Ghostly Adventures from Gecko

I think so far this year they might be serious about curbing the  shenanigans. Last year they where very hands off (probably the scamdemic) and there where lots of camps that never moved for months and not just the snowbirds at Roadrunner. 

The guy in the video is learning a lesson. Saving space for people sucks and the people he's saving it for start to expect it. Same thing happens with fire wood. If you always bring it others will stop because it's a hassle and you always do. Might be a good season to lay low and if you got a large group hit the washes for a now.

And the Season is officially underway!!!!!!! ............. I really hope we don't lose the freedom of glamis because of ghost campers and people who leave their rigs unattended for months upon end abusing the system........

I am glad they are towing abandoned rigs and using proper methods.......I REALLY miss the compound! that was such a great situation / The good times / security and great people you got to hang out with was JUST AWESOME!

I wish it was 2006 again!

The 13.5 days where better. It could happen again.

if you have a couple rigs you can legally save spots for multiple vehicles coming if you are willing to reorganize your camp. What in the hell does that situation have to do with shoplifters in SF or illegal border crossings? Those 2 were Ignorant and the LEO showed a lot of restraint. Couldn't pay me enough to put up with that squawking. 

I'll assume if a couple rigs pulled in  between his "parked" SxS he would have no issue.....

Total douchebag.  

No body on Facebook is okay with the ghostcampers. The BLM seems pretty popular right now. Guess we'll see if the long arm of the law will reach all the way to Roadrunner. 


No body on Facebook is okay with the ghostcampers. The BLM seems pretty popular right now. Guess we'll see if the long arm of the law will reach all the way to Roadrunner. 

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That pic looks to be Roadrunner Estates. Wonder if the HOA is running to court to get an injunction???

"... every gun I own was in that RV when you towed it..."

I was here all day... Lots of camps… very few people in the dunes. I was shocked at how busy the pads were when I pulled in last night. But I still managed to find a spot and enjoy myself. Life’s much better that way. I didn’t see any LEOs all day. 

"... every gun I own was in that RV when you towed it..."
"No your Honor, when my partner and I inventoried the contents of the illegally parked coach there were no firearms present. Shall I inform the defendant of the consequences of making fraudulent claims to the court in an attempt to defraud the government and intimidate it's officers to prevent them from upholding and enforcing the law?"

That video made me laugh at the level of stupidity.  The minute the guy opened his mouth it was over and he was going to get a ticket.  The taco stand comment was comical.  They deserved every bit of the ticket for the  dumb comments and trying to argue.

I would guess those rangers were paying their second visit to that camp.  

That video reminds of the people they get pulled over and then argue about their rights and why they won’t give the cops their drivers license.  Then they bitch how the cop wrote then a ticket.  

A few seasons ago we were camped on Gecko and had a few cones out.  We left them out as we thought our friend was going to get there when we were on a ride.  Ranger came by after we got back from a ride and asked about the cones.  We told him they were ours and we placed them for our one friend coming in.   Ranger was total cool and just told us not to leave the cones out.  

After we told him they were our cones he said I was glad we told the truth.  He had come by earlier and snapped a shot of out camp.  He showed us the picture.  Lol!

Bottom line  is if you treat them with some respect and don’t try to BS them,  you might just get a friendly warning.  

Yes, these people that try to tell the cop what he's going to do are funny.

The other funny thing about that video is just the fact that they posted it. They obviously felt that they were 100% in the right and that the entire community was going to rally around them. Nope. Bunch of clowns.

Yes, these people that try to tell the cop what he's going to do are funny.

The other funny thing about that video is just the fact that they posted it. They obviously felt that they were 100% in the right and that the entire community was going to rally around them. Nope. Bunch of clowns.
That Ranger had a lot of patience.  

i think my favorite part is the begging at the end to not write the ticket.  

Yes, these people that try to tell the cop what he's going to do are funny.

The other funny thing about that video is just the fact that they posted it. They obviously felt that they were 100% in the right and that the entire community was going to rally around them. Nope. Bunch of clowns.
On FB it's about 96% laughing at him and 4% desperately trying to claim the cops were overreaching.    :lol:

Ok, this may be better to watch than the whole Speed debacle…. Ok maybe not but close! 🤣🤣

Hopefully there are more pictures and video to come! 😈

Just a friendly heads up, bring cash, they don't take checks or credit cards at the impound yard. O I almost forgot, the registered owner, first might have to pay for the release from the BLM, not sure how they handle that. 

