Speed UTV

Max qualified 1 and Robbie 2 with a XX in 3rd. 
Impressed watching them today. 
Say it aint so! These are China/Vietnam junk SXS!! is a Ponze Scheme and is a Unicorn.  Fake news man no way these are actually production vehicles getting past qualifying.  I call BS....  Oh wait its actually on NORRA website so must be real.  Wait I know, all entrants are Speed cars so of course no other manufactures entered or raced.  Or RG is sponsoring the race so he made sure no other manufactures can enter. Or RG cheated and got a lift from the helicopter when there were no cameras around.  Any other things I missed about this fake ass SXS? Maybe RG is good with the mexican cartel and there is a standing order to confiscate and make disappear ANY spectators from filming a broken Speed car.  Shall I go on about what haters want to say?

Say it aint so! These are China/Vietnam junk SXS!! is a Ponze Scheme and is a Unicorn.  Fake news man no way these are actually production vehicles getting past qualifying.  I call BS....  Oh wait it’s actually on NORRA website so must be real.  Wait I know, all entrants are Speed cars so of course no other manufactures entered or raced.  Or RG is sponsoring the race so he made sure no other manufactures can enter. Or RG cheated and got a lift from the helicopter when there were no cameras around.  Any other things I missed about this fake ass SXS? Maybe RG is good with the mexican cartel and there is a standing order to confiscate and make disappear ANY spectators from filming a broken Speed car.  Shall I go on about what haters want to say?
 I Agree, it was a great 2 plus minute race. 👏👏


6 pages of patents, most of which aren't even close to "inventions".  It's almost like domain squatting with website URLs back in the day. :biggrin:
Yes - the US has a "first to invent"  vs. a "First to file: system, so RG is mostly from what I have seen  full of BS ... BUT  Unless they are challenged they stand even if they are ridiculous. I have challenged two patents and had them overturned.  One of my patents was challenged and it stood up  - if their is money involved . people will challenge 

One of the patents I was involved with was challenged by IBM - they have LOTS of lawyers  .. when defending it hit 6 figures in attorneys fees the company told IBM -"just take it"  

Like I always  tell kids coming up wanting to file lots of patents -   patenting something is useless unless you have the deep pockets to defend it. In Tech many of the patent defenses run into the 100's of thousands of dollars to millions

Say it aint so! These are China/Vietnam junk SXS!! is a Ponze Scheme and is a Unicorn.  Fake news man no way these are actually production vehicles getting past qualifying.  I call BS....  Oh wait its actually on NORRA website so must be real.  Wait I know, all entrants are Speed cars so of course no other manufactures entered or raced.  Or RG is sponsoring the race so he made sure no other manufactures can enter. Or RG cheated and got a lift from the helicopter when there were no cameras around.  Any other things I missed about this fake ass SXS? Maybe RG is good with the mexican cartel and there is a standing order to confiscate and make disappear ANY spectators from filming a broken Speed car.  Shall I go on about what haters want to say?
Just keep swinging! You’re doing a fine job! 😎

Day 1 Of NORRA 500, Max Gordon first UTV to finish and Robby Gordon 2nd UTV to the finish. 

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RG finished just behind Max?  Any news on how many belts RG shredded seeing Max went through 3.  Either way straight from production in China to completing a 500 mile race on stock Bandit is a huge accomplishment.  Congrats Team Speed!
