I was born at night, but not last night. I knew what I was getting into, I wasn't "inadvertently cast as a test subject." I knew I put a deposit on a first year car from an entirely new manufacturer. Did I expect to wait 4 years? No. But I also didn't see the SCAMdemic coming or any number of other things that happened in the years since Speed started taking deposits. I certainly didn't expect perfection, which is precisely why I got the extended warranty. I've said all along I fully expect to have a motor, trans or some other major component replaced in the first year or two.
I'm still in cheap compared to the alternatives... though it does seem like SxS prices are dropping and some semblance of sanity is returning to the market. I wouldn't mind having a 2nd SxS if I can stuff them both in my trailer, so when the new DCT Mavs are selling way below MSRP I might take a hard look...