
did you get the vaccine.

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You're "guessing"?

No, my kids did not get the chicken pox vaccine. Um, you "do" realize Chicken Pox does still exist??

Many other countries do not give the varicella vaccine, for some very good reasons

The concern being possible adult contraction of the disease leads to more severe and dangerous complications then having it as a child - where the biggest concern for childhood contraction is the horrible possibility parents will need to take time out of their incredibly busy lives to take care of and quarantine with a pox ridden child.

And, no, we didn't get ahead of the game because of the vaccine.  You might also be surprised by this, but the case numbers in MI/MN (don't remember which) were actually 3 times that of India (per 100,000) just a few weeks ago. Strange, that was with the vaccine being available here since December. There are a couple very good articles out there about what/why those countries are doing so poorly but in all actuality the case counts here have been much higher per population # then what they have been there. Death rate is higher but that has to do with medical care, overall health, sanitation etc not the fact that the vaccination numbers are higher here.

Bottom line, "I" have numerous reasons I have not been vaccinated. None of them involve any "conspiracy theories", anti-gov rhetoric, or fear of being chipped....roflmao! Conversations have happened with my PCP and endocrinologist in regards to (at the very least) "waiting" to get the shot. I'm pretty sure I actually had COVID at least once already (Dec 2019), I have worked every day since this all started, including with people who have one after another after another been sick with it.
I wash my hands, I socially distance, I wear my mask as necessary (though I have NEVER worn my mask outside and couldn't believe last week when I realized there were people out there who had been). Best thing about all of this is the fact I haven't had any other air-borne illnesses either  🙂

Do I care if "you" get a shot? Nope - go for it. Gives me more reading to do to make my own decision while so many other people play guinea pig (for free and with no recourse) in the manufacturer's Phase 3 Clinical Trials.

If you've never spent any time on the VAERS site reading some of the reports, it's always interesting to do so. Updates every Friday.
Is this Juiie, with all the new sign ins??  I understand all the rhetoric on both sides, and I did do my research.  But most peoples arguments for not getting the shot are mostly political and not trusting the government.  Unless things have changes, not a single person has died due to getting the shot.  People have died of other complications after they received the shot, but not directly related to the shot.  I am glad you have done the research and making educated decisions.

My overall point is really most people are being hypocrites with this and making it political.  I know a lot of people that won't EVER get the shot, but they have zero issues taking pain pills, cocaine, smoke, sleep with disgusting people and so on. I guess pick your poison (literally).

Has anyone mentioned the positive side effects of the Phfizer shot, I can tell you that Phfizer will give you a boost in your pepe, I am at least 3" bigger now.  #viagra

 Now that you are vaccinated where are you going mask free and with no restrictions? Nowhere. And vaccines are not the only reason we are ahead of the game. We have different standards of living. Sewer systems, trash collection, clean drinking water. All of those help prevent the spread of diseases and viruses, not just a vaccine. 
Haven't wore a mask in two months, bars are open no mask required. And still haven't had the shot

Why get the vaccine after you've already had the virus? Seems like putting on a seatbelt after you crash your car.
Good question...

Ya know what shingles is right?  You're only supposed to get it ONE time when you get older, when you've had the chicken pox as a kid.  

I've had that Crap maybe six or seven times already!!!  Every time I get sunburned out at the river, that Crap will come right back.  And it hurts like a bitch!!!

My doc said...

Get the shingles vaccine.

I said the EXACT same thing you just said.  Why?  I've already had it!

Try it he says.  So I did.

I haven't had the shingles since.  It's been at least two years now.  Makes no sense, but it worked.  *shrug*

 Now that you are vaccinated where are you going mask free and with no restrictions? Nowhere. And vaccines are not the only reason we are ahead of the game. We have different standards of living. Sewer systems, trash collection, clean drinking water. All of those help prevent the spread of diseases and viruses, not just a vaccine. 
It seems that those who have been Vaccinated/Genetically Modified should be required to wear a mask to identify them so that non-vaccinated people can keep their distance so as not to be subject to infection by the vaccinated person's viral shedding. And another point..People who go out of their way to eat only organic, non-Gmo food ,etc, who then line up to be shot with a non Fda approved experimental vaccine which is a genetic modifier to the Human Immune system seems to be a bit of a quandary. But I would guess that since Cnn and DR Fauci says it's ok that makes it good for them.

Is this Juiie, with all the new sign ins??  I understand all the rhetoric on both sides, and I did do my research.  But most peoples arguments for not getting the shot are mostly political and not trusting the government.  Unless things have changes, not a single person has died due to getting the shot.  People have died of other complications after they received the shot, but not directly related to the shot.  I am glad you have done the research and making educated decisions.

