Speed UTV

Every reputable company that ships product from overseas pays or employs someone that is responsible for these things.  This is a very costly mistake, shipping three times on the same product isn't profitable, probably eats away any possibility of making a dollar on these units.  How deep are these inventors' pockets???
The pockets are apparently really really deep.   You would think they would be extra careful to check everything before shipping them off after the last time.  

70 cars is a lot of cars to miss.  One or two maybe, not multiple containers of cars.  

It is not like they don't have Hisun there to help them with the process.  

Sounded to me like his was one of the shipment of 70 cars that somebody messed up on and had to send back. 

I ship internationally for my business practically on the daily. Not sure how someone can screw this up. Harder than domestic, but they should have it down by now.



"Gottta ship them back due to clerical error" is a pretty solid, unverifiable excuse to not deliver cars.  No?

Let see a pic of these containers full of Speed.

building in havasu looks abandonded most of the time. i drove past around noon today, nothing out front, 2 regular passenger cars in parking lot.

I am only going by what I was told, she was upfront and honest. I appreciate that. I think the speed will be a bad ass car once it has the bugs worked out. I originally ordered this car for my wife and family. Wife says she is over it. What to do... Decisions decisions.
A good husband would give his Funco to his wife and tell Robbie to wire his deposit money straight over to Funco to start a new build.

I’m here to help.

Ok got a hold of Karla. Somehow she didn't get my emails. But long story short my car is 1 of the 70 cars stuck at the port missing customs stamps and probably cars will have to be returned to Vietnam for stamps and sent back. 🤬😢 she did offer me another El jefe Le  that they have and can put all my accessories but she said it's a different color and they can give me 30% off the cost of a new wrap. 

Not sure what to do at this ppoint. Not too happy with the customer service on updates etc. Karla was very nice and helpful but another 4 months is a long time to wait ans to be charged more for the wrap I was promised.  Leaning toward new maverick r and be done.
That “customs error” BS didn’t stack up last time. The level of monumental Effup needed to return cars to origin is insane.  Twice? Lulz. 

Speed is like that buddy who wants to borrow money “just one more time” but hasn’t paid chit back from the last 4x…

So I wonder whose car that is ?  How can they have the balls to offer you another car sitting around and ask you to pay for the wrap you already paid for. They are 3/4 yrs behind. You would think they would bend over backwards to accommodate you for your patience. You are way nicer than me. 
No chit. Especially with 2021 money. 

I'm willing to bet that the manufacturer in Taiwan or wherever the hell this thing is made is getting frustrated as well. It can't be good to keep stopping and going, stopping and going with the manufacturing process. It almost seems like Robbie's cars are not their priority, maybe they're only filling their free time in with RG's cars.. who knows.. Just speculation on my part.
The constant redesigns is why they’re starting/stopping so much, which stems from rushing the preproduction phase due to overpromising. These design errors should’ve been found with Robby and a team of other engineers behind the wheel (not just Robby with 1-2 cars), not when people put money down. Most of them are crazy rookie mistakes, and is why Ford and Can Am and others spend 4 years+ on product lifecycle to incrementally improve an existing vehicle/architecture. 

Curious how much of his design team he has left to address this stuff. I know there were defections, and I’m sure funding isn’t doing awesome, deep pocket investors or not. Robby also doesn’t seem like he’d take the heat for design Effups well…

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I ship internationally for my business practically on the daily. Not sure how someone can screw this up. Harder than domestic, but they should have it down by now.


Shipping a container of VIN registered vehicles isn't the same as an envelope full of computer chips.

Shipping a container of VIN registered vehicles isn't the same as an envelope full of computer chips.
I agree, but...

Not sure about @ANGRYBUTTCRACK, but when we have an international job (I’m shipping multiple 40’ containers with parts/equipment to a military base), I don’t fill out forms and deal with customs, my shipping broker does.  I provide the BOL, they respond with questions/forms based on that. Shouldn’t be the first rodeo for anyone.  :biggrin:
