Ghostly Adventures from Gecko

Fun to see @L.R.S. cruise by our camp on the loop. I wave, he waves I go about during and camping. Lol. Typically not an issue finding a spot but I get it………only for super bowl last year did we hit the washes (huge event at 15). Love me some smooth bowls in the AM without trudging through the littles. Still tho, washes and all the spots are great u know why? Cuz we in Mother G ✌😎 carry on 

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You should know better than to click a video these clowns post... :lmao:
An oldie but a goodie thats for sure.  I broke Melons 6 month record of not clicking on that video with this exact post years ago. It is a true classic.

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If it looks like a duck walks like a duck it is probably a duck unless it is in the dunes then it's a Taco.

They are totally saving those spots for their friends who are coming out later. They know it the LEO knows it and if they go to court they will get it thrown out.  I will be you a dollar though they will pull their permit and evict them if they come back and try another way around the saving spot rule though.

Not sure the suspects rhetoric was appropriate, and they did have cones and tape out earlier so they became a target. But the PC was there, and on the subject of PC they have federal statutes that are crazy grey and crazy vague be careful. However that chicken $hit  ticket wouldn't be worth the paper it was written on. 

"Press hard 3 copies"

And here is our first video. “Why are you harassing me? I’m doing nothing wrong? There are illegals coming across the border and you’re doing nothing about it. You should be helping OJ find the killer. I can steal stuff from the store and nothing happens to them. But why me?” Cry cry cry. 

Something tells me he had a bunch of cones/tape out. The ranger came and told him he can’t save the space and to take it down/move the cones. He did, then strategically parked his cars in a space saving manner. Now he’s upset the officer is going to write a ticket for saving space? Then berates the officer while writing the ticket. Then asks the officer if he’ll stop writing the ticket if he just moves the cars. 

My opinion on this.... Ranger came by earlier and had them move the cones... No ticket... Ranger comes back later and sees 3 side by sides lined up. Ranger approches said camper and tries to talk to him.... Before said ranger gets 10 words out, said camper makes a "Taco" smartass comment to him (Looked like ranger was Hispanic)... Ranger goes and writes ticket.

Look gents... We all want to save a spot or 2 for our friends. We all do it... BUT dont make stupid smartass comments to LEO's. I can tell he did and anyone that watched this can tell he did!!! 

I know the ticket most likely wont stand, but I sure would not want the incovenence of going to court to defend it!!!

Could have been prevented and in my opinion said Camper was in the wrong and got what he deserved.

Just my opinion here, but the d00ds making that vid did themselves no favors.  They had cones/tape up first, then clearly moved their SxSs to block the same space.  Trying to argue that's just how they "happened" to park after a ride is stupid.  They know it's not the case, the LEO knows it's not the case, they know the LEO knows it's not case... yet they just try to push the story like the LEO is a child.  "But tacos... people can steal 1k in SF... darrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr."  

We all bend/break the rules.  If you get caught, the best course of action is to apologize and remedy the situation.  If they had just taken down the tape and NOT put their SxSs there, the LEO prob would have rolled on with no further conversation.  Now they got tickets, AND all of those LEOs are going to remember them and their rigs, I promise. 

The LEO could have done better to cite the exact code they were violating for saving space, but I'm sure the ticket has it written down.  "Saving space" is an arbitrary thing, and it's up to the LEO's discretion whether or not he feels you're in violation.  I guarantee anytime this exact group *might* be in violation, might not... they WILL be. 

Now, will it hold up in court?  Hell if I know, but that's not the point, and the LEO knows it.  The LEO knows they'll either a) pay the fine and move on b) waste a bunch of time (and money) in court fighting it.  Either way, the LEO won.  


Not sure the suspects rhetoric was appropriate, and they did have cones and tape out earlier so they became a target. But the PC was there, and on the subject of PC they have federal statutes that are crazy grey and crazy vague be careful. However that chicken $hit  ticket wouldn't be worth the paper it was written on. 

"Press hard 3 copies"
I have to disagree with you on a chicken sh!t ticket... He got what he deserved for being a smartass.

I do agree that it will be thrown out, but I sure would not wanna pay an attorney or waste my time in a courthouse because of it.

piss Irwin has a piss poor attitude tord the LEOs and his mouth didn't stop so he got the on to the trash...WOW it was the worst I have seen it I think.we camped at wash 10 and my Sunday mid day it was a ghost town full of litter.caution tape just blowing from the bushes, water bottles and bags left in the sand, broken ez-up tent just left where it broke, pallets...pallets are a no no and there was a few unburnt ones in the washes,tuesday morning when I rolled out it was like that wall the way down wash road looking into the washes.

I do agree that it will be thrown out, but I sure would not wanna pay an attorney or waste my time in a courthouse because of it.
Depends, if he cites him under the federal section, yes fairly easy to get it kicked. If he cites him under the California section, it's more money and it's pay or go to trial. 

I dont back BLM most of the time but gotta say that ranger was pretty calm and a perfect example on how to keep your mouth shut and avoid a ticket.

Guy deserved that ticket outright he earned it for sure.If you gonna save a spot under these rules atleast spread your cramp around put up a tent or two unhook trailer move truck foward a few ft etc.

Gotta love can go either way, doesn't always work in yore favor   :lol:

piss Irwin has a piss poor attitude tord the LEOs and his mouth didn't stop so he got the on to the trash...WOW it was the worst I have seen it I think.we camped at wash 10 and my Sunday mid day it was a ghost town full of litter.caution tape just blowing from the bushes, water bottles and bags left in the sand, broken ez-up tent just left where it broke, pallets...pallets are a no no and there was a few unburnt ones in the washes,tuesday morning when I rolled out it was like that wall the way down wash road looking into the washes.
Pretty sad that people treat their campsite like a trash dump when they leave! 

I never understood the whole burning pallets thing. Too lazy to bring some firewood in or stop at vendors and pick some up?

Pretty sad that people treat their campsite like a trash dump when they leave! 

I never understood the whole burning pallets thing. Too lazy to bring some firewood in or stop at vendors and pick some up?
People who burn pallets are also the azzklowns who steal them.

Too cheap to go buy good wood, they steal something that has nails, burns like shit and takes up space... :bugsy:

And the Season is officially underway!!!!!!! ............. I really hope we don't lose the freedom of glamis because of ghost campers and people who leave their rigs unattended for months upon end abusing the system........

I am glad they are towing abandoned rigs and using proper methods.......I REALLY miss the compound! that was such a great situation / The good times / security and great people you got to hang out with was JUST AWESOME!

I wish it was 2006 again!

