Speed UTV

Show was decent yesterday.  Showed some other cool features. These are going to be good desert cars and for Baja.  

He was for sure a little upset over the weld comments, but kept it cool.  Still trying to play it off like that bolt felt into the fixture.   He really should not worry as we all know the final product will be a lot better.  

Still sounds like they got a lot of stuff to do before these get the green light to ramp up actual production. 
I was a little surprised at what he mentioned and what he didn't mention. He made little or no mention of what a big hit the cars were at the SSSS. Or if he did mention it, he didn't emphasize it as much as I had hoped. I know some people think he has an ego or he's arrogant, but I really don't see anything wrong with a guy being confident in what he's capable of doing. I didn't mind Trump's opinion of himself and thought his Tweets were a lot tamer than mine would have been, especially about the lying media. Elon Musk is matter of fact about saving the human race by colonizing Mars. "In order to colonize Mars, I need a sh1tload of money. The way to make a sh1tload of money is to sell internet to people. So I'm going to sell satellite internet to people for $99/mo." I paraphrased a little, but it's very close to what he said, especially the sh1tload part, which was verbatim.  LOL

Now we have Robby, based on what he started with and what he's now delivering, these have a lot of features now that weren't promised at first. He added the option for a 2nd 10" dash display and originally, it was only going to mirror the first dash display, but now it's independent, the two displays can show different pages. There are a hundred similar little things that he should be very proud of and that doesn't make him anything but a proud designer of a fantastic UTV.

At the end of the episode he cut it off abruptly and took no calls, which looked to me like he was tired or irritated. Either way, he had a big day the next day.

I was hoping to see if more people ordered the cars based on the crowds at the SSSS, or maybe an update on how the assembly line is shaping up, or how many parts are backordered, etc. Or maybe we've gotten used to too much transparency and we're beginning to take it for granted. 

When he was playing with the doors, the outer door skins didn't flex like they were thin, but when I touched the doors, I was struck by how "soft" the outer door skins were compared to how hard the inner door panels were. Maybe that's on purpose, to prevent cracks in case of a rollover or something. I don't know if they even consider that an issue.

He did mention they had a list of 200 things to fix, which surprised me. I didn't use a fine toothed comb, but I didn't see more than a couple of things. Obviously his standards are very high and I hope the QC guys on the assy line have just as sharp eyesight and high standards as he does!

Putting him in the same category as Trump and Musk.. That's rich...

You know that feeling when someone talks about something so much and defends it so hard that you start getting turned off by it?

Then go click somewhere else. Nobody is asking you to come in here and get turned off.

If you watched all of his videos, then you might know something. When callers called in and asked about a new feature here or there, he said, "Sure, we'll add that!"

Elon Musk does EXACTLY the same thing when a Tesla owner asks for a new software feature. "Sure! We'll add that on the next update!" 

They're both also accomplishing something that their haters claimed they couldn't do, which says a lot about the haters.

Show was decent yesterday.  Showed some other cool features. These are going to be good desert cars and for Baja.  

He was for sure a little upset over the weld comments, but kept it cool.  Still trying to play it off like that bolt felt into the fixture.   He really should not worry as we all know the final product will be a lot better.  

Still sounds like they got a lot of stuff to do before these get the green light to ramp up actual production. 
So Robby addresses the “weld(s) heard around the world” debacle and now he’s labeled as “butthurt” and “a little upset”? Just curious… what do you guys think he should’ve done? I only see two avenues here… you address it or ignore it. As we all know, it really doesn’t matter what he does, it’s a no-win proposition, he’ll be ridiculed either way, lol.
You spelled Cocky wrong.  Big difference between confident and cocky.

Its obvious why you are his biggest fan boy.  
What is the difference?

When the scientists and engineers at NASA said, "We're going to put a man on the moon", were they confident or cocky? After all, nobody had ever done it before, much less those guys.

Were they cocky?

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48 minutes ago, Rockwood said:

The welder has been fired.  Anyone know anyone looking for one?  Hard worker.  Quick study. Here's a vid from his working interview:

That guy worked for Can-Am....well until recently.


What is the difference?

When the scientists and engineers at NASA said, "We're going to put a man on the moon", were they confident or cocky? After all, nobody had ever done it before, much less those guys.

Were they cocky?
Confidence is comfort with vulnerability. Cockiness is hiding your vulnerability with overcompensation.


Nothing wrong with addressing the issues as he should address them.  How he addressed the issues is perceived by the tone used and RG comes off with a tone of being upset or as some same butthurt.  His confidence in what he does helps him and hurts him some times.  Confidence with the wrong tone is equated to arrogance. 

Not really a big deal.  The welds will be 1000x better once production is ramped up.  The customers will be happy, Speed will be happy and the rest that are waiting and seeing will either like it or hate no matter what.  

Confidence is comfort with vulnerability. Cockiness is hiding your vulnerability with overcompensation.
So you feel that RG is overcompensating? Can you give me an example of this overcompensation?

I found a different definition of confidence vs cockiness that I like better. I don't think vulnerability has anything to do with it. I think ABILITY has everything to do with it.

"Confidences comes from believing in yourself and having the skills to back it up. It's seeing yourself in a realistic way and recognizing the strengths, assets, smarts and resources that you bring to any situation. Cockiness, OTOH, is bragging or showing off without actually having the skills or know how to back it up."

By this definition, if you look at the UTV that RG has produced, he is the definition of confidence, since it came out better than he promised, performance wise. The engineers at Polaris and CanAm are the cocky ones, looking at what they claim to produce and looking at their failure to produce a safe product. Looking at the Speed UTV is what they should have produced, but they fell short in every metric.

