
did you get the vaccine.

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It probably is now thanks to the guy who started a go fund me or something and raised a bunch of money to fix it up for her since aoc was unwilling to do anything 
Well, AOC couldn’t help own Abelard out,  the self proclaimed socialist has a Tesla payment to pay,,,,,,

@HEADINJURY may have a difference of opinion on this statement. I know you said proven, but will they ever really tell us if it happens? I mean, knowing how corrupt the system is...
I don't disagree with there might be a connection.  

Nothing is absolute when it comes medicine, way too many factors.  Just like everyone posting nobody is dyeing from the flu or pneumonia anymore.  It works both ways.  You can't have it 100% absolute, medicine isn't black and white, especially when you are talking about lung diseases/viruses.  People die of complications of Pneumonia all of the time, almost all of them had other issues that magnified this.  Older people are more susceptible to lung diseases, that is a fact.

Why are they so anxious to get us all on their team? There’s more to this than making a few bucks off a shot. The stats don’t make sense. Nothing about C19 has made sense. We are being scammed and maybe sold a really bad bill of goods. Do your research about this shot before you take it, is all I can say.

Lies. All Lies. And we're listening to them. Good for that guy. EFF The Govt. Peace
