You're "guessing"?
No, my kids did not get the chicken pox vaccine. Um, you "do" realize Chicken Pox does still exist??
Many other countries do not give the varicella vaccine, for some very good reasons
The concern being possible adult contraction of the disease leads to more severe and dangerous complications then having it as a child - where the biggest concern for childhood contraction is the horrible possibility parents will need to take time out of their incredibly busy lives to take care of and quarantine with a pox ridden child.
And, no, we didn't get ahead of the game because of the vaccine. You might also be surprised by this, but the case numbers in MI/MN (don't remember which) were actually
3 times that of India (per 100,000) just a few weeks ago. Strange, that was with the vaccine being available here since December. There are a couple very good articles out there about what/why those countries are doing so poorly but in all actuality the case counts here have been much higher per population # then what they have been there. Death rate is higher but that has to do with medical care, overall health, sanitation etc not the fact that the vaccination numbers are higher here.
Bottom line, "I" have numerous reasons I have not been vaccinated. None of them involve any "conspiracy theories", anti-gov rhetoric, or fear of being chipped....roflmao! Conversations have happened with my PCP and endocrinologist in regards to (at the very least) "waiting" to get the shot. I'm pretty sure I actually had COVID at least once already (Dec 2019), I have worked every day since this all started, including with people who have one after another after another been sick with it.
I wash my hands, I socially distance, I wear my mask as necessary (though I have NEVER worn my mask outside and couldn't believe last week when I realized there were people out there who had been). Best thing about all of this is the fact I haven't had any other air-borne illnesses either
Do I care if "you" get a shot? Nope - go for it. Gives me more reading to do to make my own decision while so many other people play guinea pig (for free and with no recourse) in the manufacturer's Phase 3 Clinical Trials.
If you've never spent any time on the VAERS site reading some of the reports, it's always interesting to do so. Updates every Friday.