Just look at all of the X3s and Rzrs driving around. What is the first thing everyone does? They replace the cage. Why? Because even if they look you in the eye and swear it's a great UTV, deep down, they KNOW the cage is not strong enough.

I was a little surprised at what he mentioned and what he didn't mention. He made little or no mention of what a big hit the cars were at the SSSS. Or if he did mention it, he didn't emphasize it as much as I had hoped. I know some people think he has an ego or he's arrogant, but I really don't see anything wrong with a guy being confident in what he's capable of doing. I didn't mind Trump's opinion of himself and thought his Tweets were a lot tamer than mine would have been, especially about the lying media. Elon Musk is matter of fact about saving the human race by colonizing Mars. "In order to colonize Mars, I need a sh1tload of money. The way to make a sh1tload of money is to sell internet to people. So I'm going to sell satellite internet to people for $99/mo." I paraphrased a little, but it's very close to what he said, especially the sh1tload part, which was verbatim.  LOL

Now we have Robby, based on what he started with and what he's now delivering, these have a lot of features now that weren't promised at first. He added the option for a 2nd 10" dash display and originally, it was only going to mirror the first dash display, but now it's independent, the two displays can show different pages. There are a hundred similar little things that he should be very proud of and that doesn't make him anything but a proud designer of a fantastic UTV.

At the end of the episode he cut it off abruptly and took no calls, which looked to me like he was tired or irritated. Either way, he had a big day the next day.

I was hoping to see if more people ordered the cars based on the crowds at the SSSS, or maybe an update on how the assembly line is shaping up, or how many parts are backordered, etc. Or maybe we've gotten used to too much transparency and we're beginning to take it for granted. 

When he was playing with the doors, the outer door skins didn't flex like they were thin, but when I touched the doors, I was struck by how "soft" the outer door skins were compared to how hard the inner door panels were. Maybe that's on purpose, to prevent cracks in case of a rollover or something. I don't know if they even consider that an issue.

He did mention they had a list of 200 things to fix, which surprised me. I didn't use a fine toothed comb, but I didn't see more than a couple of things. Obviously his standards are very high and I hope the QC guys on the assy line have just as sharp eyesight and high standards as he does!
I think he maybe he is getting tired of the weekly shows or maybe he is getting the Covid fatigue that comes and goes with some people that get it.   The show did kind of end abruptly.

I was encouraged that he said they had a list of 200 things.  That means they are going over everything.   He did mention the set back with having to make new door molds to address the issue.  

As much as it has been a long tiring process to design and get this car to production, the fun really starts when you have to deal with whatever issues customers have with their cars and making sure your dealer network is all good post-production.  

You mean someone will have to WAIT for that?

How much longer after that until they come out with a 77" model?

When does the 225hp model come out?

Or the one with a 8 point roll cage?

Or the one with 3.25" shocks?

Or the one with Overdrive?

Or the one with a bigger bed?

Or the one with less rear trackwidth change?

Or the one with double shear?

You mean someone will have to WAIT for that?

How much longer after that until they come out with a 77" model?

Not as long as you will be waiting for your Speed car. LOL!

Rumor is not Polaris will announce the new car before the end of the year and ready for delivery by January.  Rumor is they have major supply issues and that has delayed the release.   We shall see.

I bet they will be over $50K by the time they hit the dealers. 
I don't think they'll go that high. The most expensive  4 seater is now $42k. The cheapest base model Baja Bandit and El Diablo are still $30k. I think they'll have some delivered to dealers by Jan. or Feb. I could see prices going up maybe another $2k by then, at most. I'm guessing a base model might cost $32k, a top of the line 4 seater El Jefe might cost $44k.

I don't think they'll go that high. The most expensive  4 seater is now $42k. The cheapest base model Baja Bandit and El Diablo are still $30k. I think they'll have some delivered to dealers by Jan. or Feb. I could see prices going up maybe another $2k by then, at most. I'm guessing a base model might cost $32k, a top of the line 4 seater El Jefe might cost $44k.
Add in sales tax and if you buy it from a dealer their markup (ADM) and the top Speed 4 seater will be in that $50K range.  Really no different than someone getting a done up Polaris or X3 from a dealer and  paying even more than that. 

If the supply cost continue to increase they will have to raise the pricing to keep whatever built in profit margin they have calculated. 

I think he maybe he is getting tired of the weekly shows or maybe he is getting the Covid fatigue that comes and goes with some people that get it.   The show did kind of end abruptly.

I was encouraged that he said they had a list of 200 things.  That means they are going over everything.   He did mention the set back with having to make new door molds to address the issue.  

As much as it has been a long tiring process to design and get this car to production, the fun really starts when you have to deal with whatever issues customers have with their cars and making sure your dealer network is all good post-production.  
I agree with everything you said.

I really don't know what customer service will be like. I have had bad customer service from every auto mfr I've ever dealt with except for Toyota, but that's because I've never had a repair issue with a Toyota. I could only hope that the Speed would be that reliable.

I've had Chevy dealers tell me the fuel filter mount is not part of the fuel system for warranty purposes. I've had Ford dealers just flat out state it was their choice and they were NOT going to fix it. Every off road vendor I've ever dealt with has said, "Wow! I've never seen that happen before! You're the first one with that issue!" not realizing that I've seen all of their customers complaining about the same issue on the web!

I'm hopeful the service will be great, since they're already designing a 3D parts assembly video. Also, the 3 times I've called the folks at Speed, they did what I asked with no hesitation. Even if I get subpar service at a dealer, I hope they'll fix it if I call Speed about it directly.
