Supercross/Outdoor Motorcross

We watched the "after race" show with Ricky. His opinion at the time was that Webb had a slight brain fart. Forgot where he was on the track. RC said nobody was trying to triple that jump all day long. So that means Webb probably thought he was on a different part of the track. Or a mistake in general forgetting its only a double for whatever the reason.

I thought Sexton might have veered a bit to his right when he jumped. Sucks watching those guys get hurt. They sure dont wear much upper body protection. Its like a gamble with their own health. You could wear elbow and forearm protection and some thick riding gear. But if the competition is staying cooler wearing breathable clothing it will reach a point where you have to ditch the extra protection to gain some speed. 

I would wear a downhill mountain bike setup at the track. Look like a complete tool doing it. Was like a turtle shell. Didnt matter when you get arm pump after 2 laps anyway. I was noticing the chest protector that Sexton is wearing. Some of the teams have it in their contract that it must be under the shirt. (heard it on a talk show is where i get any of this crap) 

What if you compare a motocross racer to a football player going out for a pass. I would say the guy catching the football is articulating his arms and shoulders and twisting his torso more than an MX racer. That would make me think an MX racer could wear a little bit of shoulder protection without slowing him down much at all. Does Frenchie 14 have the shoulder pads on his chest protector? Trying to picture in my head. They didnt show what happened to his wrist did they?

Looks like Tomac will be getting his 2nd Supercross title. 
Nothing but carnage last night. 

ET3 looks to have his bike new pretty dialed in now and he's riding amazing at the moment. He started, what, like 8th and was in the lead at the halfway point? 

We watched the "after race" show with Ricky. His opinion at the time was that Webb had a slight brain fart. Forgot where he was on the track. RC said nobody was trying to triple that jump all day long. So that means Webb probably thought he was on a different part of the track. Or a mistake in general forgetting its only a double for whatever the reason.

I thought Sexton might have veered a bit to his right when he jumped. Sucks watching those guys get hurt. They sure dont wear much upper body protection. Its like a gamble with their own health. You could wear elbow and forearm protection and some thick riding gear. But if the competition is staying cooler wearing breathable clothing it will reach a point where you have to ditch the extra protection to gain some speed. 

I would wear a downhill mountain bike setup at the track. Look like a complete tool doing it. Was like a turtle shell. Didnt matter when you get arm pump after 2 laps anyway. I was noticing the chest protector that Sexton is wearing. Some of the teams have it in their contract that it must be under the shirt. (heard it on a talk show is where i get any of this crap) 

What if you compare a motocross racer to a football player going out for a pass. I would say the guy catching the football is articulating his arms and shoulders and twisting his torso more than an MX racer. That would make me think an MX racer could wear a little bit of shoulder protection without slowing him down much at all. Does Frenchie 14 have the shoulder pads on his chest protector? Trying to picture in my head. They didnt show what happened to his wrist did they?
Pulp MX show?   My kid listen to that religiously.  He made me listen to it on the drive to Glamis last weekend. 

I think a lot of them just wear the roost protector under their jersey.  

ET3 looks to have his bike new pretty dialed in now and he's riding amazing at the moment. He started, what, like 8th and was in the lead at the halfway point? 
He looks really good on the Yamaha.  Only one that has his speed is Anderson, but Anderson can't stay on his bike these days.   Mookie is looking better.  

We watched the "after race" show with Ricky. His opinion at the time was that Webb had a slight brain fart. Forgot where he was on the track. RC said nobody was trying to triple that jump all day long. So that means Webb probably thought he was on a different part of the track. Or a mistake in general forgetting its only a double for whatever the reason.

I thought Sexton might have veered a bit to his right when he jumped. Sucks watching those guys get hurt. They sure dont wear much upper body protection. Its like a gamble with their own health. You could wear elbow and forearm protection and some thick riding gear. But if the competition is staying cooler wearing breathable clothing it will reach a point where you have to ditch the extra protection to gain some speed. 

I would wear a downhill mountain bike setup at the track. Look like a complete tool doing it. Was like a turtle shell. Didnt matter when you get arm pump after 2 laps anyway. I was noticing the chest protector that Sexton is wearing. Some of the teams have it in their contract that it must be under the shirt. (heard it on a talk show is where i get any of this crap) 

What if you compare a motocross racer to a football player going out for a pass. I would say the guy catching the football is articulating his arms and shoulders and twisting his torso more than an MX racer. That would make me think an MX racer could wear a little bit of shoulder protection without slowing him down much at all. Does Frenchie 14 have the shoulder pads on his chest protector? Trying to picture in my head. They didnt show what happened to his wrist did they?
What protection those guys wear is for two reasons

For protection against things that hurt when they get hit by them. Taking a rock in the knee cap or in the chest is going to hurt and a light weight roost shield under your jersey is going to do wonders to stop that from hurting

The other reason is when they are needing additional support in a injured area.  

