Speed UTV

Yes, I'm very fortunate and understand that.  That said, nobody I know with a deposit sold any of their other toys yet.  The deposit was $1500-2500 - we're not talking HELOC to make that happen.  I'm sure there are a few deposit holders who had no toy, and this was going to be their first, and they're understandably frustrated.  But, I think that's a tiny % of the overall numbers.  If a person sold everything so they could get the Speed, well that was a choice they made...

Of course, my reply was intended to be snarky, because it was to buff.  I'm sure buff knows better than to imply the only bowls Speed deposit holders will be able to smoke are from RG's crack pipe, but he likes to poke the hornets nest.  So I threw a little snark back at him... 

Dude,.. buff is a 'hidden' troll... He has ZERO credibility on this site.. joined specifically to bag on the SPEED UTV... I could give 2 shatz.. dude doesn't even exist. Some agenda against RG .. or maybe RG fired him for being a tool.. pissed in his cornflakes (in his opinion).

Anyone relying on an invisible loser who ONLY is interested in tossing shade on 1 product, should obviously be suspicious.

Took about 2 seconds to 'dispose' of all of his blathering's 

Takes a lot, probably, to get booted.. but if owned GD.com, I'd want some more info about who the heck he is.. .. no truth..   just boot him cause he's just here to troll.

I personally  know 75% of the habitual posters on here.. I KNOW THEM.. they KNOW me.. 

Buff .. give up dude. .. you're nothing .. you're a keyboard nobody, until proven otherwise.

Don't be afraid all the time.. be honest about who you are.. why you devote so much time to the RG Speed.. bet he's an alias on any site talking about the SPEED.



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So I missed the show last week.  I did see something about the motors being on the show.  What are they tweaking on the motors?  Was there talk of how they are doing with the CARB certification?
They're fine tuning oil pump pressure, they tore down engines with various mileage on them to determine how internal parts are holding up, continuing testing.

I'm sure other brands are doing the same before production, but it was nice to hear they were being that thorough.

They're fine tuning oil pump pressure, they tore down engines with various mileage on them to determine how internal parts are holding up, continuing testing.

I'm sure other brands are doing the same before production, but it was nice to hear they were being that thorough.
That is a good thing.  Probably means the motors are not ready for CARB testing yet.   

That is a good thing.  Probably means the motors are not ready for CARB testing yet.   
I don't see how you came up with that. They're trying to increase longevity, they said nothing about CARB.

What I've heard is CARB uses a production vehicle for final testing. So that final step won't happen until they build a production vehicle. A lot of the other steps have been completed, just need to do the last one. I'm no expert on CARB testing, but from the beginning they said they hired the same company other companies use for the CARB testing process, so I trust things are going on schedule with no major hiccups. I see no reason why they would have problems compared to anyone else.

I don't see how you came up with that. They're trying to increase longevity, they said nothing about CARB.

What I've heard is CARB uses a production vehicle for final testing. So that final step won't happen until they build a production vehicle. A lot of the other steps have been completed, just need to do the last one. I'm no expert on CARB testing, but from the beginning they said they hired the same company other companies use for the CARB testing process, so I trust things are going on schedule with no major hiccups. I see no reason why they would have problems compared to anyone else.
Never thought of it till this post but I am way too familiar with CARB (to the tune of costing me over 1mil). That special key may be an issue IMO. Don't see CARB approving a vehicle / engine with the ability to change mapping and fuel delivery. No way no how unless it a dedicated closed course race vehicle and even then who knows. ie: rpm act.... I'd be curious as to what the plan is to get that option passed. Just a thought...

Edit to add: I guess can am does have the low power key so who knows... 

