This is BS

eventually this will be on the news, someone will have had enough and chit will go south
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So the OGs around here know, I was that guy years ago. I had a DJ system and others in the camp added to the array of speakers we had, dj lighting, dance floor, you name it. We burnt it down harder than I've ever done anything in my life. Camp racing, sobe bombs, whatever retarded shit we could do. I feel the difference was we camped at the very back of Wash 3, speakers facing the dunes and we told everyone around us, we are going to burn it down, feel free to come join us. If it's really that bad, come tell us. Most would come join us. A couple times, Monday morning keyboard warriors would come on and bitch...I'd own it and shut that shit down. I told you chose to not say anything to stop it.

The difference now...these people are making it a race thing. They don't care. They will fight you. I just quit going on busy weekends. Since then, I've also started doing more midweek trips since I work remote now. I hate just about any weekend now with all the fucktards and their bullshit. I personally do hope BLM and ICSD shut this shit down, but we all know they won't. They'd rather write tickets for broken whips and expired tags.

Yeah...I've aged...get off my lawn now.
I think the offenders don’t honestly care. They have a mentality of “F everyone else” and sadly it’s not getting any better. I’m all for music in camp but at a decent level so you can still talk by the campfire. Best plan is to wait till the go to bed and start cutting power wires to the speakers and pulling black tank valves.
I’ve asked nicely. I’ve been told to fuck off. After the very young children woke up a gazillion times during the night, I may/may not have done this. Best results if you put the valve back into position for extra surprises.

You do sleep a little better afterwards. :ROFLMAO:

I definitely wouldn’t do it as an older man, but in your 20s… You listen to the voices more. Lol
It's not just the circus music folks, its all of you with loud stereos in your sand toys. No consideration for others it's all about "look at me".

In the higher washes this last week a big moho and stacker pulled in near us, it was all fancy painted to match and we knew this was going to be a show. It didn't disappoint, they setup a whole tent with DJ stand and projector. Then cranked the music for all to hear within a 1/2 mile, too bad there was no one anywhere in their camp near the chit show to enjoy.

Simple. Skip the holiday trips. Can't say I've had this issue since I gave up on the holidays in glamis.
For that matter I may even be the issue on a Wednesday at 9 pm. But I'm a ghost by 10.
Amazingly quiet after 10, except for a few cars driving thru out the night.
Cheffs time to shine in his b-day suit.
Dude it does not matter anymore. Back a few years ago sure but off weekends is same. This new gen is completely garbage when it comes to respect. 2 years ago came to wash 10 nearly empty. Hear comes a group of cars/trucks no toys and I thought to myself ok just gonna camp. NOPE set up lights canopy and played jammin EDM till 3 am. Same another time set up at another wash nearly empty and here comes the Banda group. Just aint the same anymore.
Told this story before but can’t find it in my old posts
10 plus years ago set up camp in the washes about 10 or so on a Thursday on an off weekend nobody around, wake up Friday morning to a group of Mexicans parked right next to our circle they could have parked 100 yards in any direction and and still not been next to another camp not a problem if they were respectful but the Kids are running through and around are camp all morning so we don’t say anything just move a bunch of washes further back
We get all the RVs moved and come back for the toys
The kids are now dusting the toys and riding around us as we are getting in the buggies and quads so many urchins buzzing around they hit each other right behind my buggy so i let them all have it
Dropped the clutch and blew kids right off there toys and then proceeded to blast anybody an anything I could see a funco with a turning brake throws a hell of a roost i blasted that camp and kids for a couple of minutes
The rest of my group headed for our new camp after helping me for a short time and I was the last to leave
They did not follow I guess they figured they deserved what they got
If all the BLM cares about is stickers and expired tags, nothing is going to stop ANY other culture or unusual group from any kind of disruptive behavior. When people see there is no control or policing, it's only a matter of time before disruptive groups do whatever they want to do.
I agree way too many Mexicans playing stupid music , and why do they all gotta act like they they have money with the Gucci glasses and all the fake Louie Vuitton purses. I’m done with these idiots , and while I’m at it what about the stupid Iranians that seem to be taking over Costco , rude as hell and ignorant as hell.
Goes from remember when………. The good ol days……..
for fucks sake, music has been blasting, fireworks and explosions, cars and bikes middle of the night has been going on since the early 90s when I started going. The demographics have changed of who the guilty parties are, but so what.

