
did you get the vaccine.

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Ok, then I'll revise!

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If you've never spent any time on the VAERS site reading some of the reports, it's always interesting to do so. Updates every Friday.
VAERS is a joke.  It looks like there are thousands of entries.  However if you actually look at it and analyze the data (yes I did), you realize that if a person reports "Sore throat, Dizziness, Eye Blur, ... etc, that it's entered into VAERS as 3 or 4 separate entries (depending on how many reactions they have) for the same patient.

My parents are fear mongering, liberals.  Been that way for a long time.  The whole family is but me.  Yeah, I constantly get called stupid and crap.

Still being the good son that I am, called my Mom on Mother's day.  Almost right away she asks me..."did you get your vaccine yet?"  No Mom...  "Are you going to?"  No Mom.   And that pretty much ruined the phone call.  She proceeded to tell me her or my Dad won't be seeing me until I do.   Well...nice knowing you guys.

Meh...I left home at 18 and never looked back.  My Mom and Dad were the only ones I still talk to and even without a plandemic...I would go years without seeing them.  I don't buy into the whole "family" BS.  I don't care who they are...if anyone treats you like crap, bye.  I don't need to waste time on crappy people no matter who you are.
That sucks brother. My dad was the same way. Until he died 5 days after taking his 2nd dose of the vaccine. I feel it had something to do with his sudden death. Although that's a whole other story in it self. I really feel sorry for the libs. I guess not many can have common sense. But they have the need to rely on someone to direct them what to do in life. 

I'm trying to hear both sides of the aisle. I watch FOX NEWS and then turn to CNN. It's Amazing how they're on completely different planets. Peace

Nope - in fact after 2 years of planning a HYUGE week long celebration for my parents 70th anniversary and 90th birthdays (last year)with my 7 brothers and sisters, I have now been "uninvited" due to the fact that I was honest and let them know I would not be vaccinated by next month (and might not be vaccinated even after that).

It would have been easier to just lie - heck, I could have had a fake vaccine card easily - but anyone who knows me knows that is not an option.

They are ALL vaccinated - no one even seems to understand that I actually have more to fear from them then they do from me.

I, like MAC, sit here and actually don't know if I will ever see my (almost 91 now) parents again due to this BS. Part of what I was referring to the other day Alex about how amazed I have been to see the strain this has put on relationships. Unlike MAC though, my relationship has always been great with my parents and "most" of my siblings and I still somewhat stunned this has even been an issue.
I feel for you guys, my wife's parents were so afraid they would die without it they rushed out to be the 1st in line... since they've both had it now they've been asking us to come visit... My dad is 72 and mom is 69. My GMa on mom's side is still alive @ 89 and only my dad has had the 1st shot because the VA bugged him in to it. Mom and GMa both said :joe:  We see them all the time still. 

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I do find it funny how people won't actually take it.  Without vaccines we would still have Polio and Chicken pox.  Now you can make the argument that they had time to do test trails...................sure they did but this was a long time ago, I am guessing since 1950 we have become better at vaccines?  Did you give your kids the Chicken Pox vaccine?  I am sure most did, why was that ok?  For me, I got the shot, want to put this all behind me and have a life without face masks and restrictions.  There is a reason this country is ahead of the game with infections and is called a Vaccine.  Look how Brazil and India are doing right now.  
I find it funny how people rushed to get a vaccine for a virus with a high survival rate.  But that's just me. 

Common questions

What's the recovery rate of COVID-19?

Experts don't have information about the outcome of every infection. However, early estimates predict that the overall COVID-19 recovery rate is between 97% and 99.75%.Aug 7, 2020

I will not get the vaccine and as a "front line worker" I've been offered it since the very first day it was available at the hospital I work at.  I still get weekly notifications that we have plenty of vaccine and I can schedule my shot whenever I'd like.  Latest email said to just walk into our clinic and they'll give it to me unscheduled.  Uh, no.

Comparing it to the Polio vaccine isn't really fair.  The Polio vaccine prevents Polio, the Covid vaccine does not prevent Covid.  Do people actually get the Chicken Pox vaccine?  When I was a kid it was a joke that if a neighbors child had the Pox you should go hang with them and get it too and then you wouldn't have to worry about it as an adult.  That's exactly what we did and my two brothers and I got it, purposely, and haven't given it another thought since then.  The problem is drug manufacturers don't make money from vaccine!

When people I know start bragging about getting the vaccine I ask the if they got the FDA approved one?  Usually get a blank stare as they think about it for a second, then come up with some BS answer.  Then I tell them that NONE of the vaccines have been FDA approved. 

Are all vaccines FDA approved?

