
did you get the vaccine.

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"I don't care if people don't want to get it, that is their choice, but for me, my family, my customers it is a safer alternative IMHO."

I absolutely respect your decision. 

Crazy and appalling though how many people have let this strain and even ruin relationships.
Believe me, in the same way you have seen this with a group of people who have chosen not to get the vaccine, I have seen the same from people who have received it who try and make people feel like pariahs if we haven't.

It's too bad there are people on both "sides" who can't respect other people's decision if they get it or don't. 

Just like politics. I don't remember hating the other side of the table. Unless you tried to eat my plate! Peace 

I've never taken the Flu shot. Survived that one. It's all of a sudden disappeared. This Plandemic didn't get to the Amish people. They don't have TV's. Peace 
32,000,000 (2019) to 1842 (2020)'s a miracle I tell you :rolleyes:

This was explained to me last night.... see, the masks stopped the flu...because masks are really effective n stuff. 
Isn't it crazy how people will actually say this without realizing how stupid they sound??
Just like some of the other "facts" I have heard people spew.

And if you haven't seen this, it's actually pretty interesting...

I was on the fence, flipped a coin, and signed on for the vax. I definitely see both sides on this.  I will say that both shots(Moderna)made me sick as a dog for @two days. Not fun.

In 2006, they tried the "first in man" clinical trials of monoclonal antibodies on 8 men in London in a clinic attached to a hospital. The reason they only use men for clinical trials is because men are affected by the injection and women are affected by their hormones during the entire month plus whatever they are injected with, making tracking symptoms that much more difficult. Within an hour, it became apparent that 2 of the men were given the placebo and the other 6 were suffering from extreme symptoms of a cytokine storm - coincidentally the same reaction that kills Covid-19 patients, not the virus itself.

It took 2 weeks of intensive care to save the 6 men from multiorgan shutdown. All of them had their RNA permanently altered, one of them so severely that he and his wife were cautioned not to have children.
Quick search, "natalizumab" is a monoclonal antibody and the trials were in 1999. The article you linked to was found to be a poorly managed test.

"Results from the initial clinical trials of natalizumab were published in two papers in 1999. These studies indicated that natalizumab was safe and well-tolerated. Among patients with active relapsing–remitting MS or secondary progressive MS, the mean number of new active lesions detected over the first 12 weeks was significantly lower for patients who received natalizumab (1.8) than for those who received placebo (3.6). Similarly, the number of new gadolinium-enhancing lesions was lower (a mean of 1.6 versus 3.3)".

I'm neither for or against the "vaccine" I think it is a personal choice so much so that I do not share whether I have or have not gotten it even with my friends as everyone is so strangely polarized and judgmental over it. It's right up there with politics and religion these days  :coocoo:

um, no they don't.

May get there someday - but as of right now they prevent, not cure.
I was going to point that out but left it alone.  You are correct.  

My wife got her 2nd shot 2 days ago

She is sick in bed and extra grumpy today.

I reminded her that I told her not to get the vaccine which made her mad... then she got mad at me because I didn’t take the shots. I told her “my body my choice” which seemed to aggravate her even more!  I told her to just calm down but that didn’t work.  I just threw up my arms and left for work.

Supper had better be on time tonight.   

I was going to point that out but left it alone.  You are correct.  

My wife got her 2nd shot 2 days ago

She is sick in bed and extra grumpy today.

I reminded her that I told her not to get the vaccine which made her mad... then she got mad at me because I didn’t take the shots. I told her “my body my choice” which seemed to aggravate her even more!  I told her to just calm down but that didn’t work.  I just threw up my arms and left for work.

Supper had better be on time tonight.   

I have faith that you will have her dinner prepped and served to her on time tonight... 😂

My parents are fear mongering, liberals.  Been that way for a long time.  The whole family is but me.  Yeah, I constantly get called stupid and crap.

Still being the good son that I am, called my Mom on Mother's day.  Almost right away she asks me..."did you get your vaccine yet?"  No Mom...  "Are you going to?"  No Mom.   And that pretty much ruined the phone call.  She proceeded to tell me her or my Dad won't be seeing me until I do.   Well...nice knowing you guys.

Meh...I left home at 18 and never looked back.  My Mom and Dad were the only ones I still talk to and even without a plandemic...I would go years without seeing them.  I don't buy into the whole "family" BS.  I don't care who they are...if anyone treats you like crap, bye.  I don't need to waste time on crappy people no matter who you are.

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So now that the CDC has come out and said vaccinated people can be indoors without masks, if a place of business asks you if you are vaccinated (when you haven't been), because we all know that everyone won't be wearing a mask, will you just lie?  Will you lie in front of your children?  

Disclaimer because peeps take too many thing too seriously:  I am asking for a friend and I don't really care other than I wouldn't lie in front of my kids to fit in.

My parents are fear mongering liberals.  Been that way for a long time.  The whole family is but me.  Yeah, I constantly get called stupid and Crap.

Still being the good son that I am, called my Mom on Mother's day.  Almost right away she asks me..."did you get your vaccine yet?"  No Mom...  "Are you going to?"  No Mom.   And that pretty much ruined the phone call.  She proceeded to tell me her or my Dad won't be seeing me until I do.   Well...nice knowing you guys.

Meh...I left home at 18 and never looked back.  My Mom and Dad were the only ones I still talk to and even without a plandemic...I would go years without seeing them.  I don't buy into the whole "family" BS.  I don't care who they are...if anyone treats you like Crap, bye.  I don't need to waste time on Crapty people no matter who you are.
There is the MAC we know and love.........................

Have a guy and his crew demoing a bathroom today. He shows up with a mask and I ask him if he's vaccinated? He said, yeah, 2nd shot 4 weeks ago, .. I'm like I'm about 10 days since the last one, ... you can lose the mask if you want to.

If he had said he wasn't vaccinated, I still would have said, you can lose the mask if you're OK with it.

I had no side effects from my shot. The vaccine isn't something I'm worried about... as I stated before, only ABC.. can kill.. ABC.


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