Iv been the loud guy, Iv had the stereo blasting, fireworks, late night and early morning rides.

Iv also had quite camps, music low, bed early

If the banda is bumpin go next door and see what’s cookin. Make some friends, take some shots, smoke the devils lettuce, eat some tacos, watch the lady’s dance.

Shit Iv offended guys in my own camp, rockwood can confirm with fireworks raining on his trailer at 2am and Laura coming out verbally spanking me. But I’m also an adult and hear please stop and for the most part, I listen. 😂

If you want silence very few places in glamis that will be found, unless you like camping the canal or across the highway

Best solution has always been go talk face to face, and not go in hot. They’ll always been someone that says eat a dick, but usually not.
You need a train horn for the next morning. I made one out of an old Ryobi drill and $18 kit on amazon. It is WONDERFUL for these "situations"....First you walk up to every trailer that was bothering you and start the HORN BLASTS......Trust me.....This is much better than reving the engine.

I promise...its awesome....also works great for teenagers alarm clocks in critical deadline periods when the iphone alarm fails !!!! :)

I don’t want to act like
I agree way too many Mexicans playing stupid music , and why do they all gotta act like they they have money with the Gucci glasses and all the fake Louie Vuitton purses. I’m done with these idiots , and while I’m at it what about the stupid Iranians that seem to be taking over Costco , rude as hell and ignorant as hell.
i wasn’t trying to make this about race and hate against all. Not my intention. It was a rant and also looking for suggestions on how to handle it, maybe in a petty way.
My brothers friend had a lime green full sized ford bronco....he would drive it over to my brothers house in Vista...the back way thru the dirt roads....and people would scatter from the hills behind his would help keep the population in the hills moving.....
Goes from remember when………. The good ol days……..
for fucks sake, music has been blasting, fireworks and explosions, cars and bikes middle of the night has been going on since the early 90s when I started going. The demographics have changed of who the guilty parties are, but so what.

Iv been the loud guy, Iv had the stereo blasting, fireworks, late night and early morning rides.

Iv also had quite camps, music low, bed early

If the banda is bumpin go next door and see what’s cookin. Make some friends, take some shots, smoke the devils lettuce, eat some tacos, watch the lady’s dance.

Shit Iv offended guys in my own camp, rockwood can confirm with fireworks raining on his trailer at 2am and Laura coming out verbally spanking me. But I’m also an adult and hear please stop and for the most part, I listen. 😂

If you want silence very few places in glamis that will be found, unless you like camping the canal or across the highway

Best solution has always been go talk face to face, and not go in hot. They’ll always been someone that says eat a dick, but usually not.
This post right here, 💯

The people doing this BS have always existed, the groups doing it simply changes. Like Mac says, he was @Mac
One, many of us were.
To those of you .aking it a race issue? Go choke on a bag of dicks, assholes come in all races, yes the current group is what it is...don't let this be your opportunity to be a racist prick.

I hope the BLM Cracks the whip, shits clearly at a breaking point again and people are about to get in trouble and do unsafe things that can put them or their families at harm.

Every camp has that guy, in our camp his name was "Man behind the green curtain", Colonel Sanders and Joe Dirte'. He is that guy that will go into that offending camp with no fucks given approach and befriend that offending group, get them to chill out or do something so outrageous they get scared.

Be that guy, or camp with at guy, or move camp away from busy weekends is the only fix.

BLM won't address this without other crap added to the deal...fuck that.

To the OP, I never felt you made this a race thing...but some others are now.

Great topic, huge issue this season and only getting worse.
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