Currently, no coronavirus vaccine is fully approved by the FDA, but three were given emergency use authorization by the agency.Apr 14, 2021

My biggest issue is all the doomsayers and fearmongers that predicted millions of deaths in the US.  That never happened.  Those same people refuse to admit they were wrong and seem to keep doubling down on the Covid fear.  New variants, new strains, is two vaccine shots even enough, etc.

Two major things drive our economy- Fear and Consumption.  'They' will tell you what to be afraid (Covid) of and what you can purchase to alleviate those fears (vaccine).  

Don't know who said it but I like it- Humans used to hunt Mastodon's with sharpened sticks.  But the Rona is gonna get us.  

So now that the CDC has come out and said vaccinated people can be indoors without masks, if a place of business asks you if you are vaccinated (when you haven't been), because we all know that everyone won't be wearing a mask, will you just lie?  Will you lie in front of your children?  

Disclaimer because peeps take too many thing too seriously:  I am asking for a friend and I don't really care other than I wouldn't lie in front of my kids to fit in.

I wouldn't think twice about it. In fact, I'd be sure to have a conversation with them afterwords to make sure they knew that I lied and why I did it. I want them to look at situations, asses them, and make their own decisions. I don't give two Craps about what the managers of Costco, Chile's, or Home Depot think about my personal health decisions. 

I wouldn't lie to elderly family and friends though, and this would also be explained.  

I'm in a similar situation to Luvdunin. We are planning a memorial for an Aunt that passed away and all the family is stating I need to have my vaccine in order to attend. Every time I speak with my mom she keeps hounding me. I have no plans to get the shot.

The irony with my mom is that I secretly visited her last weekend and the rest of the family has no idea. We had to keep it a secret or she would be ostracized from them too. 

So now that the CDC has come out and said vaccinated people can be indoors without masks, if a place of business asks you if you are vaccinated (when you haven't been), because we all know that everyone won't be wearing a mask, will you just lie?  Will you lie in front of your children?  

Disclaimer because peeps take too many thing too seriously:  I am asking for a friend and I don't really care other than I wouldn't lie in front of my kids to fit in.
I identify as a fully vaccinated person.  

When I was a kid it was a joke that if a neighbors child had the Pox you should go hang with them and get it too and then you wouldn't have to worry about it as an adult.  That's exactly what we did and my two brothers and I got it, purposely, and haven't given it another thought since then.  The problem is drug manufacturers don't make money from vaccine!

Why would anyone in their right mind get an experimental vaccine for a virus that’s 99.5% survivable? Makes no sense 
I am so with you on that, but as my friends in the Medical field told me it's not about me.

I did it to protect my mom. Her immune system is shot and if I somehow contacted the virus and passed it on to my mom there is a very very good chance she would not survive it. She got the shot, so did most of my family.

I was hesitant but then thought eff it...I'll do it, whatever!

I have had no side effects as of yet.

I don't even get a flu shot, but this is different.

Believe me, it boggles my mind how the effing media created this panic for an effing virus with such a high survival rate.

Fauci should be in prison along with so many other people...

But what is done is done...I got the EFFING thing and I'm over it.

My wife got it cause she is in the food industry and she had no effects.

It all is just strange to me!

I am so with you on that, but as my friends in the Medical field told me it's not about me.

I did it to protect my mom. Her immune system is shot and if I somehow contacted the virus and passed it on to my mom there is a very very good chance she would not survive it. She got the shot, so did most of my family.

I was hesitant but then thought eff it...I'll do it, whatever!

I have had no side effects as of yet.

I don't even get a flu shot, but this is different.

Believe me, it boggles my mind how the effing media created this panic for an effing virus with such a high survival rate.

Fauci should be in prison along with so many other people...

But what is done is done...I got the EFFING thing and I'm over it.

My wife got it cause she is in the food industry and she had no effects.

It all is just strange to me!
The problem is, people that have received the shots are still contracting and spreading it to others. A false sense of security is all it is IMHO.

I am so with you on that, but as my friends in the Medical field told me it's not about me.

I did it to protect my mom. Her immune system is shot and if I somehow contacted the virus and passed it on to my mom there is a very very good chance she would not survive it. She got the shot, so did most of my family.

I was hesitant but then thought eff it...I'll do it, whatever!

I have had no side effects as of yet.

I don't even get a flu shot, but this is different.

Believe me, it boggles my mind how the effing media created this panic for an effing virus with such a high survival rate.

Fauci should be in prison along with so many other people...

But what is done is done...I got the EFFING thing and I'm over it.

My wife got it cause she is in the food industry and she had no effects.

It all is just strange to me!
Yore tying has got alot better :LMAO: 
