Speed UTV

I'd say the following are needs in my book on any stock RZR I've had:

  • Cage 
  • Seats
  • Harnesses 
  • Steering Wheel
  • Full Doors (or lower door add-ons)
  • Lighting
  • Supporting Wiring to do ^stuff right 

The following are must haves for me but not necessarily "needs":

  • Comms
  • Fresh Air Pumper 
  • Shock Work
  • Clutch Work (in some cases, this does fall into "needs" but I put it here to be conservative) 

The rest are definitely just "wants":

  • Exhaust/tune/supporting mods
  • Cooler and Storage solutions
  • Door Bags
  • Wheels/Tires 
  • Ride Command dash in non-RC models

When I say $20k min into any of my RZRs, note that none of them had aftermarket arms, aftermarket shocks (just springs/shocks/real cross overs/valving), stereos, windshields, or any real bling.   Obviously the built Z1-swapped XP4 I bought used had all that extra stuff (other than stereo) but that's a different story. 

$20k goes REALLY quickly just doing the basics. 

Unfortunately, no.  This is exactly why I sold my Funco, at least the Speed is a much smaller chunk of $ just sitting there collecting dust. 

I hate the lower door inserts: I use that window to look into the next bowl :biggrin:  

Read online a big complaint is that getting OEM Parts are a huge issue still....unless you drive to Havasu and drop yore car off.

Sucks, OEM Parts support is nonexistent at this point.

Read online a big complaint is that getting OEM Parts are a huge issue still....unless you drive to Havasu and drop yore car off.

Sucks, OEM Parts support is nonexistent at this point.
Don't always believe the internet.  All the folks I know with 'em haven't needed much, but have been able to get parts easily without going to Havasu.  In my case I haven't needed anything, but hey I'm in Vegas so Havasu isn't far if it comes to that...


Don't always believe the internet.  All the folks I know with 'em haven't needed much, but have been able to get parts easily without going to Havasu.  In my case I haven't needed anything, but hey I'm in Vegas so Havasu isn't far if it comes to that...

They seem to be very good at taking your word for it and sending parts.

But if you want them to install it, Havasu it goes.  SxS is more about turnkey, so that will have some angry villagers as a result.

One of the best post fight comments.  LOL!!!!
Watch UFC302? That 49-46 Costa decision...  Was he asleep during the fight?

You're 100% correct... but using a *quality* heim is also important, based on what others are seeing Speed cheaped out there, and the aftermarket had to step up to correct.  I don't mind replacing heims after a reasonable amount of use, as I agree with you: they are the right "tool for the job" on a SxS like this.  But, as others have pointed out, heims can last thousands of miles on full-blown desert race cars, so 500-1000mi on a Speed is unacceptable.  

I keep telling myself "it's just another $1500 to fix Speed's mistakes... at least it's not cage/seats/harnesses/doors/comms/wheels/tires/shock work/etc/etc/etc/ like any other SxS I'd buy..."  But at some point, it adds up.  I got in cheap, and so far am really happy with the car, but don't have nearly the time/miles on it to really judge its longevity. 

You thought you got it cheap but , you were inadvertently cast as a test subject. So sorry. I'd be effin pissed by now if I was involved in this sht show. 

You thought you got it cheap but , you were inadvertently cast as a test subject. So sorry. I'd be effin pissed by now if I was involved in this sht show. 
But I did have 6 people I know order them. 5 of the 6 have bailed. 

You thought you got it cheap but , you were inadvertently cast as a test subject. So sorry. I'd be effin pissed by now if I was involved in this sht show. 
Most seem to have accepted they are test mules and some are quite blissful about it.   

You thought you got it cheap but , you were inadvertently cast as a test subject. So sorry. I'd be effin pissed by now if I was involved in this sht show. 
I was born at night, but not last night.  I knew what I was getting into, I wasn't "inadvertently cast as a test subject."  I knew I put a deposit on a first year car from an entirely new manufacturer.  Did I expect to wait 4 years?  No.  But I also didn't see the SCAMdemic coming or any number of other things that happened in the years since Speed started taking deposits.  I certainly didn't expect perfection, which is precisely why I got the extended warranty.  I've said all along I fully expect to have a motor, trans or some other major component replaced in the first year or two.  

I'm still in cheap compared to the alternatives... though it does seem like SxS prices are dropping and some semblance of sanity is returning to the market.  I wouldn't mind having a 2nd SxS if I can stuff them both in my trailer, so when the new DCT Mavs are selling way below MSRP I might take a hard look...


I was born at night, but not last night.  I knew what I was getting into, I wasn't "inadvertently cast as a test subject."  I knew I put a deposit on a first year car from an entirely new manufacturer.  Did I expect to wait 4 years?  No.  But I also didn't see the SCAMdemic coming or any number of other things that happened in the years since Speed started taking deposits.  I certainly didn't expect perfection, which is precisely why I got the extended warranty.  I've said all along I fully expect to have a motor, trans or some other major component replaced in the first year or two.  

I'm still in cheap compared to the alternatives... though it does seem like SxS prices are dropping and some semblance of sanity is returning to the market.  I wouldn't mind having a 2nd SxS if I can stuff them both in my trailer, so when the new DCT Mavs are selling way below MSRP I might take a hard look...

Here we go again... Incorrigible.  :biggrin:

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I was born at night, but not last night.  I knew what I was getting into, I wasn't "inadvertently cast as a test subject."  I knew I put a deposit on a first year car from an entirely new manufacturer.  Did I expect to wait 4 years?  No.  But I also didn't see the SCAMdemic coming or any number of other things that happened in the years since Speed started taking deposits.  I certainly didn't expect perfection, which is precisely why I got the extended warranty.  I've said all along I fully expect to have a motor, trans or some other major component replaced in the first year or two.  

I'm still in cheap compared to the alternatives... though it does seem like SxS prices are dropping and some semblance of sanity is returning to the market.  I wouldn't mind having a 2nd SxS if I can stuff them both in my trailer, so when the new DCT Mavs are selling way below MSRP I might take a hard look...

Prices on the Maverick R are dropping. 

Robbie is getting another shellacking on the Facebook group.. somebody posted about not getting updates from speed and RG chimed in and said they were busy racing and winning..


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