Ghostly Adventures from Gecko

"No your Honor, when my partner and I inventoried the contents of the illegally parked coach there were no firearms present. Shall I inform the defendant of the consequences of making fraudulent claims to the court in an attempt to defraud the government and intimidate it's officers to prevent them from upholding and enforcing the law?"
Kuntgradulations on your Karen Komment.

Not one single trailer or RV was towed from Glamis today. A still picture of a Dodge PU and 5th wheel on a tow truck was convincing but that same truck/trailer has been here for 3 weeks. Where are the videos on social media of everyone being towed today? I'll wait... 

Not one single trailer or RV was towed from Glamis today. A still picture of a Dodge PU and 5th wheel on a tow truck was convincing but that same truck/trailer has been here for 3 weeks. Where are the videos on social media of everyone being towed today? I'll wait... 
Chizzle is on Pad 3. He told me the same thing yesterday. Lol 

No body on Facebook is okay with the ghostcampers. The BLM seems pretty popular right now. Guess we'll see if the long arm of the law will reach all the way to Roadrunner. 

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If I owned DRV, I sure as hell wouldn't wanna be in the middle of that pissing contest. If they had any business previously, they won't now. :doh:

If I owned DRV, I sure as hell wouldn't wanna be in the middle of that pissing contest. If they had any business previously, they won't now. :doh:
They had so much work last year they weren't returning calls.

If any of you have every dealt with towing yards, good luck getting them taking any responsibility for anything.  

All these wishful Karen's.

Funny stuff.

Hate to ruin their day, so I won't post how many rigs actually got towed for being tagged.

Kuntgradulations on your Karen Komment.
Karen?? Yore's was the Karen Comment. Trying to suggest that yore Rv can't be towed. Damn, surprised you didn't demand to speak with the captain, or even the chief of police. I just took your comment and expanded on it a little bit. You're the one that comes on here every fall when this comes up and tries to get people to "just shut up and stop complaining".

I asked you this question a few years ago and you conveniently ignored it so here goes again. If a group of people that had more money than you and your customers have showed up to Entitlement Estates before you guys and planned to stay the entire season would you just just suck it up for that season and find a pad to winter on? Or would you guys be the biggest pain in the asses the rangers had ever seen and insist that the 14 day rule be enforced? It's a hypothetical, but try to be honest with yourself.

Oh, and speaking of honesty. Yesterday, I passed that black dodge with the Genesis being pulled by a tow truck. It was on the 78 at about Dunes Edge (you know Dunes Edge, that's the storage yard people keep their stuff at when they aren't camping) heading east. Saw it with my own eyes, no ifs, ands, or buts about it. 

Yore strategy of trying to tell everyone that there is no way this law can be enforced so they should just keep their mouths shut is flawed. 

Also, Kuntgradulations on taking approximately 600 square feet of public land and claiming it as your own that no other member of the public can use. Very classy. 

Not one single trailer or RV was towed from Glamis today. A still picture of a Dodge PU and 5th wheel on a tow truck was convincing but that same truck/trailer has been here for 3 weeks. Where are the videos on social media of everyone being towed today? I'll wait... 
How many people ran out there yesterday and moved there stuff or had it moved after seeing the picture of the truck and trailer hooked up.  

I do not mind the people saving space for friends, it is what everyone does in the washes.  What I do mind is the land barons getting out there a week or two before the big weekends and leaving their chit, such that when I come out for a midweek trip the pads are full of strategically placed stuff with not a person in sight.  Looks exactly the same when I leave Friday morning.  I do not even try the pads for weekend trips.

Call me "Karen" but those that truly believe they are not effecting others by hoarding a premium spot for a good chunk of the season may want to self diagnose... 

"Signs and symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder and the severity of symptoms vary. People with the disorder can:

  • Have an exaggerated sense of self-importance
  • Have a sense of entitlement and require constant, excessive admiration
  • Expect to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it
  • Exaggerate achievements and talents
  • Be preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate
  • Believe they are superior and can only associate with equally special people
  • Monopolize conversations and belittle or look down on people they perceive as inferior
  • Expect special favors and unquestioning compliance with their expectations
  • Take advantage of others to get what they want
  • Have an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others
  • Be envious of others and believe others envy them
  • Behave in an arrogant or haughty manner, coming across as conceited, boastful and pretentious
  • Insist on having the best of everything — for instance, the best car or office

At the same time, people with narcissistic personality disorder have trouble handling anything they perceive as criticism, and they can:

  • Become impatient or angry when they don't receive special treatment
  • Have significant interpersonal problems and easily feel slighted
  • React with rage or contempt and try to belittle the other person to make themselves appear superior
  • Have difficulty regulating emotions and behavior
  • Experience major problems dealing with stress and adapting to change
  • Feel depressed and moody because they fall short of perfection
  • Have secret feelings of insecurity, shame, vulnerability and humiliation"
I sure wish I lived closer to the sand box, but Dunes Edge has been really good for me and my friends helping me get set up.

They had so much work last year they weren't returning calls.
the fastest way to alienate your customer base is to help with the search and seizure process. In fact, it's also the fastest way to be sued or held liable for any missing property.  :js:

All these wishful Karen's.

Funny stuff.

Hate to ruin their day, so I won't post how many rigs actually got towed for being tagged.
I would ask that you do sir, it's more and more like effing CNN around here every day... only perspective and no actual facts.

the fastest way to alienate your customer base is to help with the search and seizure process. In fact, it's also the fastest way to be sued or held liable for any missing property.  :js:
I would venture a guess that at the end of the day if a person were in need of RV service close to Glamis they would still use them.  If they do a good job fixing RVs, people will not care if they helped get a few ghost campers towed.   

Most people do not have much sympathy for the ghost campers. 

the fastest way to alienate your customer base is to help with the search and seizure process. In fact, it's also the fastest way to be sued or held liable for any missing property.  :js:
Will it hurt J&M towing? The small number of people that do the ghostcamping crap are pretty much hated by 98-99%. I don't see being contracted to open and secured rigs so they can be towed as a bad PR policy. 

I would venture a guess that at the end of the day if a person were in need of RV service close to Glamis they would still use them.  If they do a good job fixing RVs, people will not care if they helped get a few ghost campers towed.   

Most people do not have much sympathy for the ghost campers. 
I completely understand that and don't disagree on many levels here, but if someone I don't know was getting in to my rig for any reason at all(bar me not being involved) I'd shy away from their place. JMO. I mean, if they're willing to do that, what else are they willing to do?
