is too "Blue-Collar" for those kind of shenanigans :lol:

If right now is not a good time for the Orgs of the past to ramp up and educate the new folks...I don't know what will become of the near future in these places we love so much.

One thing I'll say, the old Orgs need to adapt to how today's folks get their information, the approach also has to be diverse and inclusive, not the old boys club feel from the past. Not saying any of the leaders were that way, just their members who were most active on their communication boards, etc.

damn, this site deletes all the fun posts lately :cheff:

guess when you haven't been to glamis in 3 years you have more time to be the post police :whip2:

:crusty:   :crusty:   :crusty:  

I was thinking it would be good for people like Wilkey to start posting stuff about keeping our dunes clean and such.  He is certainly living off the off roader (and a lot of young new off roaders).  I saw that Nick Farmer calling it out some on his FB page, need more people to do so.  There are a lot of new clubs/riding groups forming up, that people should each out to their leadership (if there is any).

This group has not been good stewards yet, just an example.  Los Del Lago Todo Terreno's, check them out on social media.

damn, this site deletes all the fun posts lately :cheff:

guess when you haven't been to glamis in 3 years you have more time to be the post police :whip2:

:crusty:   :crusty:   :crusty:  
We very rarely delete anything, The person who makes the post are usually the ones to delete them. We use to not give members that option.

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@L.R.S., awesome trip report.  the comment about Shatting yourself is phunny as hell (cause its true). 

the trash thing REALLY bothers me.......... I have bags in my buggy & go around picking up everyones cans, wrappers & water bottles, all of the time.  folks look @ me phunny, but when they are all standing around drinking beer, I get to get a few steps in & clean up the place I enjoy to goto!!!! 

damn, this site deletes all the fun posts lately :cheff:

guess when you haven't been to glamis in 3 years you have more time to be the post police :whip2:

:crusty:   :crusty:   :crusty:  
Your issue with me seems personal. Don't care for my opinion on matters or active discussion here on GD?

Feel free to discuss it with me on the board like everyone else does. We mostly act like grown men around here, some folks rethink what they said in haste and remove it themselves.

You really seem stuck on my last trip to Glamis, why? Would you like to camp with me or your extending an invitation?

I've had trolls follow me around in the past, it always stemmed from an action of discipline they received here from their own behavior. Only to then cried about it ad nausea-um. I strike a nerve? Chill and enjoy the site...most here do.

Why are you wasting time with this keyboard warrior.....go enjoy Glamis.


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Evidently the RR estates did get a visit last night around 745pm, a few red tags were placed.

But don't fret my worried ones, the stickers were peeled, few rigs moved around and it's all good! 

Back to your lawn bowling!  

Personally I'm amazed the guard at the gate didn't turn the leo's away. 

"these aren't the droids your looking for" 

One troubling thing I did notice, with all the PPP money and the "finance everything crowd" the game seems a little more eclectic. That's being PC.

Anyways, what's up with all the f-n liter?!?!?!

Never seen one weekend leave so much garage, the hill, dunes, ledge, washes, pads.  WTF
That is just sad. I talked to some friends that was in Glamis and Dumont and they both said the trash (litter) and bad attitudes was horrible. I loved this community for ride and the awesome people who are apart of it. We keep bags in our cars and my kids pick up trash every morning.

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But don't fret my worried ones, the stickers were peeled, few rigs moved around and it's all good! 
Don't care to camp over there doesn't interest me in the slightest but it is this kind of behavior that is going to bring this issue to a boil and it will be reservation city.  

So weird that the salton sea ARCO gas station is still having major issues with their pumps in the back.... It's been a few years now.  I always thought it would be the best stop with all the re-modeling they did and food places added.

Guess we'll stick to red earth, even though I hate the little access road to get there. 

Don't care to camp over there doesn't interest me in the slightest but it is this kind of behavior that is going to bring this issue to a boil and it will be reservation city.  
I hope you are wrong about reservations. It would be near impossible to impose them except at RR. But Holy cat lips, the old folks down south would $hit all of their collective bran instantly if it ever went to reservations!

However, a sellect few would revil in it solely for they would be able to actually pay for what many are getting for free! 6 months of having your rig in the same spot wether you are there or not. 

The biggest hitch is would it be lottery or highest bidder, not to mention the current 24 hour rule, 72 hour rule and the 14 day rule all become moot within the reservation area. 

Food for thought.

Personally I'm opposed, can't fathom all those old salty tears that would be spilt by the RR old folks, it would be so so sad. 

Regarding salton sea race gas i got some last year. You have to go inside and get an attendant. They bring the key and have to pump the gas for you. End up paying at the little office in the back. Huge hassle i cant believe its still down. They told me an entirely different company bought the back pumps. Might have been Pilot. 

I wonder if Loves or Pilot bought the back section of the arco with no intentions of installing new pumps quickly. Would force a lot of the truckers to gas up at the New Loves or the new Pilot a little bit further south that was already being built. But still you would think having pumps would be making them money? I cant believe its still not running. We usually hit Red Earth. Then bust some wheelies in the tow vehicle passing salton sea. Fast lane for smaller wheelies. 