Otherwise wearing stuff so it don't hurt when you fall down means you are acknowledging your going to fall down. Those guys know that it is a possibility, they just don't think it will be them.   

They don't wear neck protection because it puts pressure on their collar bone.  So when the fall looks basic, the impact will break their collar bone and for them that means surgery so they can get back out their in three weeks.  The potential for these riders to break their neck is not high.  Thus all padding is to protect them from rocks.

Does Frenchie still rock the neck brace? Like you guys said its just about disappeared on the pros. I dont think Friese wears one and Leatt is a sponsor. 

Heres a question just for fun. 

If Webb was wearing those wrist braces that you see on Roczen, would he be finishing the race with both hands?

Then have to ask if Webb could learn to be just as comfortable on the bike wearing the braces. If the answer is yes, whats the negative? 

Im surprised at that professional level they dont have a custom fit chest protector that covers a little more skin and gives a bit of impact resistance for the shoulders and collarbone. 

In the Brock Glover track walk he picked up a piece of roofing tile!! About 3-4" square. Tomac would launch that out the rear tire like a ninja star!!

Pulp MX show?   My kid listen to that religiously.  He made me listen to it on the drive to Glamis last weekend. 

I think a lot of them just wear the roost protector under their jersey.  
Yes that show is pretty good. Im new to listening this year. Learned a lot i really like when they discuss the mechanical side of things and techniques they would use wrenching on the bikes. Only complaint i have is they steer towards sex topics too often. 

The interviews of the riders are really good. Did you hear John Tomac? He said Kawasaki is very strict in that they will only allow the teams to make bike adjustments within a certain parameter. Because they claim the engineers know what will work. Eli wanted to try out different stuff and Kawi would not let him. Seems odd right? I would think the team would cater to what a successful veteran rider wants since you have good reason to trust what he is saying. 

Yes that show is pretty good. Im new to listening this year. Learned a lot i really like when they discuss the mechanical side of things and techniques they would use wrenching on the bikes. Only complaint i have is they steer towards sex topics too often. 

The interviews of the riders are really good. Did you hear John Tomac? He said Kawasaki is very strict in that they will only allow the teams to make bike adjustments within a certain parameter. Because they claim the engineers know what will work. Eli wanted to try out different stuff and Kawi would not let him. Seems odd right? I would think the team would cater to what a successful veteran rider wants since you have good reason to trust what he is saying. 
I have only listened to a few shows.  The interviews with the riders are pretty good.  Phil Nicoletti interview I listen to was great.  That guy is pretty funny. I heard that Tomac was not happy with Kawi and there lack of letting him set up the bike the way he wants.  

WOW....just WOW is all I have to say after watching the 450 race....TWICE!

So much carnage.

Seems to me Anderson hit his head pretty good as you can see when he tried to get back on the bike, he looked a little disoriented. Then as he rode that next straight away, he was not all there.

Sucks to happen, but I know he was giving his all to try and stay with Tomac.

Tomac had that place figured out and his bike is dialed in. He is riding so well...that Move to Yamaha was what he needed. Stoked for him.

Sexton just can't catch a break...bummer for Webb too. the Lites, Jett is looking stellar too.

Can't wait for the East/West Shootouts. Should be interesting.


 Phil Nicoletti interview I listen to was great.  That guy is pretty funny.
Check out Enzo Lopes interview after Daytona. I almost linked it to this thread. He said their clutch was not lasting a session.

Enzo is Nicolettis roommate. They make jokes. Phil wont run the house heater and makes people freeze to save money.

Can wait for qualifying!!! Gonna work on my own dirt bike while it plays in the background. 

Curious what they say about the injuries. 

Has Webb issued any type of apology or statement? Hard to find a well respected professional rider who thinks Webb was going for that triple. JS #7 shows on his podcast that the backside of the jump was all fresh tractor tracks. Which means nobody was hitting the triple. 

Track is too short its going to become dangerous. Plus a fan designed it. Doesnt look like the kid has ever rode a dirt bike. But i guess hes good at video games? 

Ends up being too many laps if they stick with a timed format and lap times are in the 40s. Saw Malcolm interviewed and he said its dumb how they do that. Not safe for the riders. Ruts get down to the plywood base. 
