Kuntgradulations on your Karen Komment.
Karen?? Yore's was the Karen Comment. Trying to suggest that yore Rv can't be towed. Damn, surprised you didn't demand to speak with the captain, or even the chief of police. I just took your comment and expanded on it a little bit. You're the one that comes on here every fall when this comes up and tries to get people to "just shut up and stop complaining".
I asked you this question a few years ago and you conveniently ignored it so here goes again. If a group of people that had more money than you and your customers have showed up to Entitlement Estates before you guys and planned to stay the entire season would you just just suck it up for that season and find a pad to winter on? Or would you guys be the biggest pain in the asses the rangers had ever seen and insist that the 14 day rule be enforced? It's a hypothetical, but try to be honest with yourself.
Oh, and speaking of honesty. Yesterday, I passed that black dodge with the Genesis being pulled by a tow truck. It was on the 78 at about Dunes Edge (you know Dunes Edge, that's the storage yard people keep their stuff at when they aren't camping) heading east. Saw it with my own eyes, no ifs, ands, or buts about it.
Yore strategy of trying to tell everyone that there is no way this law can be enforced so they should just keep their mouths shut is flawed.
Also, Kuntgradulations on taking approximately 600 square feet of public land and claiming it as your own that no other member of the public can use. Very classy.