Speed UTV

Always good to listen to a GD.com OG John Crowley today.  Good coverage

torque limiters?  whats that.............

what ever that ratcheting noise is --its "no bueno" wont be lasting very long, that needs to be addressed right away

On 1/31/2024 at 1:47 PM, Rockwood said:

OMG it's easy to arm chair QB, but there was a lot wrong with the driving and spotting efforts.
Most of the clanking/chinking noises sounded a lot like my clutches in the Wildcat XX made by TEAM, similar to all UTVs the clutch weights can really make a racket.

My QB video takes.
#1 neither the driver or spotter seamed to understand what either one wanted or expected
#2 tire pressure looked high, aka STIFF sidewalls no flex around the rocks
#3 the clutch - RPM engagement seamed way off. Just when it locked in the driver was letting off the gas, boom lost momentum. You can hear the clutches unloading.
#4 seamed like the ECU was limp-mode aka safety nanny also right at the wrong time, when the driver need more not less from the drivetrain

Still wish all the best to these buyers, but kinda glad I bailed too. There's a lot I like but I keep seeing things I dispize from all the UTVs out there.

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Speed had to reduce cost of this clutch due to the increase in metal costs. They added a few breakable parts, can anyone guess what parts? This car will end up being nothing like the test vehicle, with the rising costs they have made many value engineering changes to keep there cost down. The sad part they don't report all this info in there videos.They just talk about how proud there are. I am a fan of the good, bad and the ugly. We get none of that from Speed!
Well that didn't age well 

Well that didn't age well 
A lot of this is actually spot on. I and several others have posted about how things are breaking on new cars that were never a problem on the test mule. Now I don’t think that post was meant in a positive way but the new cars are a lot different in ways from the original. Those changes seem to be for the better.
