Speed UTV

Eliminated maybe for being apart of GD.com!!?????

This right here is the fundamental problem with this whole project. It might be a great car, he might be a great racer, his fanboy’s might be more loyal than an adopted puppy, but at the end of the day he’s just an a s s h o l e that thinks he gets to impose his will upon others.

This right here is the fundamental problem with this whole project. It might be a great car, he might be a great racer, his fanboy’s might be more loyal than an adopted puppy, but at the end of the day he’s just an a s s h o l e that thinks he gets to impose his will upon others.
Or Maybe he's a guy that put his heart and soul into something, and people just wanna sit back and talk chit and think that people have to take it? I'm 59, I've been in lots of businesses where the owners have taken product, given refunds and told people to GTFO....and don't come back.  It's how things were done before everyone turned into keyboard warriors... 

Or Maybe he's a guy that put his heart and soul into something, and people just wanna sit back and talk chit and think that people have to take it? I'm 59, I've been in lots of businesses where the owners have taken product, given refunds and told people to GTFO....and don't come back.  It's how things were done before everyone turned into keyboard warriors... 
And I wholeheartedly agree with telling a bad customer to take their money and gtfo. If Robby would’ve just done it (cancelling someone’s order) that would’ve spoke volumes. Posting a video to everyone threatening to cancel an order is just dumb, and an a s s h o l e move.

Or Maybe he's a guy that put his heart and soul into something, and people just wanna sit back and talk chit and think that people have to take it? I'm 59, I've been in lots of businesses where the owners have taken product, given refunds and told people to GTFO....and don't come back.  It's how things were done before everyone turned into keyboard warriors... 
Agree 100%

What will be funny is if he tries to pull that stunt on someone that is more than happy to tie him up in court forever for violating their 1A right....get the ACLU involved.  :biggrin:

What will be funny is if he tries to pull that stunt on someone that is more than happy to tie him up in court forever for violating their 1A right....get the ACLU involved.  :biggrin:
1A only applies to Government...private citizens are allowed to violate your speech all day long. 

1A only applies to Government...private citizens are allowed to violate your speech all day long. 
That was kinda tongue in cheek, but if he yanked someone's car because of online banter, I'm sure it wouldn't go as easy as he thinks.

Or Maybe he's a guy that put his heart and soul into something, and people just wanna sit back and talk chit and think that people have to take it? I'm 59, I've been in lots of businesses where the owners have taken product, given refunds and told people to GTFO....and don't come back.  It's how things were done before everyone turned into keyboard warriors... 
Again: the constant shitting on the competition is what brought this about. Don’t be surprised it blows back. 
