Ghostly Adventures from Gecko

STOP asking for more government!  Haven't you guys realized that it never works and never solves problems?

What we need is a good recession and economic throat punch, to help thin out the crowds in Glamis.

also... everyone loves to hate on the "ghost camps".... but have any of you guys actually seen the way most of them camp?? talk about maximizing the use of space... they pack in nascar style most of the time, fitting 10-20 rigs in an area that most people would camp 5 rigs max.  The wash people need to stop being so stingy with their space and stop making big circular camps that take up so much space lol. 

I hope you are wrong about reservations. It would be near impossible to impose them except at RR. But Holy cat lips, the old folks down south would $hit all of their collective bran instantly if it ever went to reservations!

However, a sellect few would revil in it solely for they would be able to actually pay for what many are getting for free! 6 months of having your rig in the same spot wether you are there or not. 

The biggest hitch is would it be lottery or highest bidder, not to mention the current 24 hour rule, 72 hour rule and the 14 day rule all become moot within the reservation area. 

Food for thought.

Personally I'm opposed, can't fathom all those old salty tears that would be spilt by the RR old folks, it would be so so sad. 
Gecko, Keyhole, and RR have all had placeholders on the gov site for online registrations for nearly 15 years. Campground&entity_id=272179&entity_type=campground

They currently can't do it, IAW the FLREA they need more amenities to be able to charge a camp site fee. Given the vault toilets already there, setting out some picnic tables and fire rings are about all that is left and they could 100% justify it. I hear Pastor VOR and a few others in this thread screaming NO MORE gov and amenities and I completely agree.

Another thing I never thought of... were it ever to fall into that category, those areas would have been 100% closed last year during covid ...the "closed" bathrooms and lack of staff to sanitize between wipes would have removed the "required" services, instead of letting you camp for free without bathrooms they would have shuttered the gates and put up a no vacancy sign on all those camp fee areas.

Reservations would destroy this place.

STOP asking for more government!  Haven't you guys realized that it never works and never solves problems?

What we need is a good recession and economic throat punch, to help thin out the crowds in Glamis.

also... everyone loves to hate on the "ghost camps".... but have any of you guys actually seen the way most of them camp?? talk about maximizing the use of space... they pack in nascar style most of the time, fitting 10-20 rigs in an area that most people would camp 5 rigs max.  The wash people need to stop being so stingy with their space and stop making big circular camps that take up so much space lol. 
Wash people camp as if they are crossing the plains to get to the wild west.  You never know when those Indians from Gecko will try to attack.  Much better to circle the wagons.  LOL!!!!

I have camped on Gecko many times over the years and on holidays it was always a cluster "f".     As our group increased in size camping on Gecko, even before the ghost campers, just was not feasible.  

Gecko, Keyhole, and RR have all had placeholders on the gov site for online registrations for nearly 15 years. Campground&entity_id=272179&entity_type=campground

They currently can't do it, IAW the FLREA they need more amenities to be able to charge a camp site fee. Given the vault toilets already there, setting out some picnic tables and fire rings are about all that is left and they could 100% justify it. I hear Pastor VOR and a few others in this thread screaming NO MORE gov and amenities and I completely agree.

Another thing I never thought of... were it ever to fall into that category, those areas would have been 100% closed last year during covid ...the "closed" bathrooms and lack of staff to sanitize between wipes would have removed the "required" services, instead of letting you camp for free without bathrooms they would have shuttered the gates and put up a no vacancy sign on all those camp fee areas.

Reservations would destroy this place.
They did end up closing Gecko in late March or April last season as it was considered an improved campground area. 

They did end up closing Gecko in late March or April last season as it was considered an improved campground area. 
I think you are talking 2020 Spring was closed, which is two seasons now.  All good either way 🤪

Gecko, Keyhole, and RR have all had placeholders on the gov site for online registrations for nearly 15 years. Campground&entity_id=272179&entity_type=campground

They currently can't do it, IAW the FLREA they need more amenities to be able to charge a camp site fee. Given the vault toilets already there, setting out some picnic tables and fire rings are about all that is left and they could 100% justify it. I hear Pastor VOR and a few others in this thread screaming NO MORE gov and amenities and I completely agree.