My overall point is really most people are being hypocrites with this and making it political.  I know a lot of people that won't EVER get the shot, but they have zero issues taking pain pills, cocaine, smoke, sleep with disgusting people and so on. I guess pick your poison (literally).

Has anyone mentioned the positive side effects of the Phfizer shot, I can tell you that Phfizer will give you a boost in your pepe, I am at least 3" bigger now.  #Viagra
Yep - still Julie  🙂  No idea who you are though? Not that I've ever met a Cookie I didn't like  😉

"Unless things have changed, not a single person has died due to getting the shot COVID.  People have died of other complications after they received the shot contracted COVID, "

Do I have that right? Or was COVID the death of everyone the last 15 months but the vaccine complications are just "coincidences" and not "directly related to the shot"??

"I know a lot of people that won't EVER get the shot, but they have zero issues taking pain pills, cocaine, smoke, sleep with disgusting people and so on. I guess pick your poison (literally)"

lol....stop stalking

Seriously, yep, absolute truth with the pick your poison but I am just as amazed at the number of people who purport to be so health conscious yet when questioned know nothing about this vaccine - including the fact that it was not FDA approved yet or that it did not keep you from actually getting/transmitting the virus.

Has anyone mentioned the positive side effects of the Phfizer shot, I can tell you that Phfizer will give you a boost in your pepe, I am at least 3" bigger now.  #Viagra

As I said....never met a Cookie I didn't like  😄


Yep - still Julie  🙂  No idea who you are though? Not that I've ever met a Cookie I didn't like  😉

As I said....never met a Cookie I didn't like  😄

Way back machine, Alex Cook.........welcome back

I was not aware that a vaccine could prevent genetic illness.
Currently, it won't prevent it, but if they find the right RNA sequence, they could cure it. The vaccine introduces a modified or corrected RNA sequence into the body which the body then copies into future cells and the body gradually stops producing defective cells. They're already wrestling with the moral quandary of genetically testing fetuses and correcting any abnormalities prior to birth with a customized injection to correct autism, down's syndrome, dwarfism, mental deficiencies, etc. It could even prevent cancer.

The problem is, at some point, people are going to want to genetically engineer their baby to be tall, blonde, or green eyed, etc. Where do you draw the line? 100 yrs ago, nobody got boob jobs or abortions from a doctor, but now look where we are. Within 20 yrs, doctors will be able to custom build a baby, but should they? I don't think so, but there are some who see no problem with it, just another "advancement."

I got the J&J shot but did not answer the poll because none of the options fit my decision. I had no intent on getting the shot due to it being new and unproven, no political conspiracy reasons behind my decision. I have been taking zinc and vitamin D which some studies have proven works as a prophylaxis. But my doctors and family pressured me to get the shot. I also think we will see vax cards required in the near future to travel, attend large events, etc.

As for other conditions mentioned, ALS is only between 5%-10% familial. The vast majority are not hereditary. It is disheartening how little is known about the causal factors for ALS. But the good news is they have found a protein that stops the progression and may reverse some of the damage to neurological cells in laboratory mice. Unfortunately, it will probably take a considerable amount of time before this treatment is proven and available to patients, that is other than those who participate in the clinical studies.

I got the Pfizer, I felt tired most of the Day, then that was it, arm was not sore, was super easy, 

 Here's the real deal,,, they don't want you to get the vaccine. When people blindly line up to get it without question, those are the conformist they are looking for. The ones who refuse it will be subjected to the "real" virus that will be released in a year or 2 after this so called vaccine builds up immunity to the real virus. This way they can take out all non conformist and began a new utopia.    


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IMO  I had enough basic Biology in College (many years ago) to Understand how it works. I hate the idea that instead of normal vaccines that let your body  "somewhat safely" taste or experience the virus and the body decodes the information  and decides what antibody to make to fight it. mRNA  skips a step and some supercomputer generated algorithm just tells your body to make a particular antibody ...  Given that they can't predict the weather let alone climate change with their supercomputers, and we just decoded the human Genome fairly recently and concluded that me and my dog are separated in DNA by basic one gene ... I do think we are missing something and its highly likely they F'd up making it,  and besides the antibody they told the body to do something additional (but not Bill Gates nanobots (maybe) 🙂  Science is all about experiments and this is a big one - there is a reason the FDA approval cycle is as long as it is ... Short cutting and "parallelizing trials is not a "best practice".  at best it will not work well, at worst I you get cancer or something bad over time..

But I am older and my Daughter is higher risk , so I got it along with the wife.  It's likely that it may cause complications in the far future, but I am too old to worry. 

Would I have gotten it if I was a healthy 20, 30, or 40 year old - no way or under 20 not a chance in a billion.