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Never thought of it till this post but I am way too familiar with CARB (to the tune of costing me over 1mil). That special key may be an issue IMO. Don't see CARB approving a vehicle / engine with the ability to change mapping and fuel delivery. No way no how unless it a dedicated closed course race vehicle and even then who knows. ie: rpm act.... I'd be curious as to what the plan is to get that option passed. Just a thought...
They're using the same flexfuel sensor that GM uses. When you put E85 in a street legal flexfuel vehicle, it also changes the fuel mapping, correct? As long as the engine doesn't pollute at all ECU mappings, I don't see how it's a problem.

...Don't see CARB approving a vehicle / engine with the ability to change mapping and fuel delivery. No way no how unless it a dedicated closed course race vehicle...
What about the (tens?) millions of Flex Fuel cars on the road already?  They do exactly what you're saying... 

I mean, every EFI and really even every carb vehicle running changes fuel mapping and delivery based on tons of variables.  But, Flex Fuel cars are already doing it based on Ethanol content. 


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I don't see how you came up with that. They're trying to increase longevity, they said nothing about CARB.

What I've heard is CARB uses a production vehicle for final testing. So that final step won't happen until they build a production vehicle. A lot of the other steps have been completed, just need to do the last one. I'm no expert on CARB testing, but from the beginning they said they hired the same company other companies use for the CARB testing process, so I trust things are going on schedule with no major hiccups. I see no reason why they would have problems compared to anyone else.
If they are still tweaking with the motor, then it is not ready for CARB cert.  I believe you are correct the motor has to be in a production car, but I would assume that could be one of the 10 pre-production cars they are building. 

What about the (tens?) millions of Flex Fuel cars on the road already?  They do exactly what you're saying... 

I mean, every EFI and really even every carb vehicle running changes fuel mapping and delivery based on tons of variables.  But, Flex Fuel cars are already doing it based on Ethanol content. 

Hope your right, CARB is stringent to say the least,  and in CA VP and Sonoco E85 is intended for racing purposes only. Im sure that's why Speed calls it the "E85 R Vp Racing 300 HP tune". Now if the consumer has the control (not the ecm) to switch to a racing only tune I'm not sure CARB is going to allow it and it may be excluded from getting a "green sticker". Again just a thought. Probably wouldn't matter to the hard pack guys but the sand guys are going to want that extra HP. Not really a direct comparison to say the politics, subsidies  and tax breaks wrapped around the big 3 and corn (flex fuel)...

Since there was an earlier discussion about whether the Speed or the new Bronco would be delivered first...

Here's a video from Hoovie's Garage, where he discusses Ford taking 17 YEARS to deliver the Bronco - that's right, the concept was shown in 2004!

But wait, there's more! They delivered a few of them, then they stopped deliveries due to a cosmetic problem with the plastic 4 piece roof. The owner in the video said he got on a waiting list 4 years ago and paid a deposit 1-1/2 year ago and his was delivered, even though Ford's tracking system says his is still in Dearborn. So there are tens of thousands of these sitting in a lot somewhere waiting for the improved replacement roofs to be delivered.

I'm impressed the company with the worst history in recalls has decided to make their customers wait for 18 years instead of recalling them all shortly after delivery. Kinda reminds me of a stop sell/stop ride.    :smile:

1 hour ago, Lord of the Dunes said:

Since there was an earlier discussion about whether the Speed or the new Bronco would be delivered first...

Here's a video from Hoovie's Garage, where he discusses Ford taking 17 YEARS to deliver the Bronco - that's right, the concept was shown in 2004!

But wait, there's more! They delivered a few of them, then they stopped deliveries due to a cosmetic problem with the plastic 4 piece roof. The owner in the video said he got on a waiting list 4 years ago and paid a deposit 1-1/2 year ago and his was delivered, even though Ford's tracking system says his is still in Dearborn. So there are tens of thousands of these sitting in a lot somewhere waiting for the improved replacement roofs to be delivered.

