Speed UTV

The number of statements that have since been proven as blatant lies now is interesting.
LOL...this is funny because the angle is now "He didn't know at the time" and "He was told differently then what was true".

Of course its all complete BS that he didn't know...but whatever, it's just been entertaining to watch a new UTV evolve and good subject matter for joking around the campfire anyways.

Are they here yet? :moof:  

they had 2 unicorns out in the wild at the desert storm street fair last night. they werent on mcculloch perse.. off to the side with no real path or flow past their trailer.

LMAO!  Im gonna convince the Baller Kat-A-Tonic to let me try out the paddles on my ElJefe since I will get mine long before he does.  Besides, KAT has wayyyy to many toys, he wont mind me borrowing the paddles for a weekend rip.  
When are you supposed to get your Speed UTV?  
