Speed UTV

One simple answer: $.  Space inside costs more $ than space outside.  Period.  I've always hated that (anybody that knows me knows how overly anal I am about keeping even my off road toys nice) and it's one of the reasons I generally have never done an extended warranty on a SxS nor really used dealer service.  The Speed is of course different, I got the extended warranty.  However, if it's going to them I will stipulate it's inside, or they do their diag, order parts, and I'll take it back until parts come in.  

Back to the vehicle itself, since mine is "ready" that means it's been Stateside for at least a few weeks.  Before that it was on the ocean for a few weeks... and who knows how long it was built before it made it onto the boat.  Meaning, I doubt I have many/all of the upgrades.  So, fingers crossed and we'll see what breaks first.  I hope I can work it all out in the first few months of owning it, but... only time will tell.

What is your master number?

I think that is the "prep" work, making sure they have all the latest upgraded parts and tunes before delivery. 
Yeah, I've seen/heard that is (at least mostly) the case.  

What is your master number?
650.  Though I'm an El Diablo (long wheelbase 2 seat) which sort of threw it out of order.  That said, if you've watched their vids and customer delivery reports there is hardly any order to it at all (I made a post about it before, things clearly got jumbled coming off the assembly line, getting into containers, getting to a shipping yard, getting onto a ship, getting off a ship, moving to their facility, getting unloaded at their facility, etc).


Not even close and as far as I know no deaths in any speed car. which is probably more important than a tailgate, falling off or a belt, breaking, etc.

dude, when they finally started trying to race the Polaris and even the Can-Am back in the day, they barely ever made it through the first lap. Even sometimes the first checkpoint in the bigger races were one year into this as far as deliveries go. Everything that has been a bigger issue with Speed has been looked at and tried to be fixed as quick as possible. Yes there are issues with some cars but there are people that have had their cars and never had one issue for well over six months. They will continue to be issues even five years from now and that goes for any brand.
The SXSs many moons ago were not built with racing in mind so the finishing rate was low.  Now with racing as the focus the cars hold up pretty well. 

Speed issues are not surprising and expected with a new model/manufacture.  The biggest concern is the motor issues that are popping up.   

Agree, and the motivation to fix these issues is apparent.  His engineering team is definitely solid and appear to be a good bunch.

But RG didn't say he was gonna build a car on relative par with the other manufacturers every week for 4 years.  He said those cars were piles and his was King Shiznit.

Guys like NIKAL, LOTD, DTA, etc, bludgeoned anyone who tried to temper those expectations every one of those 4 years.  

I personally despise this type of sales tactic, but if he makes money, he makes money, so I guess it'd be a success.
I’ll agree with that Robbie does a lot of things that I personally think he could’ve done differently I don’t even have my car yet, but if I did, and I am looking forward to it still would be happy with what I see everybody else getting I know there are some problems. I did not expect anything less. You really need to manage your expectations if you buy into one of these Speed cars in the first year and that might go for the first few years. I really don’t know at this point, I never once thought it was gonna leave every other company in the dust. I only bought in like two years ago myself but I would’ve never bought in on day one. It was what it became that entice me not what it originally was supposed to be. As I’ve said many times before a few forum, I put a deposit down on something I did not need and still don’t need today. I have kept my other car. I’ve made many trips over the last couple years, and in fact, probably made more than the years prior. I do feel sorry for the guys that sold everything they had to come up with a deposit or had some sort of belief that it was going to take a year to create something like this, even before there was such thing as a virus, I could go on and on I know the guys you’re talking about I I think they contribute in their own way, and I’ve enjoyed and listen to what some of them have had to say, and believe them to be correct on some things. None of us are perfect vehicle the same.

The SXSs many moons ago were not built with racing in mind so the finishing rate was low.  Now with racing as the focus the cars hold up pretty well. 

Speed issues are not surprising and expected with a new model/manufacture.  The biggest concern is the motor issues that are popping up.   

I got in knowing there would be issues. My complaint really is with the dealer at this point. 
someone reached out to me and gave some good contacts at the Havasu shop which I’ll be calling and seeing if we can’t get the car up there. 
I will say that it drives like no other SXS so far. Easy, confident, and loves to go fast in the desert. 

One simple answer: $.  Space inside costs more $ than space outside.  Period.  I've always hated that (anybody that knows me knows how overly anal I am about keeping even my off road toys nice) and it's one of the reasons I generally have never done an extended warranty on a SxS nor really used dealer service.  The Speed is of course different, I got the extended warranty.  However, if it's going to them I will stipulate it's inside, or they do their diag, order parts, and I'll take it back until parts come in.  

Back to the vehicle itself, since mine is "ready" that means it's been Stateside for at least a few weeks.  Before that it was on the ocean for a few weeks... and who knows how long it was built before it made it onto the boat.  Meaning, I doubt I have many/all of the upgrades.  So, fingers crossed and we'll see what breaks first.  I hope I can work it all out in the first few months of owning it, but... only time will tell.

I think you’ll be just fine 😉 other than some loose nuts which you’ll be looking for, it will put a smile on your face. 

I got in knowing there would be issues. My complaint really is with the dealer at this point. 
someone reached out to me and gave some good contacts at the Havasu shop which I’ll be calling and seeing if we can’t get the car up there. 
I will say that it drives like no other SXS so far. Easy, confident, and loves to go fast in the desert. 
My guess is Coyne is waiting on Speed.   The dealer network is still barely there. 

