
did you get the vaccine.

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Just say no...

I'm sure that most everyone's childhood involved guidance to not be peer pressured into taking experimental drugs... and now we are being peer pressured into taking experimental drugs :coocoo:

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So, anyone else happy to see the Fauci emails? 

Not surprising, he is more crooked than the road to Hana.

Doubt anything will come of it though being he was a darling of the left and they will protect him at all cost.
I have driven to Hana (not worth the drive) and that road is very crooked, but not even close to how crooked as tony Fauci is.

these FOIA males are block busters, the kind of thing that makes Sean Hannity Jizz in his pants and all I hear on the media ic knickers. 

This is interesting, talk about creating workplace tension...

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (KABC) -- California workplace regulators are considering whether to end mask rules if every employee in a room has been fully vaccinated against the coronavirus.

The California Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board will meet Thursday morning to discuss the proposed workplace rules.

This is interesting, talk about creating workplace tension...

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (KABC) -- California workplace regulators are considering whether to end mask rules if every employee in a room has been fully vaccinated against the coronavirus.

The California Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board will meet Thursday morning to discuss the proposed workplace rules.
I'm laughing because Tuesday an email was sent by the HR manager here giving dates vaxxed and unvaxxed people could go maskless. It was quickly (30 seconds or less) recalled.

Two minutes later, we received another email - again giving dates vaxxed and unvaxxed could go maskless. That one took about 90 seconds to recall so I was at least able to write the dates down - June 21 for vaxxed and July 19 for unvaxxed.

No email since then - guess we're not sTOPping the masks for

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This is interesting, talk about creating workplace tension...

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (KABC) -- California workplace regulators are considering whether to end mask rules if every employee in a room has been fully vaccinated against the coronavirus.

The California Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board will meet Thursday morning to discuss the proposed workplace rules.

I'm laughing because Tuesday an email was sent by the HR manager here giving dates vaxxed and unvaxxed people could go maskless. It was quickly (30 seconds or less) recalled.

Two minutes later, we received another email - again giving dates vaxxed and unvaxxed could go maskless. That one took about 90 seconds to recall so I was at least able to write the dates down - June 21 for vaxxed and July 19 for unvaxxed.

No email since then - guess we're not sTOPping the masks for
So they feel that whole thing will gone on July 21 ? 

Good to know 🤣

Walgreen's near me has a sign out front stating Vax'd people are not required to wear a mask, but they suggest you still do. I've heard Starbucks and Trader Joe's did the same, but I don't go to either. Went to King Taco the other night and it's just the opposite. Sign on the door says you must wear a mask even if you are Vax'd. Sign is only in English though, which hardly any of the employees or customers speak much of.

We're going to Kauai on the 12th of June and all of us have to get negative tests, within 3 days of the flight, wife was just scheduling it. Heard some nightmare stories about folks who got the wrong 'kind' of test, etc. having to fly back to LA, then back to Kauai.

We're doing ours through Costco. Wife bumped us to 1st class and I'm hoping they're lenient on the mask deal. I've only had a few instances during this whole pandemic where I wore a mask for that long and it totally sucks.

I literally wear a mask about 5-10 minutes (total) per week. Not sure how folks can do that all day.


We're going to Kauai on the 12th of June and all of us have to get negative tests, within 3 days of the flight, wife was just scheduling it. Heard some nightmare stories about folks who got the wrong 'kind' of test, etc. having to fly back to LA, then back to Kauai.

We're doing ours through Costco. Wife bumped us to 1st class and I'm hoping they're lenient on the mask deal. I've only had a few instances during this whole pandemic where I wore a mask for that long and it totally sucks.

I literally wear a mask about 5-10 minutes (total) per week. Not sure how folks can do that all day.

Airlines are going full blown Gestapo tactics.  You can end up in Kauai on the no fly list and owe a several thousand dollar fine for interfering with the operation of an air craft and not even know why. 

Your best bet will be to get on the plane with a sheep like attitude or like I said you could be coming back on a cargo ship.

Yeah, I definitely don't want any drama with the airport/flight. It stinks, but 1st world type problems I guess. I'll play sheep.


I do not where a mask in places like the local machine shop, but Home Depot, and the Walgreens, them peeps are just nasty,    This is the first time every i was never sick of anything, i typically always get sick before Halloween,  or Thanksgiving, 

Have had the same talk with a lot of friends that usually get sick every year, a lot of people are just fuiken nasty, so for me the Mask thing at the Grocery store or Home Depot is not a issue for me.       

We're going to Kauai on the 12th of June and all of us have to get negative tests, within 3 days of the flight, wife was just scheduling it. Heard some nightmare stories about folks who got the wrong 'kind' of test, etc. having to fly back to LA, then back to Kauai.
Happened to a friend of mine.  He was "I'm not worried about COVID guy" and traveled to Vegas/Miami numerous times last year.  Then he got the 'rona and got sick, real sick. 

So he decided to take inventory of his life, learned who his real friends were, mostly recovered and to celebrate decided to take his wife (who he reconciled with during his illness) and kids to Hawaii last month.

So he's had COVID, got vaccinated, hops on the plane and lands only to to be told that the test he took prior to flying wasn't valid. F*CK.  And just like what you said above, he flew back to LA, got a test from an approved site and flew black.  Lost a day of his vacation, had to endure 3 flights in 24 hours and ate the $$ associated with it. 

Had a great time once it got sorted out.  I forgot to ask him about the rental car situation there.  I hear it's insane.

Not to get off topic, but yes there's a rental car shortage. Fortunately, my wife booked the rental car a long time ago and we paid the same we always do (which is more than my accommodations per night). I just hope they don't pull some deal .. you know saying we have a reservation, but they ran out of cars or something...

I think the wife made the appointment yesterday. I think we're getting the test at Costco.


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Our company is based in Denver, our rules are if you are vaccinated, you no longer need to wear a mask.  Not sure why Ca can't figure this out in the workplace................that is right the Unions and Osha.  People that pay into Unions need to speak up, stop letting the union bosses run this state.  Union leaders are a major issue in this state.

So people who are vaccinated are no longer dying “from Covid” rather dying “with Covid”? Why the change??🤔
So they would have died with or without the vaccine is the point.............just like you can still get the flu after getting a flu shot.  One thing to note, nobody has died because they got the shot, at least not proven.  
