Speed UTV

Yes, that's right, the start up company is going to introduce their all new vehicle about 14 yrs faster than one of the big boys - Ford.

LOL!   See Ford v. Ferrari if you want to see what Ford can do when the boss man green lights a victory.   

Unfortunately for you speed sack swingers, I have a lot of insight into this Speed UTV business plan (not the car) The car is a great idea with lots of wish list ideas....Will it all come together in the end and be a customer satisfactory product? Currently there is alot of business infrastructure missing to make this all happen. 

For those with a name like butt crack, I would assume you hardly know the difference between a nut and bolt let alone understand what the definition of a successful reputable business.

Keep cheering the specs of the car, that's not the real challenges Speed is dealing with. 
Yeah,... bro.. I'm not a ..

1. Speed cheerleader, completely indifferent as I'm fine with my RZRs, have friends with Speed's on order.

2. Yup, not a gear head, farthest from it. I defer to experts. You won't see me post about my expertise in mechanics, only things I've been taught over time and personal experience in 'paying' the experts for the last 40 years...

3. '... let alone understand what the definition of a successful reputable business.'.. well I kinda got you there since I have owned my own successful reputable business for 17 years.

Would you consider that I personally have made over $10 Million in profit working my business from home successful? .. I don't  judge a person by the size of their wallet or how much they make, but in business, that is really the only true measurement of a successful  business IMO. I have 'happy' customers, which is a plus, but if you aren't 'paid' for it, what's the point of being in business. 

... so you got some of it right... 


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I was not sure if this thread would reach 200 pages, but by the looks of things we might actually get it done.   LOL!

I was not sure if this thread would reach 200 pages, but by the looks of things we might actually get it done.   LOL!
It will hit 500 before production starts on these things 😂, oh wait RG said it will be a couple of months, I think that was 3 weeks ago? Only 5 more weeks and we will see all these things smoking everybody. We will see nothing but tail lights!

The troll twins here. Each at the opposite ends of opinion. Both self certified experts.

I heard somewhere the production process has been held up by a specific vendor. A key component, The Gadget Groove, has had a hard time acquiring Lithium, a key component. A decommissioned mine has been purchased that should have enough residual material to get product out to the end users. 
God bless.

Do you expect any less here?????????? 

My mom's hairdresser went to the river and ran into somebody who's son's friend was out at Glamis and got a gas can ticket by a ghost camp.... it's almost time!
That reminds me we are missing a good old gas can thread.  LOL!

I’m no expert. I really don’t give 2 shits if the speed car fails or succeeds. I just like to read the thread. It’s just hard not to comment sometimes on some of the nauseating things I read in here. 

LOL!   See Ford v. Ferrari if you want to see what Ford can do when the boss man green lights a victory.   
So let me see if I understand you correctly.

Ford = Ford.

Ferrari = Speed UTV.

Did I get that straight?    :lol:

But seriously, Ferrari had one hell of an ego on him, while RG is simply confident.

So let me see if I understand you correctly.

Ford = Ford.

Ferrari = Speed UTV.

Did I get that straight?    :lol:

But seriously, Ferrari had one hell of an ego on him, while RG is simply confident.
Delusional. Only reason he replies to the trolls is Ego. Only reason he has 90 speed logos on the car is Ego.

Only reason he points out how "badly designed" Polaris and CanAm are is.. wait for it..

Delusional. Only reason he replies to the trolls is Ego. Only reason he has 90 speed logos on the car is Ego.

Only reason he points out how "badly designed" Polaris and CanAm are is.. wait for it..
Because based on the sales figures, Joe Average doesn't know any better. So you have to show them.

Same thing happened with the Ford Pinto. They sold tons of them, people bought them for their kids going to college, not knowing what could happen. When the gov't started crash testing them, they also found out that every American made car seat snapped off at the hinge area and catapulted the driver and passenger from the front seat into the back seat in a rear end collision, often breaking their necks. In the case of Pinto passengers, they went headfirst through the rear window, down between the two cars and burned to death with a broken neck.

The only car whose seats didn't break was Mercedes Benz. A reporter asked a Mercedes Benz engineer how much more it cost to make the stronger seat bracket. He replied, "$2 per seat." The reporter asked, "Why doesn't Ford just spend the extra $4?"

He replied, "I cannot speak for Ford's design decisions, but our research has shown that if your customer survives the crash uninjured, they have a tendency to come back and buy another vehicle from you, as opposed to dead ones."

Of course if they don't know any better, then they show their ignorance, like in threads like this.
