Speed UTV

7 hours ago, Lord of the Dunes said:

Branden Sims is a winning factory Polaris driver. According to him, the most important factor he wants to see in a SxS is... wait for it...


Skip to 49 minutes to see it.

Oh, BTW early in the interview he tells Justin Smith that Robby Gordon is his role model.

Total eye-poke here: what if the part of the course he skipped was the part where everyone was breaking? :biggrin:

Yep.  Mostly agree.  Finishing the race is definitely more important than all though :biggrin:

Don't think the gulf is Rhino to X3 is all. 

Total eye-poke here: what if the part of the course he skipped was the part where everyone was breaking? :biggrin:
They drove on a parallel wash that was the same length, I don't know if it was any smoother. RG says he was told it was part of the course in the driver's meeting beforehand.

As stout as they made the suspension and chassis, it would take some serious punishment or hamfisted driving, I think. But it's always something little that gets ya, like a steering knuckle or in the case of Shock Therapy, they broke wheel studs in a previous race.

That course coverage was awesome as compared to what they showed on the youtube live broadcast. 
i agree!! Wish they’d (the promoters) get a chopper of their own and do some filming of the actual course. Maybe hire some drone pilots.  that would definitely increase its popularity. 

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I also read/heard that Speed team weren’t the only one that took that wash road but many others did as well yet I don’t believe any of them were disqualified? Whatever the case it was a great showing of these cars potential as others have mentioned. 

There was also some talk about the fact that this event was sponsored by Polaris, so the fact that only Speed was DQ'd when half of the drivers allegedly took the same line showed the DQs were targeted at Speed drivers only.

It seems very petty and transparent, but I'm really not familiar with how these events are run.
LOL!   Max took a line that was not allowed so he got DQ'd.  It happens all the time in desert races.  So Max should feel like he is one of the guys now.  He did awesome in his done up Wildcat XX.  The kid can drive and the XX in the hands of skilled driver can do well.

The Speed cars did well.   I am more interested to see how they do in Baja where they are not doing several laps on the same course. 

I ride Havasu often. I'd really like to know what line was in dispute from RM22-24 it's mostly top of ridges and medium rock mounds. There is ONE spot that has a distinct wash that could be the 1/4mile dispute if ran, since it misses VCP 10.

If you ran that whole wash you'd miss 3 VCPs

All the other balloons are dangers.


LOL!   Max took a line that was not allowed so he got DQ'd.  It happens all the time in desert races.  So Max should feel like he is one of the guys now.  He did awesome in his done up Wildcat XX.  The kid can drive and the XX in the hands of skilled driver can do well.

The Speed cars did well.   I am more interested to see how they do in Baja where they are not doing several laps on the same course. 
You keep moving the goal posts back farther and farther. Isn't this the 25th time you said, "I wanna see..."

first it was prototype parts, then production parts, then a running vehicle, then... then...

Go ahead, say it. I know you will...

"I wanna see them run on Mars!" 


Here is the final results. After reviewing data, multiple racers took an alternate line approximately 0.25 miles long, missing VCP's. VCP penalties have been applied.

Funny they have MAX listed as a SPEED UTV, but it's a Speed built Textron Wildcat XX. Fastest lap 45:50 now officially 8th
Lucas Cassidy in Textron Wildcat XX finished 6th fastest lap 52:25 NA class
Ricky Johnson DNF'd 16th in a ArcticCat Speed XX fastest lap 48:53 NA class
RG officially 11th last finisher not DNF fastest lap 47:08

Comparison of the "same" suspension and similar race builds with different drivers. Fastest lap I could find was in the 44min range.

The biggest surprise of the race for me was the running outa gas and that he didn't get DQ'd for that. Filling the tank in a non-designated area (although I don't know that specifically) they said he was 300yrd from the finish so maybe the pit crew was allowed in that area.

DQs were revoked. Many people took the line. Apparently Killian told them the line was OK.

Looks like they got 8th and 11th now officially as they are handing out time penalties for those who took the line instead of DQs.
I would think that would be the appropriate thing to do. If they were told they could take it and several others used it, they all should be penalized the same way. Whether it be a DQ or time penalty, everyone should get the same treatment.


11th in a non production car isn't that bad, seriously, right?  But hey, he wasn't trying to win, right, just cruising having fun.

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You keep moving the goal posts back farther and farther. Isn't this the 25th time you said, "I wanna see..."

first it was prototype parts, then production parts, then a running vehicle, then... then...

Go ahead, say it. I know you will...

"I wanna see them run on Mars!" 

Uh, he said they did well and is interested in their results at Baja... Relax sir.

DQs were revoked. Many people took the line. Apparently Killian told them the line was OK.

Looks like they got 8th and 11th now officially as they are handing out time penalties for those who took the line instead of DQs.
Sounds like the right thing do. 

Hope to get out there next year and see it live.

I’m wondering why peoples tensions are so high? I don’t think anyone is saying Speed showed up, kicked ass, and took names. They did show up however and completed the races. That is a testament to how well the cars were built to hold up against the terrain. Yes a good driver knows how hard to push a vehicle and maybe that’s why Robby didn’t push so hard. Maybe he felt some shortcomings in the car so he backed off a little. As stated earlier, it was better for him to finish than to break and DNF. No need for more neggative chatter. Being a new car, I did expect to see more break downs. Not because I’m a “ Hater “ but because that’s just what happens. I know I poked a lot of fun at things but I did always say it will be bad ass when completed. I give credit where credit is due. They had a great showing regardless of placement and it is only gonna get better as they grow. 

I think scheduled/planned pit stops are what is frowned upon and what is against the rules when fueling outside a designated fueling area. Like having a pit member hidden out in the middle of nowhere to give fuel to not have to stop at main pit and possibly get passed by competitors.

The rule is there across the board for all race orgs pretty much.

I couldn't imagine being in the middle of a race anywhere and running out of fuel and somebody cant bring you a splash of fuel to get to the next pit.

Crew can bring parts, oil/fluids, physical help, etc, but cant bring a splash of fuel?

Maybe I am wrong. The way I see it, imagine you were stuck in the middle of a tight section, or causing a possible hazard on the race course, is the org really going to DQ you for getting your "disabled" vehicle moving again?
DTA I know you're a racer so maybe I'm wrong. I have not read the rules of this race. Typically in desert races there is either one pit or multiple pits. Fuel, repairs, parts must be done at the pit 90% of the races I've attended. Typically on a one pit "no chase" like this, only a competitor can assist. Again I don't know all the details on the fueling issues, here. Not even sure this race does all the fuel safety stuff like splash mats and fire suits for fuelers. Again just was amazed he got away with this. 

And another note.... I should read the rules. How is the Speed UTV considered a legal UTV to race. They still don't have an MSO # or production vehicles in the market yet. Really suprized the cann-ham and poolaris teams didn't protest. maybe they did and lost again I don't know

Back to the SPEED UTV!