My Pro R spent a few weeks outside at Motoworld. The car was super dirty when I got it back along with a decent scuff in the side kick panel from moving it around with a forklift. Sucks

One simple answer: $.  Space inside costs more $ than space outside.  Period.  I've always hated that (anybody that knows me knows how overly anal I am about keeping even my off road toys nice) and it's one of the reasons I generally have never done an extended warranty on a SxS nor really used dealer service.  The Speed is of course different, I got the extended warranty.  However, if it's going to them I will stipulate it's inside, or they do their diag, order parts, and I'll take it back until parts come in.  

Back to the vehicle itself, since mine is "ready" that means it's been Stateside for at least a few weeks.  Before that it was on the ocean for a few weeks... and who knows how long it was built before it made it onto the boat.  Meaning, I doubt I have many/all of the upgrades.  So, fingers crossed and we'll see what breaks first.  I hope I can work it all out in the first few months of owning it, but... only time will tell.

Word, but I’m not saying the dealer should keep it indoors, just be honest with you that it’s gonna be weeks/months, so give me a call to take it home if possible. 

I’ll agree with that Robbie does a lot of things that I personally think he could’ve done differently I don’t even have my car yet, but if I did, and I am looking forward to it still would be happy with what I see everybody else getting I know there are some problems. I did not expect anything less. You really need to manage your expectations if you buy into one of these Speed cars in the first year and that might go for the first few years. I really don’t know at this point, I never once thought it was gonna leave every other company in the dust. I only bought in like two years ago myself but I would’ve never bought in on day one. It was what it became that entice me not what it originally was supposed to be. As I’ve said many times before a few forum, I put a deposit down on something I did not need and still don’t need today. I have kept my other car. I’ve made many trips over the last couple years, and in fact, probably made more than the years prior. I do feel sorry for the guys that sold everything they had to come up with a deposit or had some sort of belief that it was going to take a year to create something like this, even before there was such thing as a virus, I could go on and on I know the guys you’re talking about I I think they contribute in their own way, and I’ve enjoyed and listen to what some of them have had to say, and believe them to be correct on some things. None of us are perfect vehicle the same.
Agree. You and @Chummin have been more than reasonable and have the perfect outlook on things Speed.

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My guess is Coyne is waiting on Speed.   The dealer network is still barely there. 
I don't know about this. When I was picking up my car, I was talking to Karla (who is my sales rep) about Chummins car. The issues he was having and that his car was sitting Coyne for month. She told me that she had not heard anything about it and that Coyen had not contacted her for parts/info. coincidence......Chummin got his car back the next week. 

I have no idea if what Karla was telling we was true or not, or if she got them to finish it. BUUUTTTT....in my mind, I got Chummins car back for him and he owes me a case of Pacificos.  :classic_ninja:

Yeah, I've seen/heard that is (at least mostly) the case.  

650.  Though I'm an El Diablo (long wheelbase 2 seat) which sort of threw it out of order.  That said, if you've watched their vids and customer delivery reports there is hardly any order to it at all (I made a post about it before, things clearly got jumbled coming off the assembly line, getting into containers, getting to a shipping yard, getting onto a ship, getting off a ship, moving to their facility, getting unloaded at their facility, etc).

I asked because I have 1033 Diablo on order.  Got a call yesterday that it is finished and waiting on a boat to wait 5 or 6 weeks crossing a big pond, to wait a couple more in CA.  Guy told me to figure 8 weeks.  Said they would deliver to me in Mesa AZ, or I could pick it up in Havasu.  If I decide to keep it, I will likely pick it up and get the info the give out about the car.

I asked because I have 1033 Diablo on order.  Got a call yesterday that it is finished and waiting on a boat to wait 5 or 6 weeks crossing a big pond, to wait a couple more in CA.  Guy told me to figure 8 weeks.  Said they would deliver to me in Mesa AZ, or I could pick it up in Havasu.  If I decide to keep it, I will likely pick it up and get the info the give out about the car.
I got that call awhile back too, and 8 weeks was about right.


I don't know about this. When I was picking up my car, I was talking to Karla (who is my sales rep) about Chummins car. The issues he was having and that his car was sitting Coyne for month. She told me that she had not heard anything about it and that Coyen had not contacted her for parts/info. coincidence......Chummin got his car back the next week. 

I have no idea if what Karla was telling we was true or not, or if she got them to finish it. BUUUTTTT....in my mind, I got Chummins car back for him and he owes me a case of Pacificos.  :classic_ninja:
I had an issue with Bert's Mega Mall several years ago and it turned out Can Am was not communicating with Bert's in a timely manner.   After I sent a very lengthy email to Can Am the communication between the two suddenly got much better.  

If cars are not at the Speed facility they take there sweet time with dealers.  Speed is trying to pump out cars and make run for new deliveries.  When they see cars waiting for repairs they are more motivated to get them out of the way.   

I would not take much of what Speed says as their track record is not great with what they say and what is actually happening. 

I asked because I have 1033 Diablo on order.  Got a call yesterday that it is finished and waiting on a boat to wait 5 or 6 weeks crossing a big pond, to wait a couple more in CA.  Guy told me to figure 8 weeks.  Said they would deliver to me in Mesa AZ, or I could pick it up in Havasu.  If I decide to keep it, I will likely pick it up and get the info the give out about the car.
Glamis in May will be perfect to test your new ride. 
