Ghostly Adventures from Gecko

You are camped at Roadrunner and complaining about people camped at Roadrunner.  Why not just come introduce yourself and make some friends?  We have a camp fire most nights.
How did you know? Why don't you go say hi? He's in the multi colored Marathon with a flatbed, you can't miss him.

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Just read this on Instagram. Out of respect for this person I cropped his name. His intention I am sure was to give people a heads up and not to start any drama. I know no one here leaves their stuff out there all season. :bag:  However, if you know someone that does maybe let them know. 


if this does happen the tow and storage bill are going to hurt.

Just read this on Instagram. Out of respect for this person I cropped his name. His intention I am sure was to give people a heads up and not to start any drama. I know no one here leaves their stuff out there all season. :bag:  However, if you know someone that does maybe let them know. 

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if this does happen the tow and storage bill are going to hurt.
It will not happen....  :hi:   :classic_tongue:

Saw a picture of the dodge. Is that the first actual trailer being towed? Ive seen a lot of people mention theyve seen lots of warnings but never an actual tow. 


I have a buddy, legit source... currently on pad 3, and he confirmed that someone was towed from pad 5, confirmed it was a black dodge with fifth wheel.

I would rather camp at Gecko, but with the dogs and kids in our camp.. we're wash 10-13. Lately we've circled a kiddie track with our camp since we have so many little ones on quads. I just miss that 'get on the roof of your TH' view of the sunsets at Gecko.. and quick access to larger dunes.

.. Man.. I'm on a 2 week countdown for my first trip since I blew both SXS motors Feb 2021.. can't WAIT to get out there and ROMP!!!

I'll see you ghostly Effs at Gecko.. always end up there .. checking in with the old groups I hung with.. back in the SCU days... I'll be holding cardboard.. it will say, 'I don't need your Effing money, I just like to hold cardboard and sniff sharpies.'



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Cmon guys this disappointing as a group…. We all know that set up got towed because it’s broke. It’s a dodge and the trans chit itself. csi has lost its edge. 
Guess the plastic envelope on the RV door is just his temporary mail box 🙂

BUt but but they would never tow any trailer becase of liabilty or the landing jacks are down,the slide out is out,etc.Or maybe the guy walked to town and left his truck for the day.LOL
