Ghostly Adventures from Gecko

I hope you are wrong about reservations. It would be near impossible to impose them except at RR. But Holy cat lips, the old folks down south would $hit all of their collective bran instantly if it ever went to reservations!

However, a sellect few would revil in it solely for they would be able to actually pay for what many are getting for free! 6 months of having your rig in the same spot wether you are there or not. 

The biggest hitch is would it be lottery or highest bidder, not to mention the current 24 hour rule, 72 hour rule and the 14 day rule all become moot within the reservation area. 

Food for thought.

Personally I'm opposed, can't fathom all those old salty tears that would be spilt by the RR old folks, it would be so so sad. 
And expensive............... if they went to this, how many folks would they have to hire to make sure that folks are "parking between the lines"............... 

And expensive............... if they went to this, how many folks would they have to hire to make sure that folks are "parking between the lines"............... 
True, but my experience with reservations places usually that's not a big factor. 

Little teaser though, let's just imagine it's a set price and the lottery or first booked first served, either way the dynamics of the RR estates would change over night!  

Oh my, welcome to the real Glamis of 2021. No more sheltered leisure world for thou! 

I would hate reservations, really wouldn't serve much of a purpose. 

I would just like the opportunity to go down there and park on a off weekend in March with 4-5 rigs, every year I try and there are a bunch of empty rigs sitting there.  The Homeowners can have every holiday, heck I would let them own the place from Nov 1 thru Feb 28th.

Either way reservations wouldn't help, just would create another money grab.

Don't care to camp over there doesn't interest me in the slightest but it is this kind of behavior that is going to bring this issue to a boil and it will be reservation city.  
If that where to happen, it would not be the fault of the special people that leave thier rigs on Roadrunner all season, every season, for years on end. It would be our fault for complaining about it. It's like this, you are the problem not the people that break the law. 

If that where to happen, it would not be the fault of the special people that leave thier rigs on Roadrunner all season, every season, for years on end. It would be our fault for complaining about it. It's like this, you are the problem not the people that break the law. 
I agree on your point about it has been going on for years, but last few years the RR and southern pad cancer has been spreading further down Gecko road, and last two years it's been horrible. The peeps watched the RR crowd and thought heck they do it, so can I.

And I agree the whining is bringing the long arm of the law down on all. Is what it is I suppose. 

Not in complete agreement with your last rationale, but it does have truth to it.  

Heck it gives something for the Rangers to do I suppose. Lol

Just glad that pos badge heavy wanker or wankers depends on who you remember, been a few gems out here. 99% blm seem to have a chip on their shoulder. Local sheriff aren't that bad for the most part. The weekly dudes red tagging are decent guys, just doing there 8 and hitting the gate, don't think they give a $hit either way. 

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I agree on your point about it has been going on for years, but last few years the RR and southern pad cancer has been spreading further down Gecko road, and last two years it's been horrible. The peeps watched the RR crowd and thought heck they do it, so can I.

And I agree the whining is bringing the long arm of the law down on all. Is what it is I suppose. 

Not in complete agreement with your last rationale, but it does have truth to it. 
It's not a rationalize on my part. It's a mentality that has been given to us by the liberal left and has spread across a large portion of our country. People that break the law seldom accept responsibility for their actions and in today's world their behavior is reinforced. It's some else's fault when you get caught. Criminal behavior is rewarded and people who stand up against it or defend themselves are the ones charged and tried.

All it is going to take is a couple rangers to get a fire in their bellies and they can enforce the 14 day rules.... I know a guy that had a run in with one of the blm guys up in the sierras... made life hell for the crowd.... so much so most of them quit doing the sierra trips..  Be careful what you wish for.

Evidently the RR estates did get a visit last night around 745pm, a few red tags were placed.

But don't fret my worried ones, the stickers were peeled, few rigs moved around and it's all good! 

Back to your lawn bowling!  

Personally I'm amazed the guard at the gate didn't turn the leo's away. 

"these aren't the droids your looking for" 
How do you know this?  Were you there to see it yourself?

I am completely AGAINST the reservation idea, but how would it not solve the ghost camping problem? If they do it anything like they do with beach camping, it is first come, first serve. You can stay 14 days then must vacate. Sounds like it would be pretty easy to enforce if there are numbered spots. Especially if someone is coming in after you. Not trying to flame anyone, just trying to understand different points of view. With that being said, I still cannot understand how anyone could think it is fair to leave your stuff in one spot for the entire season? Seems pretty simple, there are rules if you want to use the ISDRA, seems like everyone should follow them regardless of how much money you or your friends have. That includes kids riding with helmets and flags. Just my opinion but enforcing safety rules like that is more important that an empty camper. That's a kids safety. Maybe if everyone followed a simple rule like wearing a helmet or having a flag, the rangers wouldn't be wasting time enforcing that rule and would have more time to enforce the ghost camping rules. 

You know they go right through Thanksgiving. You know on Facebook there will be someone that rolls out on Friday morning after Thanksgiving upset because there isn't room on Gecko for him and his 5 buddies. :lol:
Heck between now and Christmas every pad has a ghost camper isn't only RR Estates anymore, ha

BLM will soon find out issuing those red tickets will be a money maker.   They will issue them and the people will pay them like it is monthly rent. 
