Goes from remember when………. The good ol days……..
for fucks sake, music has been blasting, fireworks and explosions, cars and bikes middle of the night has been going on since the early 90s when I started going. The demographics have changed of who the guilty parties are, but so what.
Iv been the loud guy, Iv had the stereo blasting, fireworks, late night and early morning rides.
Iv also had quite camps, music low, bed early
If the banda is bumpin go next door and see what’s cookin. Make some friends, take some shots, smoke the devils lettuce, eat some tacos, watch the lady’s dance.
Shit Iv offended guys in my own camp, rockwood can confirm with fireworks raining on his trailer at 2am and Laura coming out verbally spanking me. But I’m also an adult and hear please stop and for the most part, I listen.
If you want silence very few places in glamis that will be found, unless you like camping the canal or across the highway
Best solution has always been go talk face to face, and not go in hot. They’ll always been someone that says eat a dick, but usually not.