Speed UTV

That Kid is suppose to be racing a the Baja 1000 with Max next year !!. It could be a rumor ,But I did hear talk about it. I will keep everyone informed if this is true .

Just goes to show you haters, he was intentionally trying to break the Speed car so everyone can bash it.  Mav X 1, Speed 0    Lmao 
Same guy posted his Speed UTV getting towed back to camp.  Something with no start and fans not working.   An emotional roller coaster of a trip.  LOL!

I hope it was worth the wait.

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Flys like a Wildcat XX.....slow and steady, lands level.


NFW that's 65mph...
LOL!  wheel spin!!!! He had to be going over 50mph or he would of stuffed the front end. 

He claims he did the road jump at 75mph, but that kind of looked like 35-40mph. 

Speed math.  

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Maybe I was the only dense one but I showed this to my wife and she pointed out a couple things I had missed.

I didn't realize that was Robbie's face. It's so small on my phone, I just thought it was a random China man.

And El jefe joto (I thought it said ioto) is pretty much fighting words where I'm from. :legit:

Pretty rough.......

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