Speed UTV

Did they ever complete the service manuals?  

Just tooling changes.  Those are cheap and easy... :biggrin:
No clue on the service manual.  I would hope it has been completed. 

No clue on the service manual.  I would hope it has been completed. 
Maybe when this UTV stops changing :lol:

Besides, it's not like anything will be printed or on microfiche.

It's a digital world.

Speed can do it like iOS updates, ever evolving as bugs, issues pop up.

They spec'd one thing on the cases....they got another......he said it was like a MM thick where it should have been like 3 or 5 something like that... yes Quality control missed it.... 

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Maybe when this UTV stops changing :lol:

Besides, it's not like anything will be printed or on microfiche.

It's a digital world.

Speed can do it like iOS updates, ever evolving as bugs, issues pop up.
If there's anything tech writers and engineers hate, it's writing user manuals... :biggrin:

Does anyone know the status of CARB?  I hope some of those cars end up in the hands of California people. 

I've asked at least three times in the last week or so on Instagram and Facebook and all I get is people telling me that "Robbie says he has it, STFU".  :clown:
When a CA dealer takes delivery or a customer takes delivery and registers in CA then we know they have it. 

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