Will Can am Have something like the Pro R?

10:45 mark. Sucker bottoms out and does a nasty buck. Something is up with the rear end. Also saw the same thing on the Desert SXS YouTube video. 

Here's the problem with SxS owners, when a new model comes out there are those who will take one a make a bunch of videos showing it jumping and all sorts of heavy duty off road challenges and then telling everyone how it is big piece of chit or this and that because they broke it. NEWS FLASH IT'S A SXS NOT A GODDAM TROPHY TRUCK!. Some of the things that are shown in these videos I wouldn't do with my 3000lb .120 chromoly sand car. One has to take into consideration what it is and what it's reasonable abilities are, and then use it according to those criteria. I could personally use a completely stock SxS forever without any suspension failures because I understand what it's limitations are, but unfortunately most people who buy them are hell bent on driving them like it's a much bigger off road car and then complain when it breaks. Use it within it's abilities and you will never have any issues with it. If you want to take part in more extreme forms of off roading, Geiser Bros may have something for you. 

Are those witness marks on the front of the UCA/upright?
Don’t know what the story is, just saw the pic on RDC and some guys were tossing around ideas. Such as narrow pivot points on such a long arm, and this : By spacing it away from the spindle like that increase the length of the UCA by 25% Plus or minus. That just increased the length of the lever arm by 25%.
Therefore any frontal impact on the front tire will have a 25% greater load transfer to the inboard pivot points.

Makes sense to me but I have no idea. Just a strange spot to wrinkle up. I wouldn’t have expected that but maybe just another built in failure point perhaps? 

Here's the problem with SxS owners, when a new model comes out there are those who will take one a make a bunch of videos showing it jumping and all sorts of heavy duty off road challenges and then telling everyone how it is big piece of chit or this and that because they broke it. NEWS FLASH IT'S A SXS NOT A GODDAM TROPHY TRUCK!. Some of the things that are shown in these videos I wouldn't do with my 3000lb .120 chromoly sand car. One has to take into consideration what it is and what it's reasonable abilities are, and then use it according to those criteria. I could personally use a completely stock SxS forever without any suspension failures because I understand what it's limitations are, but unfortunately most people who buy them are hell bent on driving them like it's a much bigger off road car and then complain when it breaks. Use it within it's abilities and you will never have any issues with it. If you want to take part in more extreme forms of off roading, Geiser Bros may have something for you. 
:dude: :clap1:

The UCA looked like casted aluminum to me until now. I knew the lower wasn't from that pic a week or so ago that broke but I'm still a little surprised that they're just stamped halves welded together 

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Don’t know what the story is, just saw the pic on RDC and some guys were tossing around ideas. Such as narrow pivot points on such a long arm, and this : By spacing it away from the spindle like that increase the length of the UCA by 25% Plus or minus. That just increased the length of the lever arm by 25%.
Therefore any frontal impact on the front tire will have a 25% greater load transfer to the inboard pivot points.

Makes sense to me but I have no idea. Just a strange spot to wrinkle up. I wouldn’t have expected that but maybe just another built in failure point perhaps? 
True, but the upper arm should only see load inline with it because the upper ball joint won’t let anything act as a lever (it will just rotate) except in a couple of situations. Only time it would be able to transfer a load and act as an increased lever would be if you hit something taller than middle of the upright (which given its height, I’d call that a crash, lol), you bound up that upper ball joint, or if you hit it directly on something (also a crash). 

Most normal bumps would be carried by the LCA (which has a wide base). 

Since there’s a witness mark on it, I’m assuming someone crashed. 

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Tune and some shock love and this car is going to be scary good. Fit and finish not so much  :bangin:

Since I posted a pic in the Speed thread, here's a Mav R at the drags:


I saw a video of this car blowing through the whoops at the bottom of Olds and hitting the berm at speed.  Looked pretty good  . . .
