Accessories ARE WHERE ITS AT @SANDPSYCHO ...Whips, LED lights, Billet radio plates and shift knobs.. The Extra 15-20k is WORTH IT!!! Mike lives for dat chit !..THAT is the whole difference in this sport. I would MUCH rather hang at the hill with a blinged out SXS than dune..... The SSAS (Side by Side Accesory Show ) is coming up soon !!!! $25 dolla Beers / 90% SXS accessories 5% Sandrail booths and 5% Energy Drink booths! The Market has spoken!
The Bling is where it be at ! :lol: I am hoping for some SPEED UTV led Cuzies! also green LED Monstor Energy Light up Cuzies! GOD I love this sport!
Best thing to do is grab a ZERO interest Credit Card......Hit the SXS show and buy EVERY Possible Accessory possible and bolt dat stuff on right when you get home / store all the stock stuff in a home depot bin because someday you may use it. :lmao: ...Any interest you pay on the card is WAY NEGATED by the resale gains you will make. I have found that running at least 3 LED whips can really make a difference! Also those billet valve stems with the Skulls with the light up eyes can be spotted from the 78 while booking it down Sand Highway wide open !!! (thats how I met
@BaBaBouy ......... he spotted those things from the 78 as I had my leds on ripping up the sand Highway and he flagged me down........Turns out, he had the other set of billet valve stems on his ride. We were IMMEDIATELY Best Friends!..
See You at the show baby........I truely hope that all the mfgs hand out lots of free stickers this year! I am Ready for this season to start!
