Speed UTV

Well, at least were past,

it’s a Ponzi scheme

they’ll never deliver a car.

will never win a race

and 15 or 20 Other statements that were made over the last couple, hundred pages and the other ones before that.
You do understand that in a ponzi scheme early investors usually come out ahead. They are made whole from the money of later investors not by the ongoing profitibality of the business as a going concern. 

right now Speed is the textbook definition of a Ponzi scheme. That does not mean that the company is a fraud but I would argue there is still a long ways to go before I would feel good about being a high order number. 

You do understand that in a ponzi scheme early investors usually come out ahead. They are made whole from the money of later investors not by the ongoing profitibality of the business as a going concern. 

right now Speed is the textbook definition of a Ponzi scheme. That does not mean that the company is a fraud but I would argue there is still a long ways to go before I would feel good about being a high order number. 
Well I feel pretty good. I put $1500 down on something I did not need then and still do not need now and I’m patiently waiting for my Diablo.  At the discounted purchase price I feel it was a good move. Even more so now with the cars now having more to them then when I ordered less than two years ago. I haven’t missed any trips. I still have my other car in the meantime. May I ask when you will consider it not to be a Ponzi scheme? Do we have to wait for the 1000th car or the 10,000 car or five more years just curious?

You do understand that in a ponzi scheme early investors usually come out ahead. They are made whole from the money of later investors not by the ongoing profitibality of the business as a going concern. 

right now Speed is the textbook definition of a Ponzi scheme. That does not mean that the company is a fraud but I would argue there is still a long ways to go before I would feel good about being a high order number. 
I know this is the internet and we can say what we want, but making this claim or insinuating it is just silly. It's the same kind of fake news we all hate.

Well, at least were past,

it’s a Ponzi scheme

they’ll never deliver a car.

will never win a race

and 15 or 20 Other statements that were made over the last couple, hundred pages and the other ones before that.
I don’t think there were any claims in this thread of the sort other than by RG fans tongue in cheek. Most of the thread has been questioning his timelines, promises and “comparisons”. 

Almost all of this has turned out to be true, or close to enough. 

Has this thread been pro RG? Not really, but Jesus, dude brings it on himself. Blatant lies about timelines, comparisons to vehicles that were last generation that he couldn’t beat in a race until recently, mysteriously disappearing negative reviews, this recent spat of legal shakedowns. 

Guess production isn’t all he’s getting from China. Maybe he’ll roll out a Social Credit System for his customers as well? :biggrin:

Well, at least were past,

it’s a Ponzi scheme

they’ll never deliver a car.

will never win a race

and 15 or 20 Other statements that were made over the last couple, hundred pages and the other ones before that.
The Ponzi idea was brought on by a Speed fan as a joke. Never delivering a car was brought on by a disgruntled employee or ex family member? He was banned and has been heard of since. I’m not sure I ever read about anyone claiming he will never win a race. We did however joke about his first attempts  with his out of the box race cars that couldn’t finish races! As said already, most of the bashing we have laid out is due to horrid timelines, RG behavior, tacky manufacture comparisons, etc. I have also seen most of us repeatedly say they will be well built cars once bugs are worked out. Yes you will have a few haters come and go but you better grow thicker skin if you plan to be around here! Hell I own a Polaris. It’s all I’ve owned for SXS’s. Could you imagine how stressed or pissed I would be if I tried to fight off all those haters! 

The Ponzi idea was brought on by a Speed fan as a joke. Never delivering a car was brought on by a disgruntled employee or ex family member? He was banned and has been heard of since. I’m not sure I ever read about anyone claiming he will never win a race. We did however joke about his first attempts  with his out of the box race cars that couldn’t finish races! As said already, most of the bashing we have laid out is due to horrid timelines, RG behavior, tacky manufacture comparisons, etc. I have also seen most of us repeatedly say they will be well built cars once bugs are worked out. Yes you will have a few haters come and go but you better grow thicker skin if you plan to be around here! Hell I own a Polaris. It’s all I’ve owned for SXS’s. Could you imagine how stressed or pissed I would be if I tried to fight off all those haters! 
No less stressed than your fire extinguisher!  :bag:

Huh, just realized it's been quite some time since I've heard a PoPo fire joke.  Good on them fixing that issue (or making products that people stopped "fire selling").

Well I feel pretty good. I put $1500 down on something I did not need then and still do not need now and I’m patiently waiting for my Diablo.  At the discounted purchase price I feel it was a good move. Even more so now with the cars now having more to them then when I ordered less than two years ago. I haven’t missed any trips. I still have my other car in the meantime. May I ask when you will consider it not to be a Ponzi scheme? Do we have to wait for the 1000th car or the 10,000 car or five more years just curious?
The Early buyers took a risk and it paid off in full IMHO. They are the winners 🏆 

All the minor items are getting addressed as well as the larger ones did...and quickly. I'll give credit to Speed UTV.

I hope Max becomes the front man sooner then later :lol:

That Carl S. guy still has a few cars at almost initial prices...but eff that guy...hahaha 

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Well I feel pretty good. I put $1500 down on something I did not need then and still do not need now and I’m patiently waiting for my Diablo.  At the discounted purchase price I feel it was a good move.
I think you will be able to get a lot more for it than what you paid. They look like a solid design and peeps are gonna want one NOW without all the waiting and drama..........

Either way, if you have the bankroll and can withstand the wait / You are in a good spot.


Speed is moving in the right direction and it appears most of the initial issues have been resolved.

I not think anyone on this thread every said cars would not be delivered to customers.  

I wonder how many cars have been delivered now that they have a warehouse full of them getting prepped.  

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I know I'm asking for trouble here but I can definitely see the irony in stating that we're "past" the possibility that it was a ponzi scheme when if it were, this is exactly where things would be.

I think @Azdunerat also saw the irony of saying we're "past" that.

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I know I'm asking for trouble here but I can definitely see the irony in stating that we're past the possibility that it was a ponzi scheme when if it were, this is exactly where things would be.

I think @Azdunerat also saw the irony of saying we're "past" that.
I mean, yeah, there's also that possibility. :biggrin:

I think we all want Speed to succeed. Competition is good for the industry as a whole. 

Is RG kind of a whiny little beeotch sometimes? Yes does he bring on a lot of the hate he gets with his holier than thou? Yes

I really want speed to be a force in the industry that makes can am and Polaris up their game. I love the look of the speed and everything about it outside of the engine bay. I am not kidding when I say, if I hit the power all I would buy a speed and engine swap the new Maverick r power plant. 

Speed has it's niche market. If the power plant proves reliable, parts are easily available, and they have a decent dealer network were customers can go for repairs/warranty work they will be around for a long time.

The kick off weekend for Glamis is upon us and I suspect there will be a handful of Speed UTVs there besides RG and his crew.   

Speed has it's niche market. If the power plant proves reliable, parts are easily available, and they have a decent dealer network were customers can go for repairs/warranty work they will be around for a long time.

The kick off weekend for Glamis is upon us and I suspect there will be a handful of Speed UTVs there besides RG and his crew.   
You’re right and some are going to break every now and then those were my expectations from the beginning. I’m thanking all the pioneers were calling them who were in the first 50 or 60 here.

I’ve said a few times here. Stick to driving ! Great race for all of the speed cars. 