I'm impressed the company with the worst history in recalls has decided to make their customers wait for 18 years instead of recalling them all shortly after delivery. Kinda reminds me of a stop sell/stop ride.    :smile:

LOL!   Not quite the same as a start up company with no history of delivering vehicles doing weekly shows to keep up interest.  Not to mention Ford did not take non-refundable deposits 17 years ago or currently on the Bronco.  Not mention they did not have RG giving out unrealistic time lines that now have changed to "we will release it when it is ready" (which is what RG should of said to begin with). 

Ford got killed by the chip shortages and supply chain issues. 

Ford may have had concepts of a new Bronco 17 years ago and put it on hold because the market was not there or a variety of other reasons.  

Chevy talked about a mid-engine Corvette for how long?   

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Dude,.. buff is a 'hidden' troll... He has ZERO credibility on this site.. joined specifically to bag on the SPEED UTV... I could give 2 shatz.. dude doesn't even exist. Some agenda against RG .. or maybe RG fired him for being a tool.. pissed in his cornflakes (in his opinion).

Anyone relying on an invisible loser who ONLY is interested in tossing shade on 1 product, should obviously be suspicious.

Took about 2 seconds to 'dispose' of all of his blathering's 

Takes a lot, probably, to get booted.. but if owned GD.com, I'd want some more info about who the heck he is.. .. no truth..   just boot him cause he's just here to troll.

I personally  know 75% of the habitual posters on here.. I KNOW THEM.. they KNOW me.. 

Buff .. give up dude. .. you're nothing .. you're a keyboard nobody, until proven otherwise.

Don't be afraid all the time.. be honest about who you are.. why you devote so much time to the RG Speed.. bet he's an alias on any site talking about the SPEED.


Unfortunately for you speed sack swingers, I have a lot of insight into this Speed UTV business plan (not the car) The car is a great idea with lots of wish list ideas....Will it all come together in the end and be a customer satisfactory product? Currently there is alot of business infrastructure missing to make this all happen. 

For those with a name like butt crack, I would assume you hardly know the difference between a nut and bolt let alone understand what the definition of a successful reputable business.

Keep cheering the specs of the car, that's not the real challenges Speed is dealing with. 

LOL!   Not quite the same as a start up company with no history of delivering vehicles doing weekly shows to keep up interest.  Not to mention Ford did not take non-refundable deposits 17 years ago or currently on the Bronoc.  Not mention they did not have RG giving out unrealistic time lines that now have changed to "we will release it when it is ready" (which is what RG should of said to begin with). 

Ford got killed by the chip shortages and supply chain issues. 

Ford may have had concepts of a new Bronco 17 years ago and put it on hold because the market was not there or a variety of other reasons.  

Chevy talked about a mid-engine Corvette for how long?   
Yes, that's right, the start up company is going to introduce their all new vehicle about 14 yrs faster than one of the big boys - Ford.


Another way to look at it might be that if it takes one of the big boys with almost unlimited resources 17 years from conception to delivery then how long does it take a small startup with much less resources? More than 17 years from conception to delivery?

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Another way to look at it might be that if it takes one of the big boys with almost unlimited resources 17 years from conception to delivery then how long does it take a small startup with much less resources? More than 17 years from conception to delivery?
See SpaceX....

small startup

less resources

shorter delivery timelines

Another way to look at it might be that if it takes one of the big boys with almost unlimited resources 17 years from conception to delivery then how long does it take a small startup with much less resources? More than 17 years from conception to delivery?
I'm guessing somewhere between 2.5 and 3 yrs. Its nice to know that if they hit that timeline, they've exceeded your expectations by 14 yrs. I think they deserve a HUGE celebration for that!

See SpaceX....

small startup

less resources

shorter delivery timelines

Not only that, but he recalculated the numbers and decided stainless steel was better than what NASA chose - aluminum. He also switched to a different, much cheaper fuel - methane, which could also be generated easily from waste on a colony on Mars. He also decided to land the reusable booster stage on it's tail, on a floating barge, directly in the flight path.

It's amazing how a small, talented, dedicated team can change the course of an entire industry.
