Speed UTV

Probably tell everyone shipments have started once again and they have learned a lot from the racing.   
Yeah, too bad the shipments are going the wrong direction.  One dude trying to sell his car stated that he thinks it will be back in August from its trip back to Vietnam. 

Why would they be sent back?  They can't just sit at the port, or off site somewhere?

We just recently had a customer of ours try to import a truck into Jamaica.  They neglected to get any of the import paper work done prior to it arriving.  It took them a couple extra weeks, a jump through an extra hoop or two, but it didn't have to come back to the US.  This was a road going vehicle, not a toy.

Why would they be sent back?  They can't just sit at the port, or off site somewhere?

We just recently had a customer of ours try to import a truck into Jamaica.  They neglected to get any of the import paper work done prior to it arriving.  It took them a couple extra weeks, a jump through an extra hoop or two, but it didn't have to come back to the US.  This was a road going vehicle, not a toy.
If there was a problem with customs I don't see Robbie showing up to the docks with his hat in hand, on his best behavior, and ready to do some smooth talking. In fact, I bet any communications from him to customs would start with "Do you know who I am???" A sure fire way to get any lifelong bureaucrat to flex his muscle by not only denying entry, but sending the product back to the country of origin. The hits keep coming for his customers...

Why would they be sent back?  They can't just sit at the port, or off site somewhere?

We just recently had a customer of ours try to import a truck into Jamaica.  They neglected to get any of the import paper work done prior to it arriving.  It took them a couple extra weeks, a jump through an extra hoop or two, but it didn't have to come back to the US.  This was a road going vehicle, not a toy.
Must be some import rule.  

Yeah, too bad the shipments are going the wrong direction.  One dude trying to sell his car stated that he thinks it will be back in August from its trip back to Vietnam. 
August would be optimistic.    Maybe a pick up at the Sand Show in September. 

Real bummer for those still waiting on their cars....they had a decent flow of cars for a minute 😕 

Gotta be honest, it's been good sport poking fun at their operation, sorta like watching a Don Knotts movie. Mostly because of the way RG was ripping on the other guys. Just plain stoopid.  BUT, even as a skeptic, I really thought it would go better than it has. They can't eff around forever, and it seems like if they don't make a quantum leap in short order the wheels are going to come off of the double-shear wagon.


EPS is $1899 installed.

Fan is $899 installed, wired so it just turns on with the ignition, no temp sensor, RPM input or other ability to select.

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We're building the mostest, bestest hydraulic power steering because the EPS on the other guys' overheats/shuts down/trips out on impacts.  Oh, BTW, here is our auxilliary EPS to cover up the kickback in our hydraulic steering. GMAFB

This shizz would make a great reality show... Just when you think things are getting better, BOOM... 

Either RG is going to be laughing all the way to the bank or he'll be rolled out in a straight jacket.. I can't imagine the stress he's under

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The rumor is shipments halted because Speed had some type of document issue when the containers landed in Long Beach.  Rumor is those were shipped back and the paperwork had to be corrected before they can then be reshipped to the U.S..   Basically a giant cluster F!!!  
Who believes anyone from speed, that sounds like BS to me, you would think they could come up with something  better than that. My guess they will be out of business soon can't deliver 2 or 3 cars a day on average and survive.