Another thing I never thought of... were it ever to fall into that category, those areas would have been 100% closed last year during covid ...the "closed" bathrooms and lack of staff to sanitize between wipes would have removed the "required" services, instead of letting you camp for free without bathrooms they would have shuttered the gates and put up a no vacancy sign on all those camp fee areas.

Reservations would destroy this place.
Wow, a Pastor VOR reference, impressive!  

And yes a reservation system is not a good idea. 

I'm kinda amazed how many people allow their dogs just to roam and then are surprised when they are missing.

Had one little puppy cruise in camp yesterday, some peeps said it was there's, turns out it wasn't and they basically stole it, but it was just lost, then found, then handed over unknowingly to some thieves. So it's still not with its original owner. Huh? Yep.

"but my dog is so well behaved, my dog is special, my dog is different "

No jackass, your dog is GONE! 

BLM will soon find out issuing those red tickets will be a money maker.   They will issue them and the people will pay them like it is monthly rent. 
Soon find out? Huh? It's not Rocket Science. It's called priority. I have an idea that they know writing tickets is a revenue source.  :blury:

We have until Thanksgiving and then we can move on to kiddie tracks and caution tape. 

Soon find out? Huh? It's not Rocket Science. It's called priority. I have an idea that they know writing tickets is a revenue source.  :blury:

LOL!   On the weekends they are too busy writing the other tickets for no flag, no helmet and the usual stuff.   The red sticker ticket is just icing on the cake. 

I'm kinda amazed how many people allow their dogs just to roam and then are surprised when they are missing.

Had one little puppy cruise in camp yesterday, some peeps said it was there's, turns out it wasn't and they basically stole it, but it was just lost, then found, then handed over unknowingly to some thieves. So it's still not with its original owner. Huh? Yep.

"but my dog is so well behaved, my dog is special, my dog is different "

No jackass, your dog is GONE! 
LOL!!!!    Especially when the owner knows the dog runs the minute they hear fireworks. 

We have had dogs wonder into camp many times.   We had one that was a repeat customer as he liked what we put in the trash.   LOL!

I'm kinda amazed how many people allow their dogs just to roam and then are surprised when they are missing.

Had one little puppy cruise in camp yesterday, some peeps said it was there's, turns out it wasn't and they basically stole it, but it was just lost, then found, then handed over unknowingly to some thieves. So it's still not with its original owner. Huh? Yep.

"but my dog is so well behaved, my dog is special, my dog is different "

No jackass, your dog is GONE! 
Dear Sir,

Please wait until after New Years / Firework show for the yearly....Lost Dog topics.

thank you.


Dogs are like kids in Glamis, they need to be right by your side the entire trip. Your trip will be based around their needs and the current environment (Fireworks, camp racers, etc).

Most stories of lost dogs are they got loose while out on a ride or ran off at night.

A kennel and good chain are great for kids...err I mean your dogs :puppy:

ok, back to ghost camping 


LOL!   On the weekends they are too busy writing the other tickets for no flag, no helmet and the usual stuff.   The red sticker ticket is just icing on the cake. 
dont forget the blue lights on chase bar. I got one of those. 

BLM will soon find out issuing those red tickets will be a money maker.   They will issue them and the people will pay them like it is monthly rent. 
The red tags are not tickets, they are a warning, like 72 hours and a few other check off boxes. I have not heard if they are also leaving actual ticket with them. 

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The red tags are not tickets, they are a warning, like 72 hours and a few other check off boxes. I have not heard if they are also leaving actual ticket with them. 
Oh I though they were actually giving out tickets.  A warning is like telling your kid you are putting them in time out.   
